WEEK 10 TERM 4 2024
Dear Parents and Families,
This week we have held a wonderful celebration of all students as we celebrated their achievements in academics, sport, performing arts, culture and citizenship. We are always delighted to see the progress of our students across the year and whilst our presentation days highlight some students, we recognise that the true strength of our school is the progress, effort and achievement of not only every student but also their teachers and the supportive families that promote and encourage the school’s positive expectations of all.
We have a lot to celebrate in 2024 and equally we have just as much to look forward to as the new school year approaches.
At the very end of this newsletter, you will find a copy of the principal address from our Presentation Day on Wednesday 18th December. I share it with you for those that are interested, to share some highlights our year.
As we close out on another wonderful year at Whitebridge High School, I would like to end our term by acknowledging the achievements of our HSC students.
Our Year 12 students have sat 432 HSC examinations this year in 2024 with almost a third of all results achieved in the top 2 bands and a total of 62% of HSC results achieved across the top 3 bands.
If we consider also their accelerated HSC examinations completed in 2023, our 2024 graduating Year 12 cohort have successfully completed 505 HSC examinations for a total of 14 Band 6’s, 139 Band 5’s and 174 Band 4 results. This means that 65% of all HSC results achieved by these students were in the Top 3 Bands. Quite an extraordinary effort.
Across the holiday break we will continue to share with you some of the highlights of our Year 12 cohort for 2024.
Equally outstanding is the performance of our Year 11 HSC cohort for 2024, who have completed accelerated VET HSC examinations. We had 76 accelerated examinations completed with 91% of students results in the top 3 bands. These are outstanding results for our students and their teachers.
A band 6 is the highest achievement level a student can receive in their HSC with the result a culmination of both school-based assessment and HSC exam performance. A band 6 represents an HSC mark of 90 or above and earns the student recognition on the New South Education Standards Authority Distinguished Achievers List. In recognition of the student’s achievement and the hard work it takes to earn such a result, our P and C very generously sponsors a Band 6 award providing each Band 6 recipient with $100.
In recognising our Distinguished Achievers from the Year 12 class 2024 and the Year 11 accelerated HSC students 2024 please see the achievements below.
Throughout the holiday period, families will be able to access the school uniform shop through the scheduled fitting days, additional dates and further details will be sent home to all families by email in early January.
School resumes for all students on Thursday 6th February.
On this day, all students will be commencing with their regular timetable and students who have registered via the online link will be attending the competitors only swimming carnival. All families have received details of how to register by email with the link also accessible via the school calendar on the Sentral portal.
Thank you to all families for a successful 2024 and we wish everyone a happy and joyous Christmas and Holiday season.
Nadene Harvey
On 11 December, the SRC ran their Christmas fundraiser. The theme for the fundraiser was showing kindness through wearing Christmas cheer and making a gold coin donation, donating some essential items or purchasing a Zooper Dooper or Fairy Bread so we could buy food vouchers for those families in need. At lunch our talented music students and staff serenaded us with some Christmas cheer. As a school community, the SRC were able to put together over 30 hampers and raise $250 for the cause. We are very grateful for the support of our wonderful community and wish you all a happy holiday!
It has been an absolute pleasure being the Year 7 Advisor this year and getting to know them all. They’re growing into such wonderful, kind, empathetic and intelligent young people and I cannot wait to support them in future years. I wish everyone a safe and fun holiday!
Miss Ashley Fry - Year 7 Advisor
Firstly, I’d like to thank all parents and caregivers for their help and support during the year. It is pleasing to see that 2024 has been a year where students have found their ‘groove’ in high school leading to a more settled year group. In Week 9 I had the opportunity to spend quality time with many of the Year 8 students at camp in Clarence Town and enjoyed every minute watching new friendship groups form and existing groups solidify. Albeit a bit hot, it was a great three days for staff and students. To those students moving to other schools to pursue sporting or personal interests, I wish you all the best, and success for the future. As the holidays and festive season draw upon us, please be safe on the roads and have a relaxing break. I look forward to seeing many of you at the end of year Awards Ceremony and working with you all in 2025.
Mr Andy Holahan - Year 8 Advisor
In Week 9, 89 of our students went on the annual Year 9 canoeing camp. There was plenty of sunshine, dancing, laughing and fishing. All students were a delight to take away and very well behaved. Check out some of our photos.
This year has been a massive time of growth and coming together as one year group. Year 9 are to be commended on their efforts of always showing up, being influential and aspiring peer support leaders to our new Year 7 students in 2025 and for always displaying the core values of learning, respect and responsibility.
