Guiding Questions for Mentors

The guiding questions below are intended as prompts for possible next steps as you think about how the ideas contained in Mentoring for Mentors could offer points of reflection, connection and intersection with your ongoing commitment to supporting the learning and growth of your colleagues and ultimately our students.

Mentoring Webs
  • As a mentor, how might you be able to elevate and celebrate the quiet moments of beauty that occur every day in our classrooms, schools and beyond?
  • What concrete actions could you take in order to help new colleagues build their mentoring webs?
  • How can you continue to build your own web of support?
  • What practical ideas do you have to continue to build (and rebuild) trust in your mentoring relationships?
  • What opportunities are there to deeply listen to the hopes, dreams and wishes of colleagues (and students)?
  • In what ways could engaging in goal setting conversations support your learning and growth as a mentor?
Learning Focused Conversations
  • How could the stances of consulting, collaborating and coaching align with your approach to mentoring?
  • How might we place student learning and well-being at the centre of our mentoring conversations?
  • Thinking about the ā€œ4th Cā€ of caring, how could this shine through in your mentoring role?
Meaningful Feedback
  • Are there ways you might utilize scaling questions in your role?
  • As a mentor, what opportunities do you have to receive growth oriented feedback?
  • How might applying an appreciative inquiry approach impact the way you mentor, or lead, or teach (or all 3)?
Powerful Mentoring Designs
  • What opportunities might there be to engage in or support classroom observation and debriefing in your role?
  • What ideas, insights or approaches might enhance collaborative professionalism within your team moving forward?
  • What does the idea of mentoring as learning mean for your personal and professional growth?

In this glideshow, mentors in a variety of roles from across Canada share thoughts about their continuing learning journey.

Reflections from and for Mentors