Consulting Rate 2024

| Standard Daily Rate: €1,000 per day or €125 per hour, excluding 22% VAT.

| Daily equivalent consultant rates will vary depending on the pricing method selected. Set out below is a summary of the main pricing structures and approaches.

Daily Consulting Rate:

The consultant's rate is agreed upon at 1,000 EUR per day. The scope of the assignment is clearly defined, and an estimated total number of days required for completion is mutually established. For instance, a commitment spanning thirteen weeks would entail 65 working days, resulting in a total fee of 65,000 EUR. Typically, the client will cover reasonable expenses, which will be reimbursed at cost, in addition to the basic daily rate.

The consulting contract will outline the key deliverables, and regular progress reviews will be conducted with the client to ensure that the consulting services align with expectations. This approach guarantees that all key requirements are fulfilled by the conclusion of the contract.

Retainer Agreement:

The consultant's professional services would be retained for a specified duration, typically one year. The client agrees to pay a fixed fee, for instance, 30,000 EUR, which allows them to access the consultant's expertise and guidance at any time throughout the year.

The primary advantage for the client is the assurance of having expert resources available on short notice, along with a predetermined cost ceiling.

Typically, a consulting contract for a retainer arrangement will stipulate a cap on the number of days that the client may utilize, such as twenty days, which corresponds to an average daily consultant rate of 1,500 EUR. If the client requires only ten days of consulting services during that year, the average daily equivalent consultant rate would increase to 3,000 EUR. The client is likely to accept this premium in exchange for the flexibility that the retainer arrangement provides.

Fixed Price Agreement:

The client and consultant agree on a fixed price for the successful completion of clearly defined deliverables. The consulting contract does not specify the number of consulting days required to meet the objectives; however, it typically includes an agreed-upon end date by which the assignment must be completed. For example, the total fee may be 800,000 EUR for completing all aspects of the planning and mobilization phases of a complex change program, with the assignment commencing on January 1 and concluding on March 31.

Time and Materials Basis:

The client compensates the consultant at an agreed-upon rate, typically calculated on a time-based basis (hourly or daily), for the services rendered. Additionally, any expenses incurred or supplies purchased in relation to the project are charged to the client at cost.


This document is not a formal business proposal. All terms and conditions will be tailored to meet each client’s specific needs and requirements. The prices listed are indicative and open to negotiation. A 22% VAT will be applied to all services.


Created with images by • eggeeggjiew - Businessman and Businesswoman working and consulting in a meeting. • Smart Future - Abstract lines wave background