
Ingoldsby Update November 2023

Have your say- School Lunches

Online Safety Webinar for Parents

In the Keeping Safe Online Survey of 2023 Lincolnshire Children who reported having less parental supervision online were more likely to report being bullied online, effective parental/guardian supervision of a child’s online activity reduced the risk of children being bullied online by up to 39%. The online space can feel overwhelming with new apps and trends, it can be hard to keep up! We want to give you the information and tools to help you feel confident enough to protect your children and young people from online harm. Dan Hawbrook our resident Online Guru will chat you through different apps, online trends, parental controls and any other burning questions you may have! Sign up is required.

Safeguarding and Film Ratings

A few children have shared that they have viewed movies rated 15 or above over the Halloween period. We, as a school, have a duty to raise awareness of potential safeguarding issues with our wider community.

Why do film ratings matter?

Film ratings may seem restrictive but they're supposed to help us enjoy what we watch, not spoil the fun.

Film ratings are in place to provide parents with information about the content of films and whether this content is appropriate for their child. Even at the same age, every child will be different in regards what content is suitable for them. One 9 year old may find a horror film fine if not a bit spooky, while another child of the same age might be very upset by it and have nightmares.

Parents will know their child’s individual disposition and sensitivities, and film ratings act as a guide to these factors. If you think it’s harmless to let younger children watch older content, that’s your decision, but it’s important to be prepared to support your child and have discussions with them about what they’ve watched if any content does worry or upset them.

Film ratings are also of growing importance in an age where we watch a lot of content on tablets or phones, where content is available to easily download or stream. Even with child mode or parental guidance options for devices, having an idea of what UK film ratings mean and what they might include can help you make quick decisions about content your child might want to watch.

UK Film Ratings Glossary

U - Suitable for all ages, including little ones. These movies typically have a positive tone and moral focus, i.e. the difference between right and wrong. There should be no bad or reckless behaviour that children might copy and bad language is mild if not non-existent.

PG - Meaning ‘Parental Guidance’. PG films are generally suitable for all ages but some scenes might unsettle younger children. PG films might introduce heavier topics, such as bullying or death, but in a gentle tone. Parents should consider if younger or more sensitive children would be unsettled by the content.

12 - No one younger than 12 may rent or buy a 12 rated video work. In the cinema this rating is usually grouped in with a 12A rating.

12A - A 12A rating means a film is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. There may be mild to moderate bad language and sex scenes. Aggressive action i.e. weapons and violence may be featured but should not be shown as fun or glamorous.

15 - Films classified as 15 are considered suitable only for ages 15 and over. If you have a tween wanting to see a film rated 15 at the cinema, they will not be allowed entry even if you accompany them. This rating reflects the fact that while teens have an understanding of many adult topics, there is still content that may be unsuitable. Topics like suicide and self harm may feature, while illegal drugs may be shown but should not be promoted. Strong language is more likely to be present, as well as sex scenes, though not explicit.

18 - Suitable for adults only. Tweens and teens will not be allowed entry at cinemas and it is not recommended to show a 18 film to children. These films often show explicit violence or sex, upsetting topics such as suicide, drugs, or racism and homophobia through an unfiltered tone.

Behaviour Policy

We have high expectations of all pupils at Ingoldsby in order to support pupils to achieve their very best. We have a range of rewards and praise to support pupils do well.

A few parents have asked about stages (progressive consequences). I've provided a summary and linked the behaviour appendix below.

Height and weight Checks

One you Lincolnshire are looking to find out how parents would support their children to achieve a healthy weight. Their goal is to support families whose children are overweight by promoting positive lifestyle behaviours. Whether you are a parent yourself, or work closely with children they would love your thoughts and feedback.

Save the date!

Parents meetings- 7th November

Reminder for Kestrel Class (Y3/4); On 8th November 2023, we will be having an Ancient Greek ‘Wow’ day. We invite your child to dress up as an Ancient Greek for the day whilst taking part in some exciting activities.

13th November- Buzzard Class: Money Management workshop with HSBC

17th November- Children in Need- non uniform day. Donations to Children in Need charity

21st November 9.00 am - 9.30am Q&A with Mrs Capes. Please submit questions ahead of the meeting.


Early years and KS1 (YR-2) will be performing a nativity on the 8th December in the afternoon. Exact time to be determined, but this is likely to be a 1.30/2pm start.

KS2 will be performing a medley of pieces at the church on the 15th December in the evening. We are aiming for this to be at the church with a 6pm start.

Pantomime- 19th December at the Guildhall. Later return. Payment details are on MCAS.

PTFA Christmas party- 20th December in the morning. Wear party clothes.

Provisional Christmas Lunch date- 20th December

20th December is the last day- No clubs or wraparound. School closes at 3.20pm.