Good afternoon Stinger families!
We had such a great time this week showcasing our school to our Future Stingers. Can you believe that was some of you just last year prepping for the big middle school and now, 8th grade parents, you are starting the process for high school. Time---- please slow down! As I have said over and over again, enjoy this middle school time with your child.
As you have read for the past two weeks, we have two assemblies coming up that will both be fabulous for our students. Please scroll down to that section and read about what they both entail. We are offering an "opt out" for the assembly on February 12th due to some of the topics. These are important for our teens to hear about and discuss, but respect your request should you decide that you would rather have those discussions with your middle schooler instead of a presenter. Again, information about both presentations can be found below.
Jill Sarraino, Principal
Main Line Phone Number: 480.272.8600
Attendance: 480.272.8604
Health Tech: 480.272.8602
Upcoming Dates
January 31: 1:00: Early Release PLC
Theme Days
As a part of PBIS, we celebrate and do fun "things" with our kids. Every Friday, we have a school theme day. We will share these days with our students during announcements, but you can also find them in this section of the newsletter. Please encourage your child to participate. We can still have fun while learning. Go Stingers!
February 2: STMS
February 9: Superbowl/Favorite Football Team
February 16: Meme Day
February 23: Character Day
Outstanding STAR Students
There are students out there who continue to do the right thing, don't always get recognized for their efforts, or just might need a little pick me up. We invite you to write up a nomination. Please revolve your answer around Safety, Trustworthy, Accountable, Respectful. Student names will be read on announcements OR they will get a special visit in one of their classrooms. When completing, you can remain anonymous if you so choose.
Stinger Shining Staff
This is an opportunity (and part of our PBIS system) for you to share your words of appreciation to any staff member on our campus- and it is FREE. The form below will take less than a minute to complete. We appreciate you in advance for letting our staff know the great joy and success that they bring to our campus, students, and community!
Stingers of the Month
Office Hours are by appointment only. Every teacher will have a google form that students will complete prior to attending their office hours. This ensures safety and also allows for our teachers to appropriately prepare for the many needs that our students have when they come to get additional support in office hours.
- February 26-March 8: Mimic #3 (ELA/Math)
- March 18-April 12: AzSci State Assessment
- April: AASA State Assessment (schedule will be forthcoming)
Our counseling team will assist students with signing up for their 2024-2025 classes the week of January 30-February 2nd. As a reminder, we staff based on requests, thus, we do not change schedules once they are made. PLEASE take time to talk through your child's wishes, needs, etc. prior to finalizing the course registration sheet. These are due back to the Science teachers no later than January 29th.
At STMS, we are committed to fostering an environment that goes beyond academics, recognizing the value of nurturing the whole child. We were able to use tax credit money (thank you) and secure two different presentations for our students that we feel will add great value to the every student on our campus. Assemblies serve as a key platform for achieving this goal. Here is why they matter:
- Community Building: Assemblies bring our middle school community together, creating a sense of unity and belonging. They provide opportunities for students to connect with peers, teachers, and staff, fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.
- Character Development: Beyond textbooks and exams, your child's character is shaped by their experiences. Assemblies often feature discussions and presentations that promote values such as empathy, respect, and resilience. These moments contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals.
- Inspiration and Motivation: Guest speakers, performances, and presentations during assemblies expose students to diverse perspectives and ideas. These experiences can inspire and motivate our students to explore new interests, set ambitious goals, and develop a lifelong love of learning.
- Social and Emotional Learning: Middle school is a crucial time for social and emotional development. Assemblies will often touch on topics related to mental health, effective communication, and positive relationships. These discussions equip students with essential skills to navigate the challenges of being an adolescent.
February 5th: Student assembly, "Technology Talks" with Dr. Lisa Strohman during school hours regarding the impact technology has on our students daily lives. We will host a parent presentation at 6:30 that evening in our gymnasium. Please plan on attending this presentation as you will find it to be great value to you! Dr. Strohman is a Cave Creek community member who has a wealth of knowledge on educating and training kids, schools and parents to become responsible digital citizens. Check out her website here:
February 12th: "Your Story Matters"- We are excited to welcome Cory Greenwood to STMS on February 12th. "Cory teaches students resilience and tools to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams, while creating a positive school culture." Cory will be presenting to our 7th and 8th grade students in two, separate sessions. We encourage you to review his website for detailed information about his program's message and review student/parent feedback on their experience. If you do not want your child to attend this session, please contact his/her school counselor directly. Students will be provided an alternate activity during their scheduled presentation time.
If you prefer to have your child opt out of the Cory Greenwood assembly due to the content, please email our school social worker, Daniel Slager, with that request.
Yearbook Information
Are you interested in submitting photos to our yearbook? Please click on the link below!
Are you ready to purchase your child's yearbook? Please click on the link below!
8th Grade registration information from CSHS
If you missed Future Falcon night, please check out the below flyers.
- Sarah Fairfield, President
- Bethany Flower & Annie Schwartz, Vice Presidents
- Mollie Sutherland, Secretary
- Virginia Sierra, Treasurer
- Kelly Clary & Jessica Cammarata, FunShine Chairs
- Ashley Renie & Kelly Groth, Snack Shack Chairs
- Kelly Harkins, Web & Technology
- Jessica Spencer, Social Media Chair and Site Council
There are just so many wonderful things happening each and everyday on our campus. To ensure you don't miss out on anything, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Around CCUSD
CCUEF is going to have a Rally the District with the Suns, March 7th, 2024. They only have until Jan 31st to sell tickets. CCUEF will also be the Community Partner for the Night! They will be showing a short video from Grant the District on the Overhead Screens. They have 350 seats set aside in 6 different price ranges. 30 CCUSD students (16 yrs and younger) will get to be on the court during the National Anthem with the teams. CCUEF will randomly pick students who have tickets. Plus, we get early entrance to watch warm-ups sitting in the lower level.
$5 per ticket will go to CCUEF and any donations received will as well. CCUEF will have a table on the lower level concourse. This will help CCUEF fund grants for 2024.