Dear parents/guardians,
As we approach the end of the year, I would like to highlight the incredible work of our School Friends. The dedicated volunteers who run the Friends work tirelessly all year to support the work of the school through fundraising and events which helps pay for activities and equipment. Most of you (and all our children) have experienced their on going good work this year in some way. Funds raised helped us to refurbish the climbing frame, subsidise trips and workshops and replenish our books and resources. We can't do any of this without volunteers, so if you are able to offer time or support, no matter how small, please contact us in the new academic year as we plan more events.
Summer Camp Out!
Our year four camp out has quickly become a major highlight of our calendar. On Thursday of last week, our year four pupils visited the Preseli Hills before returning to school to camp in the school meadow. Pupils' behaviour was exemplary and we had a wonderful evening. A big thank you to Mr Stephens and Mrs Glynn for organising the event and looking after pupils.
Wednesday 10th July
On Wednesday 10th July we are planning our end of year theatre festival. The first production will begin at 15:45 (years one and two) and we will work through years three and four (estimated start time 16:40) and then years five and six (estimated start time 17:30) One ticket will provide access to all three plays and they will be on sale at the gate for £2.00. We are planning to use the outdoor space again so that we do not need to limit numbers. We are also going to be selling refreshments - pizza and drinks at the front of the school.
The plays:
- Years one and two will be performing: The Bee Story
- Years three and four will be performing: Don't Stop, Never Give Up
- Years five and six will be performing: Romeo and Juliet
Classes for Next Year
I am very aware that I have not written to you to inform you of our new staffing structure for next year. I am working through a few final details and I am hoping to publish a letter by the end of next week.
Ogi Fun Run - This Friday
On the 5th July we will be holding an Ogi – Fun Run on our School meadow field! Ogi, the broadband infrastructure company, are going to make a donation to our school funds!
The Challenge:
- We are going to set up the field up as a fun assault course.
- For pupils in Early Years to Year 2: to run, walk or jog four laps of our meadow.
- For pupils in Years 3 to 6: To run, walk or jog six laps of our school meadow.
- Afterwards all pupils will be provided with a cool drink in the school roundhouse.
Voluntary Donation
- We ask that pupils make a voluntary donation of £1.00. If every pupil does this then with the donation from Ogi we will raise well over £500 towards the replacement of the floor on our school play equipment. I have also created a voluntary sponsorship form. I understand that the cost of living crisis has placed a lot of pressure on families and I do not want to continually badger parents for money. However, if you would like to gather sponsorship money, this would be gratefully received.
The main aim is to promote health and wellbeing whilst having fun.
If the weather is warm, please could pupils bring a spare t-shirt/shorts to school as we will incorporate some water into our fun activities!
Free School Meals
If you qualify for free school meals, please register even though all children now receive a free meal.
A significant part of our financial funding is linked to the number of pupils who are registered for free school meals.
Best wishes,
Mr. Williams.
Learning Highlights
Information From ASD Family Help
Summer Term - More Dates will be added to this list!
- HALF-TERM - Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May.
- Tuesday 4th June - Friday 7th June. Year Six Glan Llyn residential.
- Wednesday 4th June - Meadow trip.
- Thursday 20th June - Year Four Camp Out
- Wednesday 10th July - End of year performances. These will be held after school to support working families.
- Week beginning 15th July - Reports out.
- Week beginning 15th July - Year Six Leavers ceremony and party.
- Thursday 18th July- Last Day of School.
Attendance Reminder
Well done to Year Six who achieved 98.2% attendance this week. You are our best class this week. This is the second week in a row. Well done!
Don't forget the really useful guidance provided by the NHS: Is my child too ill for school?
This will help you make a decision about whether to keep a child off school or send them in. Please remember that minor coughs and colds should not prevent a child from coming into school.
This time of year is really exciting and busy. If children miss school they are not only missing learning, but often will miss lots of our special events and activities, which makes them feel left out.