Year 1

Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum


The Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum is designed to meet the needs of our pupils, who come from diverse backgrounds in a in Cardiff East, the capital city of Wales. The Four Purposes are at the heart of the Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum. Although these are long term purposes, they require daily attention in order to be realized.

The Welsh language and its historical development are central to our vision, as we guide pupils who are proud of our civic heritage in our capital city. Purposeful integration of our curriculum areas ensures that Bro Edern Cluster pupils benefit from the breadth of the curriculum while focusing on What Matters.

The people studied in the Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum are a diverse cross section and include role models who are inspirational to the whole range of pupils in the cluster. Growing up in a multicultural city where cohabitation and harmony are a key part of daily life, fostering tolerance and respect in our pupils is essential.

Encouraging ambition in our pupils means developing strong skills and strategies to enable them to face success and failure. Perseverance and resilience are key as part of the growth mind-set fostered in our pupils. Sound knowledge that provides the foundation for cluster pupils to benefit from skills and experiences that can be transferred to a variety of contexts today, and in the future.

Cluster schools have the ability to transform the lives of our pupils. This is where they gain the knowledge, skills and experiences that will enrich the rest of their lives. The roots and wings in the Cluster logo encapsulate this.

Unit 1


"Families and households include adults/young people living with their parents, foster families, lone parents, cohabiting couples, multi-generational households and people living alone."
The aim of this unit is to learn about diverse families. They will need to learn the names of family members and extended family and that everyone's families are different and that this is something to celebrate. Family values ​​and extended families should be discussed within communities, e.g. Who is the school family?

How do families differ?

Unit Contents:

Learn names of members of the family and extended family.

Learn about parents and guardians role in caring for them.

Compare different families.

Look at what various families do together socially.

Look at family traditions, celebrations, and various religions important to families.

Learn about disability within families.

Discuss who are the members of the school's family.

Unit 2

My Hero

"The definition of a hero is a person who is admired for their bravery, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities."
The aim of this unit is to develop the concept of what a hero is. The purpose of the unit is to learn about various heroes who help in the community, help others and charity work. When learning about these heroes the qualities that create a hero should be considered. Pupils should learn about local heroes, and heroes in Wales past and present and the impact of their actions on others.

What is a hero? Who are our local heroes?

Unit Contents:

Learn about 999 careers and challenging stereotypes.

Learn about heroes such as Betsi Cadwaladr.

Discuss the qualities of a hero.

Learn about local heroes, local charities and volunteers.

Think about how they can help others in their community and help the local heroes.

Unit 3

Our High Street

Our high streets are vital and provide a space where communities can mix freely. This is particularly important for more vulnerable or isolated groups, such as the elderly, young people and recent immigrants. They are also important places in terms of businesses and the city's economy.
The aim of this unit is to learn about its high street. Learning about their local area and how the high street has changed over time. It is important to make connections on local shops, people who have lived in the local area fostering pride in their local area.

Which shops are on our high street? Has the high street changed?

Unit Contents:

An opportunity to visit the local high street and make some observations.

Look at how the high street has changed, speak to local people.

Mapping the local area.

Learning shop names and learning about the products they sell.

Recognise important buildings including religious buildings in the area.

Create a pamphlet showcasing the different shops on our high street.

Unit 4

Food Glorious Food!

All the foods we eat come from plants and animals. Food from plants can grow in many different ways. They can grow on trees, bushes, vines, or in the ground.
The aim of this unit is to focus on the food sales industry. It is an opportunity to learn the names of different foods, to learn where our food comes from, discuss the carbon footprint of foods and learn about Fair Trade products. This is also an opportunity to learn about the importance of healthy eating and planning a healthy menu. By role playing in the cafe/shop the pupils will have the opportunity to use correct language patterns and deal with money.

Why is it important for us to eat healthily?

Unit Contents:

Learn about various foods in the supermarket.

Learn about various food categories and group foods according to healthy / unhealthy.

Invite a dietitian, dentist or doctor to discuss the importance of healthy eating.

What are Fair Trade foods?

Can you create a healthy menu?

Unit 5

Sea & Harbour!

We are very fortunate that in Wales we have some of the most beautiful harbors in the world. Our pupils often visit these at weekends and their families often have caravans / holiday homes there.
In this unit there will be an opportunity to look at the hustle and bustle of the harbour. Pupils will learn about the responsibilities of the Lifeboat and learn about the safety and dangers of the sea. Pupils will investigate into what makes a successful boat/ship and learning about the history of famous Welsh Pirates.

What's the purpose of a harbour?

Who uses a harbour?

Unit Contents:

What is a harbour?

What is the Life Boat's job/RNLI?

What are the safety measures and dangers they face?

What other companies are in the harbour?

How to create ships/boats that float?

Famous Welsh pirates e.g. Harri Morgan, Barti Ddu.

Unit 6

Sand & Sea

We have never been more proud of our coast. Many of our beaches, such as Rhosili, Barafundle and Tenby, are regularly voted the best in Britain. Surfers, swimmers and hikers love to spend weekends and holidays here, relaxing with family and friends. When the Wales Coast Path opened in 2012, Lonely Planet named our coastline the best region in the world to visit.
The aim of this unit is to learn about the importance of being informed citizens who care about the natural world. When learning about man's impact on sea pollution on beaches we teach our pupils how they can be active in improving the environment. There will be an opportunity to learn about animals and sea creatures.

How can we keep our beaches safe?

How can we keep sea animals/creatures safe?

Unit Contents:

Learn about sea animals and creatures.

Learn about endangered species.

What is the impact of pollution on the sea & shores?

Learn about the seaside as an attraction.

Compare the seaside yesterday and today.

Visit a beach and take part in a campaign to keep the beach clean. Learn about the Blue Flag.
