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March 2024 Ten Ten Resources Parent Newsletter

March is packed with celebrations! From the Feast Days of St David, St Patrick and St Joseph to Mothering Sunday. Then as the clocks spring forward, we reach Holy Week and the joy of Easter!

Among the excitement and reflection of the Lenten season, family life goes on. As you help with homework or do the school run, perhaps you could find your own moment of calm by using the prayer resources below.

This newsletter shares some of the content children will experience in school throughout March and suggests ways for you to engage with them about it. We hope it is a useful resource for your family prayer time.

Perfect Promises

Throughout Lent, our assemblies follow the theme of God’s Perfect Promises. Continuing from last month, in March children will explore themes of guidance, presence and belonging connected to stories from the Old Testament.

All these help children to understand that Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s Perfect Promises. Because of Jesus’ death and Resurrection (that we anticipate in Lent and celebrate at Easter) we can be close to God and have a relationship with Him!

Perhaps you could use this game to think about ‘belonging’ with your child/ren and have your own discussions at home.

  • These items are in the wrong place, where do they really belong?
  • What do you think it means to belong to God?

With your child, you might also wish to…

Create your own ‘list of guidance’ on how your family wants to live and love others well.
Talk about places or buildings where you feel at peace or experience God’s presence. Why not plan a trip to one of these places during Lent and spend time in quiet or praying there together?
Read Psalm 100 and discuss why the writer of the Psalm is so joyful.

Journey with Jesus through Holy Week

This year, Holy Week begins on Sunday 24th March. During the week beginning 25th March, children will have the opportunity to focus on the events of the last week of Jesus’ life on Earth, leading up to His Crucifixion .

These prayers are guided by retellings of the events of Holy Week, from the perspective of Jesus himself.

Why not listen to this audio clip with your child/ren and make time to pause and reflect on the journey Jesus takes to the Cross in your own family prayer time.

With your child, why don’t you…

Bring some of the Holy Week Scripture passages below to life by making your own palm branches or washing each other’s feet.
Talk about what practical ways you can help and serve others. What actions can show care to the people around you?


The daily prayers for the week beginning 11th March introduce children to Laetare Sunday. These prayers focus on rejoicing in Jesus, light of the world, who brings us joy both now and forever in Heaven.

These prompts might encourage active participation in family prayer time.

  • Jesus, thank you for bringing me joy by…
  • Jesus, thank you for bringing me hope by...
  • Jesus, thank you for bringing me life by...

You might like to use this short prayer to conclude your personal or family prayer time.

Jesus you are the light!

Help us to live in the light you bring.

