Gurudeva's Quotes and Kauai's Hindu Monastery

When we are selfish, self-centered and flare up and lose control of ourselves, we are like animals. When we reflect understanding, have control of ourselves and use our will to conquer our lower nature, we are using the Godly part of our mind.
The monastery was founded in 1970 by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (Gurudeva), a spiritual leader and teacher who established the monastery to preserve and promote traditional Hindu teachings, practices, and culture.
When we begin to meditate, we have to transmute the energies of the physical body. By sitting up straight with the spine erect, the energies of the physical body are transmuted.
The monastery features traditional South Indian architecture, with temples dedicated to various deities including God Siva, Lord Ganesha, and Lord Karthikeya. The main temple, known as the Kadavul Temple, houses sacred murtis (idols) and serves as the focal point for religious activities and pilgrimages.
Glimpse of Iraivan Temple
Siva's devotees bask contentedly in Siva consciousness, seeing the pure life energy in every person, animal, bird, reptile, fish, insect, plant, tree and even microscopic intelligence as Supreme God Siva Himself. Aum.
The monastery is situated on a lush, secluded property in the tropical rainforests of Kauai's eastern side. The serene and natural setting provides an ideal environment for meditation, reflection, and spiritual practice.

There are many plant species you might encounter while exploring the natural beauty of Kauai. The island's rich biodiversity and favorable climate create an ideal environment for a wide variety of tropical plants to flourish.

If you are having a difficult day, tell yourself, "I'm working with my subconscious mind. Admittedly, things are not working out very well for me today, but I think I will have it all adjusted by evening." ”
The monastery conducts daily worship (puja) and rituals according to Hindu traditions. Devotees and visitors participate in these ceremonies, which often include chanting of sacred mantras and offering of prayers.

The presence of flowers in Ganesha's adornment not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also deepens the spiritual significance of the worship. It reflects the devotee's reverence and devotion towards Lord Ganesha, seeking his blessings for success, wisdom, and the removal of obstacles in their endeavors.

Be free from life's attachments and don't allow any more negative attachments to occur in your life. Loosen yourself--be free. Attachments bring all sorts of complications. Freedom brings no complications at all.
The monastery serves as an educational hub for Hindu philosophy, scriptures (such as the Vedas and Agamas), meditation techniques, and cultural practices. It offers teachings through publications, online resources, and seminars.
Be like the river water. Water flows freely anywhere, easily finding its way around rocks and trees. Be pliable in your life, moving in rhythm with life. Let go of everything that blocks the river of life's energy.

Benefits of Coconut

Botanical Characteristics: The coconut palm is a tall, slender tree that can grow up to 30 meters (98 feet) in height. Its leaves are long and feathery, and it produces clusters of coconuts year-round once mature.

Parts of the Coconut:

Outer Husk: The green outer husk, also called the exocarp, is fibrous and encases the coconut fruit. When mature, the husk turns brown and can be processed to make coir, a fiber used in ropes, mats, and brushes.

Shell: Beneath the husk is a hard, brown shell (endocarp) that protects the inner fruit.

Fruit: Inside the shell is the coconut fruit itself, which consists of the coconut water (liquid endosperm) and the white flesh (kernel) that lines the inner shell.

Nutritional Value: Coconuts are highly nutritious. The water inside the coconut is low in calories and fat-free, while the coconut flesh is rich in fiber, vitamins (such as C, E, B vitamins), minerals (including potassium, magnesium, and iron), and healthy fats, particularly medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

The greatest thing that a devotee must learn is that all knowing is within oneself. Therefore, go to the great superconscious school within you and bring forth knowledge.
Kauai Hindu Monastery plays a significant role in preserving and promoting Hindu cultural heritage, rituals, and traditions in North America. It provides a spiritual and cultural home for Hindus living in the diaspora and serves as a place of pilgrimage for devotees from around the world.
The good-and-bad concept should be thrown out with a lot of other things, including the up-and-down concept. There is no good; there is no bad. You don't raise your consciousness, nor do you lower it.
The monastery is committed to environmental sustainability and practices eco-friendly initiatives on its property. It promotes reverence for nature and emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with the natural world, reflecting Hindu teachings on ecological responsibility.

Kauai is home to lush, verdant rainforests characterized by dense foliage, towering trees, and an abundance of tropical plants. These forests are teeming with life, including endemic bird species, insects, and diverse flora.

Face each test graciously. Welcome each test and welcome each temptation that shows you the strength of your will over the chaotic senses.
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, the founder of Kauai Hindu Monastery, left a lasting legacy through his teachings, writings, and spiritual leadership. His vision continues to inspire the monastery's mission of spiritual enlightenment, cultural preservation, and service to humanity.

Kauai's natural wonders offer a paradise for nature lovers, adventurers, and those seeking tranquility amidst breathtaking landscapes. The island's diverse ecosystems and stunning scenery make it a haven for outdoor exploration and appreciation of the natural world.

Holding the family together can be summed up in one word: love. Love is understanding. Love is acceptance. Love is making somebody feel good about his experience, whether the experience is a good one or not.
Overall, the Kauai Hindu Monastery is not only a spiritual sanctuary but also a center for education, cultural preservation, and community service rooted in the principles of Hinduism. It continues to inspire and educate seekers of all backgrounds who are drawn to its teachings and serene environment amidst Kauai's natural beauty.
A clean personal environment, wearing clean clothes, bathing often, keeping the room spotless where you meditate, breathing clean air, letting fresh air pass through your house, is all very important in the fulfillment of purity.
People wonder about their past lives, but it doesn't really matter who you were in your past lives. It is the cumulative creation of what you've done in the past which has manifested in what you are in this life that should concern you. ”

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A quick introduction about the monastery