European Day of Parks 2024 - VOTE FOR NATURE

Nature is important for us all.

It's therefore important, to raise our voices, concerns and take action to secure a healthy future for people and nature.

We can show our support and concerns for nature in many ways, by influencing decisions that are made. However, in 2024, European citizens get to vote on a new European Parliament. A significant event for the future of the European Union – and beyond.

So, whether you are voting in the European elections this year, or any upcoming national or regional elections, or if you just need to influence better decisions for your Park and Protected Area - it’s time to “Vote for Nature”!

In this year’s European Day of Parks, the EUROPARC Federation wants to highlight just how essential our Protected Areas are for the development and implementation of nature policies & their central role in ensuring a sustainable and resilient society for European citizens to live, work and enjoy. Let us all #VoteForNature and give some well deserved support to our natural heritage.

Europe's Parks and Protected Areas are essential partners to bring policy decisions to life!

The video is available in English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Spanish and Romanian! Catalan will be added soon, so keep an eye on our YouTube channel!

Bringing policy decisions to life!

Protected Areas are builders of bridges. These places have the ability to connect international policy decisions and agreements with regional communities. Furthermore, they are essential not just for the successful execution of these policies, but also help shape wide-spread acceptance amongst citizens.

However, the benefits Parks & Protected Areas bring go far beyond the execution of global, national or even regional nature policies. These places safeguard some of the most spectacular nature in Europe. Every day, they provide us with fresh water, clean air and places to unwind, whilst fostering sustainable regional development.

That is why this year we “Vote for Nature”! Let's together make some noise for our Parks and Protected Areas and organise events to ensure they get the political support they deserve: now & in the future.

Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash.

Ready to get involved?

From conserving species, to safeguarding a healthy environment, let’s showcase all that our Protected Areas are doing to bring European policy decisions to life! As always, we invite the wider EUROPARC Network to organise events on and around the 24th of May and register them on the EUROPARC website here! Here are some ideas to get you started:

Make policies personal

Does your Park have Natura 2000 areas? Or does it include a Ramsar site? Is it a nature reserve? What level of protection applies in your area? Behind all these technical designations lies a visionary world of international agreements and cooperation. However, don't get lost in the complexities of designations - the main thing is that they all protect nature. Work together with a local school to help children learn more about how their local Protected Area is connected to the rest of the world!

Organise a forum

Set up a community forum and invite local politicians to take part, alongside other stakeholders. Present what the current focus points of the Park are and how they fit into the larger European context.

Get citizens involved

Organise a citizen science event! Start the day off, by explaining how your Protected Area fits in the wider framework of European or global nature policies, such as Natura 2000, and explain why the collection of accurate data is so important. Follow this up with a citizen science activity like counting species.

Showcase your speciality

Why is your area protected? Is it because of a certain species, or maybe a habitat? Highlight what it is that makes your area special during a guided walk to encourage new-found appreciation amongst your visitors!

Get creative!

As always, there are many ways to celebrate the European Day of Parks. Above all, this day is about getting people involved in your Protected Area and igniting their passion for nature! This year, lets help people see the work of Parks and Protected Areas and how it is both affected by and can impact upon, political and policy decisions. After all, PEOPLE POWER, through influence and voting an MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

We look forward to receiving your events and activities.

Communication materials

The 2024 European Day of Parks “Vote for Nature” banner and logo is available in different languages. You can also request the special byline “Bring policy decisions to life!” by contacting with the correct translation. Is your language missing? Feel free to contact EUROPARC’s communication’s team as well with the translation.

Let's make some noise!

The European Day of Parks is all about getting people out into nature and promoting Europe’s Protected Areas. However, we cannot underestimate the power of social media. That is why this year we ask you to ‘make some noise’ on social media on the 24th of May. Put the “Vote for Nature” European Day of Parks logo on a picture of your Park and post on social media with #VoteForNature. Take the opportunity to highlight why your Park or Protected Area deserves all the (political) support it can get!

Be sure to tag the EUROPARC Federation:

Facebook & X: @EUROPARC;

Instagram: @EUROPARC_Federation;

LinkedIn: @EUROPARC Federation

A special social media pack with sample messages, as well as the stand-alone logo, is now available!

About the European Day of Parks

The European Day of Parks is organised every year on the 24th of May by the EUROPARC Federation. On and around this date, Parks and Protected Areas come together across Europe to celebrate their successes and declare the value and benefits of Europe’s Protected Areas to communities, decision-makers and the wider public.

This commemorative day was launched in 1999 by the EUROPARC Federation. It celebrates the creation of the 1st National Parks in Europe – a set of nine parks created in Sweden in 1909.