
Johnston Community Primary School November 10th 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It has been a busy week back in school and it has been lovely to see pupils excited for the Christmas half term! Pupils have made an excellent start to the half-term and we look forward to a busy few weeks of learning.

Get well soon Mrs. Wood

On Wednesday Mrs Wood took a fall and broke her ankle. As you can imagine, this came as a shock and we would like to wish Mrs Wood a speedy recovery. Mr. V is going to be returning to school to cover Mrs. Wood's absence. The LRC Coffee morning due to be held on Monday 13th November will be postponed.

Best wishes,

Mr. Williams.

Weekly Insights: What have pupils been learning about this week?

  • Nursery: Pupils have been reading the story Owl Babies and investigating how to build owl boxes.
  • Reception: In reception class, pupils have been learning about light and dark. Pupils have been learning about the stars and finding out more about nocturnal animals.
  • Year One: Archaeologists of the future, year one have started learning about dinosaurs! Bones were discovered in the sand pit and as a result pupils developed their measuring skills!
  • Year Two: Mrs Davies and the year two team launched their new topic about the Victorians with an immersive experience for pupils! Pupils were able to step back in time and discover what life was life for children 150 years ago!
  • Year Three: Pupils have been time traveling in year three as well, to find out what life was like for the Celts. Pupils even met a celt from St. Fagans!
  • Year Four: Pupils in year four kicked off their learning this week with a trip to Carew Castle. The weather improved throughout the day and pupils had a wonderful experience.
  • Year Five: Pupils in year five have exploring the messages in Banksy's artwork. They even created raps to explore some of the complex themes.
  • Year Six: Pupils in year six have been reading a wonderful book called Windrush Child. They have been fascinated by the changes in Great Britain since the 1960s.
  • LRC 1 & 2 : Pupils have been learning about Remembrance and Bonfire Night. The have also been reading The Magic Porridge Pot Book.

Chair of Governors

During our Autumn Term meeting, a new Chair of Governors was elected. Cllr. Aled Thomas cares passionately about education in the Johnston area and we are looking forward to working together to ensure we provide our pupils with the best education possible.

Odd Socks Day

On Monday we invite pupils to wear odd socks to school. Next week is anti-bullying week and all pupils are going to be learning about this years' message, speak up if you have a worry.


Our whole school attendance is steadily improving based upon the data from the last two years. Please continue to help us do everything possible to achieve our 95% target.

Attendance this week: 91.8%.


I have been asked to set up a new school facebook to keep parents updated and share information. Before I joined the school, a facebook account had been established to share information. Unfortunately, the staff member who ran the page has now left the school.

Please note, the facebook page will only be used to share information and to celebrate events and achievements. The facebook page is linked to our school mobile telephone. Staff members will not spend time reading and responding to comments. If you have a query or question, please telephone the school office.

Lines of communication:

  1. School Seesaw Account. Seesaw allows us to share any information/letters that we need parents to see. Whilst I understand that Seesaw isn't perfect, it is a free software and allows us to avoid an expensive subscription.
  2. Twitter and Facebook. We will use these pages as much as possible to share updates.
  3. Notice Board. We have a notice board located at the front of the school which is updated every Monday.

Key Dates

Please note that this list will be updated each week as more events are added to the diary.

  • 8th November - Year Four Carew Castle Trip.
  • 11th November - URDD Cross-Country in Cardiff.
  • 12th November - Remembrance Sunday.
  • 14th November - Year Six Crucial Crew.
  • 17th November - Children in Need events & Sports matches against against Coastlands School during the afternoon.
  • 21st November - Year Three Castell Henllys Trip
  • 27th November - School is closed for an inset day.
  • 7th December - Christmas Bingo
  • 8th December - School is closed for an inset day.
  • 13th December - Christmas Dinner Day.
  • 20th & 21st December - Christmas Events after school.
  • 22nd December - Last day of school.

Inset Days for 2023-2024

  1. 1st September. Local Authority Directed Day.
  2. 27th November. Cluster Inset Day.
  3. 8th December. Focus on high quality teaching with an Estyn inspector.
  4. 26th January. Oracy and independence work.
  5. 8th April. Local Authority Directed Day.
  6. 19th July. Research informed schools.

Seren yr Wythnos

New Lunch Menu

Please note, the new lunch menu is also available online and via a Smart Speaker.