Whitkirk News! 14TH JUNE 2024

A message from Miss Quarmby

I'm sorry! I have no idea what has happened with Sports Day dates last Friday and Monday, but I can definitely confirm that it is not happening in September (even though we may be in with a better chance of sunshine then!) and that Sports Day is on Thursday 27th June - Reception and KS1 at 9:30am and KS2 at 1:00pm.

To say that we've got a busy half term would be quite the understatement! This week, Miss Lynch has been completing phonics assessments with our Year 1 children and we have been beaming with pride at how far our children have come and what wonderful, competent readers they are! Proud is certainly an understatement! Today, our Year 6 team has also been working with the Local Authority to moderate our Year 6 writing judgements. This is another area that we are incredibly proud of this year. Within and amongst that, we've also had our Reception 2024 Welcome Event. It was fantastic to officially meet all of our new starters and we can't wait for them to start in September! Next week is just as manic: we have class photos on Monday, Year 2 pupils are going to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Tuesday, Year 3 pupils are going to the seaside on Wednesday, and then Year 5 pupils are going to London to visit Houses of Parliament on Friday. We'll certainly have lots to update you on next week!

You may have heard that there was an accident outside of school yesterday. This was an accident, and thankfully the pupil is safe and recovering. We send her all of our best wishes for a speedy recovery and thank everybody who offered their help. We will continue to do everything we can, but we are unable to patrol the whole of the estate - we don't have the powers to do so or have the resources to do this at the same time as looking after children in the building. Although it wasn't outside of school, we have been back in touch with the Crossing Patrol and they have reassured us that there will be somebody at school on Monday. We really do ask that this is a reminder to all of our families to drive safely, please park respectfully and legally ensuring that our children can see clearly when they are crossing the road. As always, cars should not be parked on the double yellow lines. Please, please work with us to ensure that a horrible accident like this doesn't happen again.

Just one final reminder, please remember that cycling shorts are not part of our school uniform and shouldn't be worn during summer months. Thank you and have a great weekend!


Uniform Exchange:

We know how quickly children grow and every year, lots of school uniform ends up in landfill. Do your bit to help our environment (and your pocket!) by donating and/or taking from our bank of pre-loved school uniform. It's free uniform for anybody who wants it and anybody is welcome to donate, take, or swap. Every little bit helps! Use the link to the Facebook page to find out more: Whitkirk Primary School Uniform Swap, Donate & Recycle | Facebook 

Upcoming dates/ events you may be interested IN:

  • Thursday 27th June 2024 - Sports Day (Reception and KS1 - 9:30am; KS2 - 1:00pm)
  • Saturday 29th June 2024 - PTA Summer Fair


This week, finishing in first place with 97.67% are 1JL. In second place are 6AS, with 97.42% and in third place are 1JL, with 96.99%. The whole school attendance this week is 94.56%. The whole school attendance so far this year is 95.69%.

Let's see what's been happening in our classes this week


This week in Reception the children enjoyed their last session with June, our music teacher. Throughout the Spring and Summer terms, June has supported the teaching of music and movement in Reception and created a love for musicality, rhythm and rhyme in EYFS. The children created cards and gifts for June and had a boogie with her to enjoy their last session. June would like to thank all of the children in Reception for always joining in, making each week a treat and making her music sessions at Whitkirk so enjoyable!

Key Stage 1

Wow - What an amazing week we have had in Year 1! Miss Lynch & Miss Cook could not be prouder of the amazing progress and success of our little phonics readers! Well done to our superstars this week who all did their reading challenge with Miss Lynch. In maths this week, we have started our 'time' unit in measurement. We have started by looking at key vocabulary such as 'before, after, morning, afternoon and evening', as well as days of the week and months of the year!

What a fantastic week it has been in Year 2! In English, we have been writing carnival setting descriptions and in Maths we have been describing direction and movement. In History, we learnt about pivotal events in Arthur France's life and in Science we learnt about the different food types. Keep up the amazing work, Year 2!

Lower Key Stage 2

Year 3 have been discussing the topic of 'leadership' in different areas of the curriculum this week. To begin with, we discussed what it means 'to be a leader' and shared the names of different leaders we know of. This included some of our own Year 3 pupils (eco warrior / reading ambassadors), adults within school (Miss Quarmby as headteacher) as well as leaders outside of school (sports club leaders / Prime Minister). Then, we made links to RE, where we will begin to explore leaders within different religions. In Reading, we also made links to our class text, How to Train Your Dragon, where we analysed the main characters and what type of leader they are. A week full of some really insightful discussions! Well done Year 3!

Year 4 have continued to impress with their vast knowledge about plants, with flowers being the focus of this week. Everyone had a go at dissecting a flower into its key parts and explaining their functions. The enthusiasm for Science in Year 4 has been amazing and we can't wait to see what they achieve next!

Upper Key Stage 2

Year 5 have had a great week this week and we have been so impressed with their resilience and determination in their end of year assessments! In PE, we have begun to develop our fielding and bowling skills, by looking at over and under arm throws, ready for some cricket games in the next few weeks. As scientists, we have looked at whether materials are soluble or insoluble and begun to think about ways of separating materials. We have also continued our art topic by developing our sketching skills: Mr Sadler and Mrs Mackintosh were really impressed with how accurate the drawings were!

It's been full head with rehearsals and singing this week. Each morning we've practised a couple of songs. Nothing like starting the morning with a quick rendition of ' We Will Rock you'! We've definitely channelled our inner rock god! In Science, we have just begun our unit on light and we are really looking forward to making periscopes and explaining how they work. Yesterday, we were exceptionally lucky to work with an artist ( Haseebah Ali, who travelled up from Birmingham) to show us how to create prints by carving our patterns onto lino. The results were brilliant, and we are looking forward to completing the prints we made next week.


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.