Thank you for the best year by far Year 9 and I look forward to 2025 and seeing you as the new Year 10 students at WHS. Enjoy your well-deserved break and Merry Christmas to all.
Miss Bronte Osland - Year 9 Advisor
What a busy end to the term it has been! One of the most exciting events for Year 10 this term was the annual bushwalking camp. Held in the stunning surrounds of the Berowra National Park, students embarked on a challenging and rewarding adventure through nature. The camp gave our Year 10 group the chance to disconnect from their busy lives and immerse themselves in the beauty of the great outdoors. The camp was a fantastic opportunity for students to bond with their peers and teachers in a relaxed environment, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Another highlight for our Year 10 students was their visit to Newcastle University. This trip provided a unique opportunity for everyone to explore higher education options and gain insight into university life. They were given guided tours of the campus and library and information sessions on courses and career opportunities. The visit sparked curiosity and enthusiasm about future educational pathways and gave students a better understanding of what to expect when transitioning from high school to university.
A special shout out to Lilly Cousins, Koda Chapman and Oslo Harradine who ran a half day Transition Workshop for all of our Year 6 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. This workshop gave students a taste of what to expect when coming to Whitebridge High next year and connected our Year 6 children with some Junior AECG members in preparation for their first day of high school. Lilly, Koda and Oslo demonstrated great leadership, responsibility and kindness throughout the day. Year 10 and Ms Turner are very proud of them.
Don’t forget to organise and order your senior uniform ready for next year. We are so excited to see you walk through the gates on day one as senior students of our school.
Congratulations on completing Year 10 and have a very happy and safe holiday. Ms Turner and Mrs Morrow are so proud of each and every one of you!
Ms Courtney Turner - Year 10 Advisor
In Week 6 Year 11 headed to Newcastle for a day of volleyball, beach games and swimming at the baths. Fresh fruit, ice blocks and a pizza lunch were enjoyed in the warm weather. It was a well deserved day of fun for Year 11 after a hardworking and fantastic start to their final year of school. In Week 8 Year 11 came dressed in black to the swimming carnival to take on the school as the new founded 'Harvey House'. It was another great day with Year 11 dominating the races in and out of the pool. Congratulations to every student for showing kindness and positivity this year. I am so proud of you all and extremely excited to see what 2025 brings!
Mrs Georgia Lindsay - Year 11 Advisor
Our whole school fun day swimming carnival was held in Week 8 at Charlestown pool. It was an excellent day filled with music, volleyball, tug-o-war, staff vs students events, ironman relays and other novelty events. Year 11 led the way in their house colours, showing outstanding enthusiasm and involvement in all events. Congratulations to all students for their participation and attendance. The winning house was Boomalli.
Maths Olympiad
Our Maths Olympiad Challengers for 2024 were amazing! Students competed in four rounds of the Maths Olympiad competition as part of our HPGE Maths Program for Years 7 and 8 students. Mason Helps received the medal for highest achiever at our school, and Lucy Pope was presented with the special recognition award. These students showed great persistence, resilience and enthusiasm to compete in this program. There were some very challenging questions they came up against. Well done to everyone!
Mr Nick Campbell - Head Teacher, Maths
As another busy year ends, it’s an appropriate time to reflect on a few highlights from 2024.
Thanks to the brave students in Years 7 to 10 who participated in the nation-wide Australian History Competition and received some impressive results earlier this year. A big congratulations also to Year 11 Business Studies students who made a large donation to Charlie’s Run for Kids using their profits from their very successful Market Day while the inaugural Commerce Market Day was also a highlight for Year 9 Commerce students. Thank you to Charlie's Run 4 Kids volunteers and past student Charlotte Abrahamson for accepting the donation.
Year 10 Geography students had a great day out undertaking their coastal management field trip to Nobby’s Beach and surrounds while Year 12 Geography students learned more about viticulture through visiting Tamburlaine Winery. Year 7 students enjoyed the fascinating visit from the Tutankhamen Roadshow while Year 9 were intrigued by the hands-on exhibits brought to the school by the aptly named “Trench Guy”. Year 8 also got some hands-on experience making models of Ancient Chinese terracotta warriors.
We also appreciate some of our new Year 12 2025 students participating in the University of Newcastle’s Youth Forum which was an empowering opportunity to meet with other students from around the Hunter region to discuss legal and social justice rights for young people.
Good luck and congratulations to our graduating Year 12 students. We wish all of you success in your future lives wherever they may lead you. It has been a pleasure for us seeing you mature into young independent adults.
