Learning Expedition
Knowledge Organiser
Signed Computing charters
Entry Task
Can I carry out a poll to understand the how online bullying affects my class mates?
Specific questions were selected from the Anti-bullying Alliance website and shared with the pupils via a Google Forms poll.
After pupils completed the poll, the results were shared with the class to show the thoughts and responses of their peers.
We discussed the results and some pupils gave examples of their experiences with online communication.
Year 5 pupils used BBC Own It resources to explore the topics surrounding online bullying and what to do if they are unfortunately a victim or witness to it.
Revisiting learning from previous lessons, pupils looked to encapsulate their own research and advice into their own creative presentation.
During the process, pupils consistently had to use editing and formatting skills to make their presentations as accurate and clear as possible.
Pupils were introduced to several websites that held dubious/unreliable content and had to spot indicators that questioned the validity of said websites.
Pupils used the Code Studio website to complete sequential programming challenges. During the challenges pupils had to use logical reasoning to find the most efficient methods of completing each challenge. When pupils discovered bugs (mistakes) in their code, they had to rectify these to successfully complete the challenge.
While programming through the Code Studio website, pupils had to find various ways to complete different challenges of varying difficulty. Pupils first had to predict and plan their steps, then writing out the commands using block programming. After this, they ran their code to test if their program had worked successfully. We discussed how decomposing bigger problems into smaller chunks can be advantageous.
Pupils used video as a stimulus for discussion around the Digital 5 a day concepts.
Pupils then completed their own research using this website: https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/news/digital-5-a-day/Â to create their own Digital 5 a day fact files.
Pupils were asked who they thought were the Top 10 gaming influencers in the world. We then used the website linked below to compare their answers with the websites suggestions.
After discussing the pros and cons of an influencer career, pupils relayed their ideas and opinions via the Seesaw VLE.
Pupils look at different ways of recording audio via an iPad (Seesaw, Record app, Spotify for Podcasters etc...) and explored what equipment would be beneficial to recording quality audio for a possible podcast. Children experimented making trailers for podcast based on their own interests.
We used the website below to gain a better understanding of what binary code is.
Pupils then used Binary concepts to create their own simple illustrations using the Code Studio website.
Pupils also challenged their processing and mathematical skills by trying out the Binary Game designed using Code Studio technology.
Pupils conducted their own web searches finding a variety of web pages to discuss with their peers, identifying what the webpages were made up of. We then used the linked video below to explore how HTML is used to create webpages.
Pupils then took part in a Quizizz quiz based on the video to gauge their understanding of the content covered.
Pupils used Code Studio activities and videos to better understand the conditional and function programming commands.
Pupils first looked at the use of While Loops to help make code more efficient by using repeated commands when necessary.
Pupils then explored Function commands using the 'Function with Harvester activities.
Pupils took Screenshots of their programming, uploading this to Seesaw as examples of their learning.
Pupils used the link below to explore the concept of spam in more detail.
Pupils uploaded their key thoughts and advice to the school Seesaw virtual learning platform.
Pupils used the link below to explore the concept of fake news in more detail.
Pupils uploaded their key thoughts and advice to the school Seesaw virtual learning platform.
Supported by the LFC Foundation, pupils were able to explore the programming of Sphero robots. These mini robots used internal motors to move while also being able to interact with their surroundings via lights, sounds and sensors.
Pupils used physical Micro:bit mini computers to explored program designs that included sensors and physical movements.
As part of their D.T. project, pupils had to create a night light that was programmable. Pupils were given directions on how to connect their devices via Bluetooth and shown the Night light project in the Micro:bit online tutorial library. In their groups, they then had to explore how to accurately program their Micro:bit to work as a light sensing night light.