Events coming up
10th Brockenhurst College Cooking Event
10th Lights Camera Action
10th Year 11 Brockenhurst college Interviews
11th Year 11 Brockenhurst college interviews
11th KS3 & 4 Gym festival
12th Options evening for Year 9
14th Wear Something different day
14th Save a Heart Day with Air Ambulance – places must have been pre-booked
14th Year 7 & 8 PSA Disco
17th HALF TERM HOLIDAY for 1 week
24th All students return to school
24th Kinda Week (all week)
28th Year 11 BTEC Child Development trip
Message from the Leadership Team
Dear Noadswood families,
We have some highlights of an excellent week of enrichment and professional development at Noadswood to share with you as we reach another weekend. We’d like to start by thanking the History department and especially Miss Rawlinson who took over 40 historians to attend the ‘Doctors Show’ produced by the History Scene. This was an invaluable trip for our historians exploring medicine through time. I bumped into one of the students as the trip got back, who said it was genuinely both useful and enjoyable; it’s great when we can bring subjects to life like that.
Miss Skinner and Mrs Way also took a group of students to Fawley for an event that focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and career opportunities down at ESSO. The opportunity to view the site and learn more about what actually happens there, as well as consider future opportunities impressed the students, and we thank everyone involved for a good day.
Miss Clews, our Careers Lead, writes below about the successful assemblies with Year 9 and 10 from SETA, Southampton Engineering Training Association, giving our students real insight into apprenticeship opportunities in our local area. Both year groups did us proud and I am grateful to Miss Clews and Mr Lewis for setting up this opportunity for them, because apprenticeships really can launch incredibly successful careers, as many of you will know.
We will have doubtlessly heard from former students whose apprenticeships have sprung them into great success in the superb response we have had to our ‘Awesome Alumni’ project, and we are delighted to feature our first one this week. Maybe you know someone who came here, or you did yourself, and you’d be happy to share something of your story to inspire our students for life after Noadswood? This is a powerful community and our young people would learn so much from your experience.
Another current student to celebrate now: our congratulations to Declan, who became the Southern indoor athletic Champion, a few weeks back, competing at Lee Valley track, London in the 60m sprint. It was the SEAA championship with 4 heats, 2 semi-finals and then the final at 8:40pm - a long day, and Dec sustained an injury in the process, but he showed that stickability to win! He also came 2nd in the long jump. Like his club, we are sending him a big cheer and we are very proud. Maybe your child has achieved something outside of school, something small but important, something musical or sporty, or creative or just kind? We love to hear about it and we can share it here, celebrate in school, quietly, or both. It's just great for the students to know – I and we are so proud of their efforts as people.
There are no great schools without great staff. and so we always strive to model a commitment to our own learning that we expect and applaud in our students. In that spirit, a group of Noadswood staff were this week involved in some brilliant professional learning led by Kit Messenger based on her book ‘Curious Not Furious: Empowering children to take charge of their brains and behaviour - a practical toolkit.’ We have been learning more about how young people's brains work and how we can help them to be at their brain best, rather than making assumptions about how they show up. The better they and we understand ourselves and our reactions, the better able we are to relate brilliantly to one another and make progress. There is always more to learn about this, in this challenging world young people are growing up in, that’s for certain.
Still on professional development, we’d also like to congratulate Miss Walker for successfully completing her National Professional Qualification (NPQ) in ‘Leading Literacy’. Miss Walker alongside Mrs Preston takes a lead on whole school literacy interventions. If you are worried or you wonder about your child's reading or writing or have a question that you’d like to ask, please contact Miss Walker - or Mrs Preston -
This week sees the launch of 'Love Your Library' month (when we love our Library even more than we usually do!), in the run-up to World Book Day on Thursday March 6th.
This year we have a Bookmark Competition, and Design a Pin Badge for World Book Day competition, as well as one of our ever-popular Raffles. We’d like to thank our Learning Resource Manager, Mrs Eldridge for all that she does, from making our library the heart of the school, to clubs, to library leaders, to competitions and working alongside teachers, we know that the Noadswood family are so lucky to have her!
Don't forget to book your space for the 'Save A Heart' Air Ambulance lifesaving skills and CPR training on 14th February, which will be held in Our Lovely Library!
We thank you for your communications with us this past week, as always, believing that by working together, sharing successes and concerns alike, we secure the best outcomes for everyone in our school community.
Should you wish to do so, our Contact page on our website is here: Contact Us Or you can use ClassCharts or and we will make sure messages get passed along or followed up.
Please do remember that we have a number of supermarket and SkoolKit vouchers to help families. These are not means tested, they are for anyone who may need them, just reach out to your child's year leader.
We would also like to spotlight the below courses designed for our military families and provided by Youth Options.
Finally this busy week, if your child is in Years 7 and 8, tickets to our PSA disco are still live! We’d love to see them with us, it's a great night with all proceeds going towards school projects.