Thanks as always to our dedicated team of teachers. Aside from our permanent staff, we really appreciate the work done by our temporary teachers: Mrs Patterson, Ms Gill, Mr Jones, and Mr Kilburn and we hope to see all of you here again very soon. Thanks also to Mr Mackintosh for bringing Toby the support dog into our staffroom every week. This has been a wonderful experience for all of us and we hope it continues in the future.
The big news for next year is the potential school visit by students from Japan and hopefully South Korea. Over the past five years, our Year 11 Society & Culture students regularly zoom with students in South Korea and at the end of the year we exchange gifts which is a definite cultural highlight (photos below). Watch this space for further updates about our upcoming visitors!
Happy holidays to all!
Ms Sue Nunn - Head Teacher, HSIE and Languages
Society and Culture
The Year 11 Society and Culture students have participated in our year-long cross-cultural program with The University of New England and our partner school, Mokpo High School in South Korea. Over the course of 2024, our two schools met via Zoom and exchanged ideas and built positive relationships with the Korean students. As part of the program, both school's students purchased gifts for their buddies which we opened in Week 9. The gifts were culturally enriching and a great gastronomical experience for all students. We hope to catch up with them in February 2025 when they visit Sydney.
Students in Year 7 Japanese this year have been able to experience different components of the Japanese language through reading, writing, listening, speaking and culture. They have studied the topics of “About Me”, “Fast Food”, “Sports, Hobbies, Birthdays and Star Signs” and “Let’s go to a Festival”. Throughout these topics students have gained skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking Japanese. Within the topic of “Fast Food”, they designed a menu in Japanese for their assessment task. Our young people have produced a vast array of different menus ranging from a restaurant, school canteen to a 7/11 menu. Students concluded their assessment task schedule with a self-introduction conversation with a friend. This task allowed them to exchange information about themselves in Japanese while at the same time asking questions of their friend. They were also provided with the opportunity to make a traditional Japanese snack in class called “Onigiri” – Japanese rice balls.
During the Olympics, Year 7 practiced their Japanese kanji number writing skills by looking at the tally of medals throughout each day of the Olympics. Students recreated part of the medal tally count into Japanese using kanji for the numbers while writing the country in Japanese which they had previously learnt in Term 1. Through repetition, they quickly improved their knowledge of numbers in the areas of reading, writing and speaking.
Students in Year 10 Japanese elective also enhanced their skills in the areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening through a variety of topics related to transport, daily activities and housing. They also created their own “Ema” wooden tablet bearing wishes for good luck and made “Onigiri” in class. Year 10 also played Hiragana Jenga throughout the year to assist with the recognition of Hiragana while at the same time assisting with their speaking skills.
During Term 4, Year 10 Japanese elective students also went to Sushi Musa at Charlestown Square and experienced eating traditional Japanese food. Thank you to Mr Felkai for driving the minibus and to Mr Jubb for also assisting with transport.
In 2025, we are looking forward to hosting students from Japan from 21st March to 1st April. Preparations are already being made to accommodate our visitors. It will provide wonderful opportunities for those hosting and for our students at Whitebridge High School in general. If you are interested in hosting, please contact Miss Quartermain in the Languages Faculty.
Miss Trudy Quartermain - Teacher, Japanese
Year 7 Technology Mandatory Engineering students have been developing their skills using ONshape (CAD) and 3d printing their completed designs. These Stage 4 students have completed some fantastic work this term.
Mr Dan Tripney - Teacher, Technology
Information and Software Technology
Year 10 Information and Software Technology students are studying a module on robotics and are currently designing and making a robot using Lego Mindstorms kits to follow a mapped course and complete a self-directed task (perform work).
Mr Trevor Morton - Teacher, ITS
Industrial Technology Timber
Year 9 Industrial Technology Timber students have been working on finishing both their trinket box project and a foot stool. The foot stool has incorporated the morticing machine as part of the final range of tools and equipment introduced in the Year 9 course. Congratulations to all students for the high-quality workmanship exhibited in the completion of their final projects.
Mr Shane Lloyd - Head Teacher, TAS
Senior Textiles
Senior Textiles students have submitted their first assessment task. They have begun the development of their major textile project. Students are already working very hard and showing their dedication towards their final year of school.
Ms Courtney Turner - Teacher, Textiles
Year 11 Construction classes have eagerly continued to build the two cubby houses as their major project at Charlestown East Public School. All students have demonstrated interest and commitment to produce quality builds utilising the knowledge and skills learned in class.
