Headteacher's Newsletter • October 2024•


'High Standards Through A Caring Community'
'Love Thy Neighbour'
Core Standrads
Life Skills
Wider Opportunities


Already moving towards the end of our first half term, it certainly looks like being another action packed year ahead at St. John’s. As always, we will look to provide a wide range of opportunities across the curriculum to engage and enthuse the children. Hopefully this is reflected in our key dates section below:

Key Dates 2024, 2025

Special Welcome

Firstly can we welcome all our new children who have started in Reception. Miss Smith and Mrs Valentine feel the children have settled in very well, are mixing with the other children (especially their buddies!) and are making very good progress with their phonics. Can we welcome the Reception families, especially those new to St John’s, and it is also great to see some familiar families continuing their link with the school as their younger children join us.

Secondly, can we welcome the Bray, Aina, van Valburg and Ali children and families to St John's in other year groups. We do hope you have recieved a warm welcome and are beginning to feel part of our school community.

Thirdly, GOOD NEWS: This time last year our school population of 192 was lower than usual, largely down to smaller reception numbers for 2023, 2024, due to a fall in the birth rate – other schools are facing a similar situation. Since then the number on roll has risen to 199, which is very positive and hopefully a reflection on the work we have done to promote the school within the wider community. We do have however still have some spaces, especially in Year 1 and Year 5, so if you know of families looking for places do encourage them to contact Stockport admissions:

  • Email:admissions.support@stockport.gov.uk
  • Telephone: 0161 217 6022

Our New Office Team!

We would like to welcome to our school Mrs Clare Brown, who is our new Administration Officer and working alongside Mrs Michelle Garner, who was successfully appointed to the role of School Business Manager afetr Mrs Ingham retired at the end of last year. I’m sure you will join me in wishing Mrs Brown a warm welcome and all the very best at St. John’s.

Mrs Clare Brown
Mrs Michelle Garner


We like to think that we are a school that is continually looking to develop and enhance the learning experiences that we offer. For this reason, we take into account feedback from all members of the St. John’s community (children, parents/carers, staff and governors) and evaluate a range of information and data, to help us establish priorities for future development. We have identified the following areas for development during this academic year:

Key Priority 1: To develop the knowledge and skills of the governing board to clarify responsibilities and monitor school effectiveness in relation to their statutory duties. ‘

Key Priority 2: ‘To refine whole school assessment systems in the foundation subjects to support recall and retention of key knowledge and skills.

Key Priority 3: ‘To ensure the needs of all children and families are met through adaptations to the curriculum, inclusive practices and a genuine home school partnership.’

Curriculum Update!

Since the beginning of the academic year it has been very pleasing to see children demonstrating real enthusiasm and engagement for their topics and learning. This is very much reflected in lessons, assemblies, wider opportunities, and overall life at our school. Many year groups have either been on trips and visits or have these planned for later in the term.

I am also in the enviable position of being able to see the learning in action in the classroom and the end results, which I am sure in the case of Zoya, Diya, Ava & Ali in Year 6 are examples of work to be very proud of!

Young Voices 2025:

St John’s will continue to be part of Young Voices again this year. The children gain a tremendous amount of musical listening and performance skills but most of all will be able to enjoy singing with thousands of children. This year's Young Voices concert is taking place at The Coop Live Arena in Manchester on Thursday 6th February 2025. Thank you to those who have confirmed their child’s involvement. We are awaiting confirmation of our booking and will confirm details as soon as we have them.

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness please inform us as soon as possible on the first morning of absence. Please let us know the reason for absence and how long you expect your child to be absent for. You can ring the office on: 0161 4427424 and leave a voicemail or email: admin@st-johns.stockport.sch.uk

Children who have vomited or have diarrhoea should remain absent from school for at least 48 hours from the last episode of symptoms, to prevent spread of infection.

Requests for absence during term time can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Request forms are available from the school website or the school office and should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance.

