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Place Users and Communities at the Center Breakthrough ACTION

Breakthrough ACTION is an eight-year USAID-funded global project that accelerates the use of social and behavior change (SBC) through evidence-based tools and processes that encourage the adoption of healthy behaviors, while addressing structural barriers and underlying social and gender norms that prevent uptake of services and positive health practices. Our work builds upon seven pillars.
Breakthrough ACTION emphasizes inclusivity and community engagement in its social and behavior change programs. Involving communities in co-designing interventions empowers them to implement and monitor activities and enables sustainable, community-led change.

Case Example: Supporting User-Centered Design in Agriculture in Guatemala

Featured Video: The Community Capacity Strengthening Approach - Community Health Action Resource Plan

This video showcases the Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria Community Capacity Strengthening approach, which empowers communities to improve their health outcomes using local resources. By training and supporting ward development committees, the program promotes sustainable healthy behaviors. Highlighting results from a September 2019 training, where 75 committees developed and implemented Community Health Action Resource Plans, the video reveals significant community engagement, improved health indicators, and successful resource mobilization within a year. This initiative underscores the importance of placing users and communities at the center of health programming for lasting impact.

Lessons Learned

  1. Aligning and integrating community engagement activities with national policies, local planning mechanisms, and health system structures ensures that SBC efforts are embedded within the broader development framework.
  2. Strengthening the ability of local partners and institutions to independently lead co-design processes guarantees the sustainability and long-term impact of community engagement efforts.
  3. Building strong, ongoing relationships with community leaders based on mutual respect and open community foster trust and alignment, ensuring that the community feels not only heard and supported but also owns the interventions.
  4. Customizing engagement approaches to meet the unique needs of men, women, and the most marginalized in the community ensures inclusivity and effectiveness in behavior change initiatives.
  5. Recognizing and utilizing existing community assets and practices, while fostering a growth-oriented mindset, promotes a positive environment for sustained behavior change.
  6. Acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of key stakeholders through various forms of recognition, such as award ceremonies and peer learning visits, enhances their credibility and motivation, leading to increased engagement in SBC activities.

Online Courses

  • Engaging Communities for Reproductive Health and Family Planning [English] [French]
  • Malaria SBC Toolkit for Community and Faith Leaders [English] [French]
  • Rumor Tracking and Infodemic Management in Public Health Emergencies [English] [French]
This Adobe Express page is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Breakthrough ACTION and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

© 2024 Johns Hopkins University

Created By
Lisa Mwaikambo