Mr Mark Bayada, Mr Robert Milne - Teachers, Construction
As we wrap up the year, it's a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the remarkable achievements of our students and the science faculty throughout 2024.
This year, our students have enjoyed enriching experiences, from field trips to marine parks, The University of Newcastle, and Awabakal, where they witnessed science in action beyond the classroom. These outings have significantly enhanced their understanding of the crucial role science plays in our society today.
We also continued to explore innovative assessment methods for Stages 4 and 5. While some approaches proved successful, we remain committed to refining others in preparation for the new science curriculum set to launch in 2026.
This year, we were particularly pleased with the engagement of our students with VALID 8. We have noted encouraging trends indicating an overall improvement in their ability to understand and apply scientific concepts. We eagerly await the forthcoming results of VALID 8.
Yr 11 Biology with Mr Jones planted a Frangipani tree to demonstrate the asexual reproduction through fragmentation. A great way to see nature’s regeneration in action! (pictured below)
Congratulations to our Year 12 students who completed their HSC courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Your dedication and hard work have led to commendable achievements, and we wish you all the best as you embark on your future endeavours.
As we close another year, we also face some staffing changes. We bid farewell to Miss Sophie Breen and Miss Victoria Marks, both of whom have made invaluable contributions to our faculty. They have built strong relationships with their students, and their departure will be felt by many.
Finally, on behalf of the Science Team, I wish everyone a joyful Christmas and a safe, prosperous New Year. We look forward to welcoming our students back, well-rested and ready for an exciting year of science in 2025!
Mr Steve Edwards - Head Teacher, Science
Marine Studies
This term Year 10 Marine Studies students have been investigating the topic 'Food from the Sea'. We covered many different aspects such as cultural relationships with seafood, different catch methods, safe food handling, storage, preparation and cooking methods for a variety of different types of seafood. We had a selection of dishes from the classic Prawn Cocktail, Garlic Butter Prawns and Battered Barramundi. We were lucky enough to have a keen fisherman visit the school and share with students how to catch, clean and cook squid! What teenager doesn't love free food and especially when it's seafood!!!
Our Year 9 and 10 Marine Studies classes went snorkeling at Fly Point in Nelson Bay. The water conditions were a little chilly, and the water visibility was average after the recent rains. Despite this, students saw a range of many different fish including bream, large flathead, wrasse, leather jackets, rays and wobbegong sharks. After snorkeling we moved to the next bay to have lunch, swim and go fishing with our new AFTA fishing gear. One lucky punter managed to catch a flathead!
Mrs Amy Daugherty - Teacher, Marine Studies
As we approach the end the school year, it is exciting to reflect on the successes and achievements that have made this year truly exceptional. Our staff and students have demonstrated an ongoing enthusiasm to work together to achieve goals, and a commitment to personal growth, and we are thrilled to share some highlights.
Homework and Assessment Support
This year, we have seen a significant increase in students accessing the available support for homework and assessments. This initiative has proven invaluable in helping students navigate their academic challenges, ensuring they are better prepared and more confident in their studies. The positive feedback from students has reinforced the importance of these resources in fostering a supportive learning environment.
Aboriginal Education Tuition Program
Our Aboriginal Education Tuition Program has been a cornerstone of support for many students this year. The program has provided tailored assistance in planning for assessments, organising classwork, and ultimately boosting students' confidence. Hearing the personal success stories that have emerged from this initiative has been incredibly rewarding, and we are proud to continue promoting cultural understanding and academic achievement within our school community.
Year 7 Orientation Day
The excitement of welcoming new students was obvious during our Year 7 Orientation Day. Staff members were thrilled to meet our incoming students and engage with them in a series of taster lessons. This day not only eased the transition for our new students but also reinforced the sense of belonging and community that we strive to cultivate at our school.
Acts of Kindness Initiative
In our Independent Learning Skills (ILS) classes, Mrs Walker has been working with students to explore the positive effects of 'acts of kindness' throughout the term. This culminated in a heartfelt project where students created Christmas cards for the residents of Amaroo and Scenic Lodge Aged Care Homes. This initiative not only spreads joy to the residents but also instils a sense of compassion and empathy among our students, reinforcing the values we cherish as a school community. Thank you to all these students, and those spending their own time at recess and lunch, who have been hand-making these Christmas cards.
