KC News Round Up Friday 4th October 2024

We are really looking forward to a fantastic Senior School Open Morning tomorrow. Thank you to all our students and staff helping to showcase the school. We are expecting a lot of visitors, the weather is looking great and we can't wait to show Kent College at its best.

English National Opera Trip

On Friday night, 14 students went to watch Suor Angelica at the Coliseum. It was an incredibly moving performance – one of Puccini’s shorter operas (only 55 minutes long) but it contains a highly emotional storyline with some of his most beautiful music. Ms Bruce sang mezzo in the chorus of magdalenes and was absolutely delighted to hear a huge cheer from our KC students during the curtain call. An incredible experience for all.

Half Marathon Success

Alina, in the Upper Sixth, ran the Tonbridge Half Marathon on Sunday for KSS Air Ambulance and, alongside her friend, managed to raise over £2,000 for this charity. Freya, also in the Upper Sixth, was there to support and, with her help, Alina and her friend crossed the finish line in a great time to receive their medals. Very well done!

Year 10 Chemistry

Dr Cowie's Year 10 Chemistry classes have been working on percentage yield. Students need to do some calculations and also appreciate the reasons why reactions often do not give 100% percentage yield. The students were asked to produce an illustrated mind-map outlining the factors that might cause less than 100% reactions and their contributions really do demonstrate their creative minds! Here are just a small selection of their work.

Futures Programme

Our Lower Sixth were treated to a fabulous workshop from local businessman, James Gardiner, from Amazing 3D Goals. He gave a lively and interactive talk where he helped the students to think about their future career and life goals and how to set goals in future.

Boarding Fun

Our boarders have had a great week this week with a visit to Downingbury Farm where they met some interesting characters along the way, and some fun games like bingo in the boarding house.

Poet Visit

Years 7-9 were treated to a brilliant presentation from poet, Emilie Lauren Jones, as part of our National Poetry Day celebrations. Emilie talked about her path to making poetry a career and the variety of poems she has written for events and organisations, including those as the first Poet Laureate for Coventry when it was the City of Culture in 2021. Emilie is regularly published in magazines and anthologies and she read some of her poetry and then held poetry writing workshops based on the theme of place or home. Sixth Formers also enjoyed chatting to her in the library at lunchtime.

Science Club

Some fantastic things have been happening in Science Club this term. In the first week we did fire writing with potassium nitrate, last week we made squishes/stress balls and this week we hosted a ping pong challenge where students needed to make something out of paper, sellotape and split pins which could move a ping pong ball 30cm, without their hands crossing the 30cm line. Great fun!

Soroptimist Club

This week Soroptimist Club discussed looking after our wellbeing using this self-care Alphabet, to demonstrate that we cannot help others effectively if we are not ok ourselves. We also made some brilliant friendship bracelets.

For anyone interested in joining the Soroptimist Club, it runs every Monday from 4.20pm - 5.20pm and welcomes new members.

Sixth Form Fun

Here is Sixth Former Tilly showing off her rock star side after she created a guitar out of a Jaffa cake tin!

Halloween Bake Sale - Friday 11th October

Fire up your ovens and tie on your apron, it is bake sale time! Please bring your baked goods to the Dining Hall on Friday 11th Ocotber before school and we will have a panel of judges to choose which are the spookiest, scariest, or cutest creations. Remember, no nuts or sesame seeds please. The bake sale will be at break time on Friday and all proceeds will go to the KC charities!

Dates for your Diary

Senior School Open Morning

Our next Senior School Open Morning is on Saturday 5th October from 9.00am to 12.30pm. If you know anyone who might be interested in joining Kent College in Year 7 in September 2025 or 2026, please do pass the details on. To book, please click here.

Harvest Festival

Sixth Form Information Evening

The Sixth Form Information Evening will take place on Tuesday 8th October from 6.00pm to 8.30pm. We would like to invite all Year 11 students and their families to come along and find out more about the range of A Levels, BTECs and extra-curricular opportunities available in the Sixth Form.

Sponsored Walk

The Wellbeing Hub

Click here to watch this webinar.

Have a great weekend!