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We recognise some companies will have a preference to focus on a particular territory or geographical area dependent on their own location, marketing strategy and target audience.

Split into 5 regions and made up of 28 separate sections, your company can become BIGGA Regional Patrons. Aside to nationwide recognition of your support in Greenkeeper International or on the BIGGA website, you will be recognised as a key local sponsor, having great brand awareness at all BIGGA regional and section events, golf days and education workshops hosted throughout the year.

Whether you choose to sponsor just 1 or 2 sections or multiple regions, company representatives can interact and network face to face with BIGGA members, promoting your products and services.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Regional Patron Scheme needed?

Without direct support, both financial and collaboratively, BIGGA would not be able to provide a range of opportunities and activities at local level. The Regional Patron Scheme (RPS) is our product to help create that foundation for companies to support the association in providing a programme to its members.

How will the regions use the funds received from patrons?

Each region will use RPS funds for its operations and to provide an appropriate Regional Programme suitable and relevant to its membership.

What types of events are included in a Regional Programme?

There are several types of events, opportunities and initiatives that are provided at region and section level including:

  • Golf outings
  • Course walks
  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Roadshows Conferences
  • Awards

What types of local events are RPS representatives entitled to attend?

Most, if not all, local events will be open for RPS representatives to attend if there are available spaces and the event is not targeting specific membership categories or types of members, e.g. apprentices. This will also be based on the level of RPS that a company has taken.

How can a RPS representative participate in Regional Programmes?

RPS companies at national and regional levels will be able to participate in regional programmes through agreement at local level with the relevant Membership Services Manager (MSM). A register of presenters has been created that can be added to by RPS members.

How will BIGGA support an event or opportunity organised by a RPS member?

Companies participating in the RPS will have the option to request assistance from MSM’s and by extension BIGGA, to publicise their own events through social media, the website, quarterly e-newsletters and to organise a CPD code.

What and how are the additional opportunities available to a RPS member?

Bespoke involvement / lead sponsorship – there may be opportunities at local level for a company to work with a MSM to develop and deliver a new event or initiative for members

Golf Day – local golf events are available for sponsorship. RPS companies interested in becoming partners at local level should discuss options with the relevant MSM

Education Day – there may be opportunities and initiatives at local level that could be available for financial partnership with RPS companies

Conference Programme – RPS companies will have the opportunity to support conferences that should be discussed with local MSM’s


For further information and to discuss in person contact The Commercial Team or your local MSM.

  • Commercial Team: 01347 833800 |
  • Scotland & Northern Ireland: John Young | 07776 242 120 |
  • Northern England & North Wales: Roger Butler | 07525 593359 |
  • Central England: Steven Dudley-Brown | 07866 366966 |
  • South West England & South Wales: Kristian Parker | 07300 861475 |
  • South East England: John Pearson | 07591 588493 |