Also, a heartfelt plea (pun fully intended) to urge them to contribute to the great Year 7 and 8 Valentine’s Day Bake Off, that same day in school! Let’s help the day go with a cake-filled swing as we celebrate together the end of a half term.
Best wishes for a super weekend and thanks for all of your partnership,
Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team
Awesome Alumni
I am a company director of a small landscaping company called MP Landscaping & Brickwork Ltd in Hampshire, we provide a wide range of services from hard landscaping up to the finishing details of soft landscaping.
Noadswood school helped me to grow into the person I am today, I struggled a lot at school with not paying attention in class and following the wrong crowds.
In my later years at Noadswood I decided to turn things around so I knuckled down with my learning and preparing to go to college.
I appreciated all the help I got from the LSAs and the teachers who supported me in school and provided the necessary learning for me to achieve.
Waterside Sports Camp
Waterside Sports Camp are hosting Football and Netball camps this February half term! Stay fit and healthy during the holidays!
Open to everyone from Year 4 to Year 8!
It’s a perfect way for younger children to familiarise themselves with Noadswood, meet our fantastic PE teachers and wonderful PE Champions who look after you throughout the day!
Save a Heart Day with Air Ambulance
Friday 14th February - We have had such a huge response to the fact that Air Ambulance will be coming in next Friday to give lessons in CPR and how to use a defibrillator. Over 80 people so far have booked on. The first two sessions in the morning are fully booked, but we do have some space on the 2-3.30pm and 5-6.30pm. Please click the link below if you or another family member would like to come and have a go. Please click here to book on.
Level 2 and 3 Bikeability Courses
Spaces still available. Over 40 students have signed up to take part in one of these courses, which is fantastic to see. If you missed the deadline to sign your child up for one of these courses, there are still a few spaces left on the following dates:
Tuesday 27th or Friday 30th May from 9am-12pm or 12.30-3.30pm
Students must have completed their Level 2 course first before they can progress to the Level 3 course. Both levels will be taught on the dates given above. If your child would like to complete one of these courses but the date is not suitable for you, Bikeability will be coming back on Tuesday 29th July and Wednesday 27th August.
Please click on this link to book a space for your child :
If one of the later dates would be better, please email Marina Wyse on letting her know the date that would be best for you once you have completed the form first.
Wear Something Different Day
Friday 14th February is our next Wear Something Different Day. Arbor is open for you to make your £1.00 contribution if you did not pay for the year back in October. The funds raised from these events go towards school projects. The current project is to put more covered areas outside so students can get fresh air at break and lunchtime on a rainy day while remaining dry. As ever, your support for these fundraising events is always appreciated.
Please do make sure your child brings in their PE kit if it is on their timetable for Friday.
Date for your diary
Rwanda evening of Food and Entertainment
Thursday 27th March from 6-8pm.
This is set to be a fun family friendly evening for adults and children with dance, songs, food and a game of good old-fashioned Bingo with a twist. Further information about this event and when tickets will be on sale will be available after the February half term.
Beauty Bank
Have you heard of the Beauty Bank project which we offer here at Noadswood?
Beauty Banks, a UK-based non-profit organisation, is dedicated to ending hygiene poverty. Co-founded in January 2018 by beauty professionals Jo Jones and Sali Hughes, Beauty Banks collects and distributes essential toiletries and personal care products to individuals who cannot afford them. They collaborate with food banks, homeless shelters, domestic abuse charities, NHS trusts, care leaver associations, and schools to ensure these items reach those in need.
The organisation sources products through donations from beauty brands, retailers, and individuals. They accept unused toiletries such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, sanitary products, and more.
Items can be collected from Year Leaders, Flexible Learning and Miss Dixon
Red Box Project
In January 2020, the UK government implemented a scheme providing free period products to all state-maintained schools and colleges in England, delivered by PHS Group on behalf of the Department for Education. This initiative aimed to ensure that all students have access to necessary menstrual products, thereby reducing period poverty and its impact on education
Red box products can be collected from: the Library, Matron, Learning Support and Year Leaders.
This week, SETA came to deliver an assembly about Apprenticeships to Years 9, 10 and some Year 11 students who are considering doing an apprenticeship next year. It was a fantastic chance for students to learn about what an apprenticeship is and the pathways the courses can take them on. SETA will be returning to Noadswood next week to deliver a bespoke workshop to a group of Year 11s. We really do value the time they spend in coming in to speak to our students.
Next week is National Apprenticeship week. If you, or your child, is interested in exploring apprenticeships, please take a look at the Amazing Apprenticeships website here:
If your child is in Year 11 and they would like to do an apprenticeship, or they are interested in finding out more about them, please email our Careers Advisor, Gordon Lewis, at
College Application Deadlines:
Please be aware that there are some college application deadlines coming up.
Brockenhurst College – Friday 7th February 2025
Barton Peveril College – Friday 14th February 2025