
Born in 2022 from an international mix, Zeit Driver emerges from Berlin with a powerful alternative rock sound. Rooted in the '90s scene, their music has evolved with a modern sensitivity, fearlessly incorporating elements of metal and punk.

Their lyrics reflect on the present world, capturing the contrast in this era of shine and decay.

Following their debut EP “Minds Unloaded”, they are now releasing a wave of singles throughout 2024: join them to ride this wave together!

Our music has been described as Savage Rock, Modern Grunge, and our personal favourite: Tierisch laut.

Our self-produced debut EP Minds Unloaded came out in September 2023, accompanied by our first music video 👇 rapidly accumulating over 10k organic streams on Spotify

"Out since early December 2022, "Warm Heart" is classic sounding, seventies and eighties inspired rock, with a highly modern touch! Spirited and savage indeed! Let's hope Zeit Driver hit us with a full album soon! Cause this single alone warms our heart! "- Stoner Hive

Moving into 2024, we evolved our release strategy and set ourselves the goal to release a song every month, starting with In Noir and then following with Youth ForlornSilver Skin and Edge of Someone

Our newest single, out in September, wants ot open a dialogue on the evolving cultural relevance of role models.

We rocked many stages in this poor but sexy city, but we're always hungry for more!

Our streaming & social media figures prove our appeal to a widespread audience. We are ready to play for 45 - 90 min on stages of any size, having already taken part in festivals such as Spliff n' Riff and Spring Bash

We rely on straightforward and prompt communication: if you wish to collaborate with a professional & ambitious band, you're in the right place!

Jerry / Guitar / Berlin - Jelle / Vocals / Amsterdam - Martin / Bass / Faenza - Levin / Drums / Berlin