On the 28th February 2024, the Institute for Data Science and AI Seminar Series welcomed Jack Bowden, Professor of Biomedical Data Science at the University of Exeter and Senior Scientific Director at Novo Nordisk Oxford, to present on Automating Mendelian randomization through Machine Learning.

Jack obtained his PhD from the University of Leicester in 2007, before completing post-doctoral research positions at the MRC Biostatistics Unit in Cambridge and the MRC Clinical Trials Unit in London. From 2015 to 2019, he led a research programme around Mendelian randomization at the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit in Bristol.

Professor Bowden introduces himself to attendees.

At the seminar, Dr Hui Guo kicked proceedings off by introducing the IDSAI Seminar Series and Professor Bowden himself. Jack went on to describe his experiences using Mendelian randomization in his research.

Since 2019 at Exeter, his research has focused on exploiting genetics to understand the causes of multimorbidity and treatment effect heterogeneity, as well as using routine data for precision medicine in diabetes. Within the Genetics Centre of Excellence at Novo Nordisk Research Centre Oxford (NNRCO), he oversees the use of Mendelian randomization methods to support target discovery and the broader use of genetics within clinical trials. He has published over 100 scientific papers in the areas of statistical genetics, causal inference, clinical trials methodology and meta-analysis, and has been listed as a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher each year since 2019.

Professor Bowden gives his presentation.

After an insightful presentation and Q&A session, Dr Guo brought the seminar to a close. Refreshments were then available, over which attendees could network with each other.

Attendees network over refreshments.

If you missed this event, you can watch it back here:

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