Rogers Band News January 2nd, 2024

Rogers Band NEws

January 2nd, 2024

Happy New Year!

Welcome back, we are looking forward to a great 2024!

Winter Concert Recordings

In case you missed the link from our last band news....please enjoy these fantastic recordings of our Winter Concert as a gift to your families!! Follow the links below and you can download, listen and share any or all recordings of our Holiday concert. Thank you again for your support!!!!

This Weeks Sectional Schedule

All-District Band Concert - Friday January 5th

Students who auditioned and selected as All-District Band Members have their clinic and concert this Friday. The clinic will take place all day on Friday at Rock Hill High School and finish with a concert at 5:30pm. The concert is open to anyone who would like to attend. Feel free to join us in the Rock Hill Auditorium on Friday evening. All-District members will receive a separate email with clinic and concert specifics.

Sectionals Are Starting Back up for SW, CBI, CBII

We have lots of difficult music to start working on for spring contest season. We will begin sectionals next week. Students need to know their before/after school conflicts so that we can do our best to work around them. With most sections having 7th and 8th grade students, it is hard to avoid every conflict, flexibility is key. Sectional attendance is mandatory and is graded weekly. Please make attendance a priority to ensure the success of the individual and group.

All-Region Jazz

The All-Region Jazz Contest is coming up in two weeks. This is the fifth year of the Middle School Jazz Region Contest and we are so excited to offer this opportunity to our students. Below is information regarding the audition as well as the clinic and concert.


The audition will take place on Tuesday, January 16th at Reynolds Middle School in Prosper. The earliest auditions will begin at 5:00pm. Students will need their own ride to and from Reynolds. We will NOT have a bus to transport students. We recommend that students have their cell phones with them to call when they have completed the audition. Complete audition times will be available next week once the window to register closes.

Reynolds Middle School - 700 N. Coleman St., Prosper, TX 75078


If a student makes the Region Jazz Band they will participate in a clinic and concert on the following Saturday, January 20th. The clinic will take place at Prosper High School. Rehearsals will begin at 8:30am and there will be a concert in the late afternoon/early evening. Since it’s such a quick turnaround, we wanted to make you aware of the time commitment and concert schedule on Saturday. A detailed itinerary will be passed out to students who make the Region Jazz band on Wednesday January 17th.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Jan 5th - All-District Band Clinic and Concert
  • Jan 10th - Ms. Mallow Visits SW Only
  • Jan 16th - All-Region Jazz Auditions
  • Jan 20th - All-Region Jazz Clinic and Concert
  • Feb 3rd - Instrument Selection Day #1 for 5th Graders (volunteer opportunities)