Please note that the government has made changes to Education Penalty Notices which will take effect from the start of the 2024-25 school year. Full details are in the Attendnace Leaflet for Parents from Stockport MBC:

Drop off and Pick up

As we are sure you can appreciate, the start and end of the school day are a key transition between parent/carers and school care. As a school we have always provided opportunties for key messages and discussions between parents and staff. However, to ensure these transistions go as smoothly as possible and ensure the safety of the children we would ask:

  • Children arrive promptly on the playground to be taken into school at 8.45am
  • Once the bell has been rung, parents leave the children in the line in order that the children can follow the staff's instructors
  • If there are key messages that need communicating to staff, we ask that these be kept very brief to allow the class to enter school quickly, if the issue requires a more detailed conversation then please contact the school office to arrange an appointment
  • Before and after school, school children or younger siblings should not be playing on the climbing frames and gym equipment, scooting/cycling in the school grounds or playing ball games. This policy is in place to reduce the risk of accidents at such a busy time of the day.
  • Children should not be left unsupervised on the playground (with the exception of Year 6 walkers) and we would ask that children are do arrive at school prior to 8.30am as we have noticed some children on the grounds particularly who are not supervised and as the colder darker morning arrive we do not feel this is appropriate.
  • We would ask that once children have been collected or dropped off that the playground is vacated in order that the school grounds can be made secure and the grounds can then be used by our after school clubs.
  • Finally a reminder that no dogs, other than assistance dogs, should be brought onto any part of the school grounds.


Thank you to those families who work closely with us, regarding their child’s specific medical needs. Should your child have any specific medical needs please ensure you have liaised with the school office or class teacher to ensure we can provide the care and support needed. If your child needs medication then a form must be completed at the office stating clearly the does and timings required. If your child has asthma then they must have an in date inhaler and spacer in school.

School Uniform

Before the summer we asked for your support in sending your children back to school in September in the correct school uniform and correctly equipped for PE and outdoor games lessons. The children returned to school looking very smart and we would thank you for that. We are very keen to keep developing the pride in our school and arriving at school dressed correctly is one way we can support this culture. Where a member of staff identifies a small issue they will either speak to you directly or place a sticker in your child’s reading diary. Your support in correcting the issue will be greatly appreciated. Should you have any concerns or queries regarding school uniform or PE kit please contact your child’s class teacher or the website and school prospectus may also have the answers.


At the start of the year we would like to take the opportunity to remind all our families that we aim to be a healthy school. This includes expecting our children to bring healthy lunch options for packed lunch and for their snacks at break time. KS1 and Reception are provided with a free piece of fruit funded by the Government. KS2 children may bring their own snack for break time but this should not be crisps, chocolate or sweets etc. May we also remind you that juice or fizzy drinks are not allowed as a drink for school.

Can we remind our families that no nuts or nut based products should be brought into school either as part of a lunchbox, treats for the class or as a snack. This is due to us having some children and staff with severe nut allergies.

Pupil Water Charge

As in previous years it is necessary to ask for a £5 contribution from each child in order that we cancontinue to provide children with chilled filtered water throughout the day. This payment is due as soon as possible and is payable via ParentPay. Children will need to bring a clearly labelled waterbottle in each day, or alternatively one can be purchased from school (including our school logo!) for £1.00


Being situated at the end of a cul-de-sac is far from ideal for a school, but this is the situation we are faced with. Unfortunately, we have had a number of occasions where local residents and parents within our community have reported inconsiderate parking and aggressive behaviour.

Children’s safety has to come first with regards to this and we do feel it is vitally important that we all park, drive and behave in a considerate and responsible manner both inside and outside the school grounds. We politely ask that all parents and carers consider the needs and safety of everyone whilst travelling to and from the school.

Can we also remind parents that the school carpark is for staff use, we have noticed some parents using it at the end of the school day, this creates a potential hazard with those cars having to cut across the lines of pedestrians leaving the school grounds

Macmillan bake off and cake sale

Our Macmillan bake off and cake sale organised by children from Year 5 and Year 6 raised approximately £546.67. Thanks to Year 5 & 6 & everyone who supported this event and congratulations to our winners in the bake-off competitions.

We understand the financial position is presenting increasing challenges for everybody. Can we take this opportunity to remind you that we are a Foodbank School and are able to issue food vouchers to members of our school community who are in need of support. Please make contact with us should you require help. In addition, the school is able to access pupil premium funding / free school meals to support your child if you are in receipt or qualify for benefits. If you believe you may be eligible, please contact the school office, who will be able to support you with the application process. Please be reassured that any support offered by the school will be provided in a confidential and sensitive manner.

The following link provides resources to support both adults and children, including physical and mental health and wellbeing. These resources are suggested and supported by Stockport local authority.

Finally, we look forward to seeing you at some point over the next term. Many thanks for your continued support.

Mr P Rayner Mr A Clerc

Contact: admin@st-johns.stockport.sch.uk

Website: http://www.st-johns.stockport.sch.uk