Work Experience and Employment Opportunities
A special mention goes to Mr Bendall, who has worked tirelessly alongside our students, their families, and local workplaces to facilitate invaluable work experience opportunities. His dedication has not only provided students with the chance to gain practical skills but has also led to employment for many. We are grateful for his commitment to bridging the gap between education and the workforce, helping our students prepare for their future endeavours.
In conclusion, this year has been filled with achievements, growth, and community spirit. As we close out the year, we would like to thank all students, parents, and staff for their hard work and dedication. Together, we have created an environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.
Wishing everyone a safe and joyful holiday season! We look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
WISH Group
We are excited to share the latest updates from our Whitebridge Inclusion and Support Hub (WISH), which has been running every Friday during lunch. WISH is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where all students feel safe, supported, and valued.
At WISH, our primary goal is to create a welcoming atmosphere for every student. We believe that everyone deserves a place where they can express themselves freely and connect with others. Each week, students come together to share experiences, engage in meaningful discussions, and build friendships. Our supportive community encourages open dialogue and understanding, helping to break down barriers and promote respect among all students.
Across the school, we have focused on celebrating diversity and acceptance with posters put up by group members. These posters not only beautify our school environment but also serve as daily reminders to embrace our differences and foster a culture of kindness and acceptance.
WISH is always on the lookout for new members to join our community! Whether you’re seeking friendship, support, or simply a place to relax during lunch, everyone is welcome.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Miss Sarah Dodd, who created the WISH group and has been leading and mentoring students throughout the year. Sarah has been an incredible mentor, bringing her enthusiasm and passion for inclusion to each meeting. Her commitment to supporting our students has made a significant impact, and she will be greatly missed as she transitions to a Learning and Support Teacher position at Hunter River High School next year. We wish her all the best in this exciting new chapter of her career!
Mrs Angela Bettison - Relieving Head Teacher, Teaching and Learning/LAST
Holiday Reading....
If anyone would like to borrow some extra books for the holidays please see library staff. We are happy to lend above the normal lending limits to keep you reading over the holidays.
Patron-Driven Acquisition...
Thank you to all those staff and students who have made use of our library resource suggestion box. We have placed several orders for books based on these suggestions.
It's YOUR library! Help us fill it with books you would like to read!
Suggestions made now, will be considered for our first order of books in 2025!
Premier's Reading Challenge
Thank you again to all the students who completed the 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge! We have had some students receive both Gold (4th year of PRC) and Platinum (7th year of PRC) awards as well as two PRC medals (every year from Year 3 to Year 9 inclusive).
This year close to 70 students completed the challenge. Let's see if we can beat this in 2025! You can start reading now and log your books online when the challenge opens on Monday 24th February 2025. You will have until 22nd August 2025 to have read and logged your 20 books.
Sarah Walker - Teacher/Librarian
National Disability Rugby League Festival
On Friday 6th December, the Malang Academy participated in the inaugural National Disability Rugby League Festival held at St John Oval, Charlestown. Participants from various schools and support agencies came together to enjoy a day of fun, friendship, and rugby league. Despite the hot conditions, our team displayed incredible sportsmanship and teamwork while playing in a series of friendly matches. The event provided a wonderful opportunity for our students to showcase their skills and connect with their peers. A big thank you to Mrs Hepple for organising this excursion. We look forward to next year!
The Malang Academy held its first Christmas Fair this term. Students from the academy have been learning about a program called $20 Boss, which focuses on building entrepreneurial and design skills. Our students researched a product, created and produced it, and collaborated to solve real problems, helping them to better understand their relationship with money.
Our students made a variety of products that were marketed and sold at a market stall, a fresh produce stall, a BBQ, and a coffee cart. Our coffee cart was very successful, selling 29 hot drinks, ranging from hot chocolate to coffee. Our young entrepreneurs created earrings, beef jerky, magnets, coasters, cupcakes, cat toys, dog treats and other items. Additionally, our fresh produce stall featured mint sauce and a range of fresh produce from our school vegetable garden. The students enjoyed everyone who visited on the day to share their creations.
Luca West Year 12 2024 has been recognised in elite company as one of only 66 students across the state of NSW to receive a NSWCHS Sporting Blue. Luca was awarded his Blue for football. With over 300000 students participating in school sport, to achieve this honour for outstanding sporting talent, sportsmanship, positive attitude and being an excellent member of his school community is a real honour. Previous winners from Whitebridge High School in the last seven years include Matt Atkins, Tom Crockett and Josh Claridge. Congratulations Luca on this outstanding achievement!
Principal Address – Presentation Day 2024
Acknowledgement of Country: