CCY Connect december 2023 EDITION

by David Ruedy | CCY Shepherd

Fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year. The summer heat has finally diminished into cool, crisp mornings and mild days with light winds. The sunrises and sunsets tend to be a spectacular array of colors. Our trees and shrubs display beautiful foliage colors before appearing to go dormant. What I have learned about our trees and shrubs is that a combination of the shorter sunlight days and cool air temperatures, combined with warm soil, triggers them to spend less energy above the surface, dropping leaves, and concentrate below the surface to grow their root system, all in preparation for the cold winter and in anticipation of spring. Isn’t God’s creation amazing?

Learning that got me thinking about us.

As the days grow shorter and we find ourselves less active outside, what if we intentionally spent some time to grow deeper in the study of God’s word, preparing our hearts and minds for the tougher days of winter? If you are not already reading your Bible regularly or participating in a Bible study or Sunday school class, I encourage you to intentionally set aside some time to grow deeper in your faith.

We have many great resources available at CCY. In addition to the previously mentioned, we have a library filled with lots of great material. If you prefer online, CCY provides RightNow Media at with a vast array of study material for all ages. I encourage you to take the opportunity to take advantage of this season to grow deeper in your faith and walk with Jesus Christ in preparation for the celebration of His birth.

by Melissa Wrona | PDO Director

The sounds of laughter rings out down the hall, the happy chatter of children playing and talking as I move to and fro through my day. They run up to me and tell me all about the thing foremost in their mind at that moment. They reach up for hugs and high fives when I see them. Today the smell of banana muffins permeates the air. We made them together, the children excited to be helping measure, stir, and pour. Later they skip around with the enthusiasm that children have as we deliver the muffins to our pastors and tell them how much we appreciate them. After they depart for the day and a silence settles over the church I reflect on what it would be like without those children in the building we call our church. They are the sparkle here. Like a fine layer of glitter that catches the light. Without them the church would quite simply be lifeless and dying. As they are the hope of what is to come, what has yet to be.

God formed them and placed them in this time and in this place, for such a time as this. Our responsibility to see them, acknowledge them, teach and guide them, and embrace their presence in our congregation is very important. Jared S. Kennedy wrote a great article over the importance of children in the church. He says, “if we take the biblical record about children seriously, we must believe their presence in church is vital.” The bible tells us God’s view on children and of His enormous love and respect for them. Read Matthew 19:14 and Matthew 18:2-4 and in Matthew 18:10 Jesus tells us that the angels assigned to children in heaven have direct access to God. That amazes me that children are so important in the kingdom of heaven that angels assigned to watch over them are in direct contact with God. Paul mentions children in both Ephesians and Collosians when writing his letters to the Christians. Further emphasizing children’s roles in the church and within families.

Therefore , children’s ministry must be something we as a church deliberately focus on and prioritize. It can not be something we do just to occupy kids while their parents worship. “When church leaders are mindful of the next generation as they plan worship services and other events, and youngsters serve side-by-side with adults, the church benefits from their gifts, from the life and vibrancy of their youth, and from the reminder that christianity ultimately finds its shape in a dependent, childlike faith.” ( There is an extensive list as to why it is so beneficial to view children and children’s ministry as the vital life blood of our future as a church. It helps the church pass on its faith to the next generation, it helps bring new families to church, it helps train future church leaders, raises community awareness of church through special events, allows the church body to use their spiritual gifts and talents, provides senior adults with a chance to be spiritual grandparents, and gives opportunity for churches to cooperate with one another. These are awesome opportunities to tap into to further the future of Christ’s kingdom and bring hope to future generations. If we include children and youth in the life of our church we teach them the value of our church community at large.

Children’s ministry needs to be something we all participate in, someway and somehow. In examining ways we can do this let us be mindful that this doesn't always mean volunteering to lead a group of children but rather realizing by acknowledging their presence and importance at the youth level. Professor Robert J. Keeley describes in his book, Helping our Children Grow in Faith, a number of ways to include children in the life of a church fellowship. He says that simply giving children real jobs to do is one very practical way to go about this. Keeley states,

“ Children and young people should participate in the life of the church through authentic tasks,” he goes on to explain, “by authentic I mean tasks which they give as well as receive. They should feel that if they aren’t doing their part , the whole group will suffer.” I think it important to point out that Chap Clark and Kara Powell, Fuller Youth Institute leaders, discovered that the number one way churches made teens feel welcome was when the members of the congregation showed an interest in them. Going back to quote Keeley, “ It's when we individually take the time to get to know the kids in our church that we can have the most impact on them collectively.” So really it is very simple, serve in the children’s ministry, or give the kids some attention when you see them. Maybe get on the child’s level, learn their names, their interests, speak to them not just their parents, show them you care and they are valued.

Moving forward in 2024 I hope we can each make a commitment to the children of our congregation to be more involved in their lives. No matter if we are long past raising our own children or never have had children. Let's not miss the blessingGod has given us in the youngest of our parishioners. Let's make a long term investment in our church.


One of the many things that blesses me about the family of CCY is the genuine love that is displayed time and time again towards those less fortunate. You truly have the understanding that we are “blessed by God to be a blessing to others.”

For the past 20 years we have taken up a Christmas Kingdom Churches offering with which we have built churches around the world to bless God's people whom we have never met, but one day we'll meet on the glorious day in heaven!

Do you realize through the years we have given well over half $1 million towards these projects? God's people are amazing!

Once again this year on the first Sunday of December, we will take up our Christmas Missions Love Offering with which we will fund the building of a church building in Punjab, India and the leadership of India Christian ministries. Our goal is $35,000 but we already have $14,000 given so the December 3 sacrificial offering needs to be $21,000. Together we can once again attain this goal. I ask you to begin praying about your personal sacrificial gift. May the kingdom of God receive the glory as we stand together in our giving!


The CIY (Christ in Youth) Move Conference was ALWAYS the event I looked forward to as a teen every summer. It is a conference for young individuals seeking a deeper understanding of Christ, furthering their walk, and a sense of community. This year, the event we are planning on participating in will be in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. This conference has been transforming the lives of countless youth, empowering them to make a positive impact on the world around them as “Kingdom Workers” and has impacted students since it was founded in 1968.

At the heart of the CIY Move Conference are the hands on sessions and dynamic speakers. Speakers from various backgrounds, including pastors, authors, and leaders, share their wisdom and personal experiences, encouraging students (and even the adult leaders) to embrace their faith, discover their purpose, and live a life of using their gifts to further God’s Kingdom as “Kingdom Workers”.

In addition to the main sessions, the CIY Move Conference offers interactive workshops and small group discussions. These opportunities provide a space for participants to delve deeper into relevant topics, ask questions, and engage in meaningful conversations with their peers and mentors. The workshops cover a wide range of subjects, including spiritual growth, personal growth, leadership development, and practical application of faith in everyday life.

The worship was always the biggest highlight for me as a student. Worship plays a central role at the CIY Move Conference, with worship leaders from around the country leading uplifting and impactful praise and worship. The power of music and worship serves as a great opportunity for students to participate in worship with other believers while also engaging in understanding worship more.

The CIY Move Conference not only focuses on spiritual growth but also emphasizes the importance of service and giving back to the community. Some years have hands on experiences, while other years the conference brings in people to help explain the importance of hands on serving. These hands-on experiences enable young individuals to develop empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards others while understanding the Heart of Christ for loving people.

We plan on taking 20 individuals to this conference on July 15-19th. We were allotted 20 slots for our church and all 20 are filled! Between now and July, there will be many opportunities to partner alongside us to help raise funds to bring these students to this awesome opportunity. We only go once every 3 years and due to Covid, it has been quite a while since CCY has been able to go. The cost of the conference is $400 per person, so our goal throughout fundraising is to raise $8,000.

If you would like to partner with us in this great opportunity, please participate in the fundraisers as they come up! I also ask that you partner with us in praying for these students. Pray God will move in their hearts and make generational impacts on their lives that they will pass the knowledge on to others.

If you have any questions, please reach out!

Chris Miller | CCY Youth Pastor |



Join us this Saturday, December 2nd, for our Christmas Extravaganza! We're thrilled to serve our community and spread God's love. Expect a day filled with toys, crafts, a to-go lunch, Christmas photos, hot chocolate, and a helping hand for those in need. Haven't signed up to volunteer yet? No worries! We could still use your help. Come by and we'll get you plugged in. Your support makes a difference! As we embark on this day of service, let's reflect on the words of Philippians 2:4 (NIV): "Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others." Together, let's make this Christmas Extravaganza a celebration of love, compassion, and community.

Christ's Closet


Join us in prayer and support for our special offering on Dec 3rd, above our regular offering, to build a church in Punjab, India! Our goal is $35,000 and we have already received $14,000. Your donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. Remember, not everyone can do everything, but everyone can do something. Let's come together and make a difference!

Special Offering


Senior Connections will be meeting in the Celebrity Room after church next Sunday to share in a delicious potluck meal followed by a discussion led by Kathy Stanka. Bring a dish and stay for lunch!


Put on your coziest PJs and step into the joy of the season with us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus! Join our festive morning filled with fun activities:

  • Pancakes Galore: Indulge in a pancake feast that will tickle your taste buds!
  • Cookie Decorating: Unleash your creativity as we sprinkle, frost, and decorate delicious holiday cookies.
  • Card Making: Craft heartfelt cards to share with your loved ones.
  • Bounce House Fun: Jump, bounce, and play in our exciting bounce house—it's a party within a party!
  • All Generations Welcome: Parents, children, and grandparents, gather 'round! This event is designed for everyone.
  • Come and Go: Feel free to drop by whenever it suits your schedule. The more, the merrier!

Let's create cherished memories together at this special Christmas gathering. Spread the word and join us for a morning of festive fun!


Please mark your calendars for a Congregational Meeting on December 10th, immediately following the worship service. Your active participation is essential in making important decisions that will shape the future of CCY. Let's come together as a congregation and engage in meaningful discussions. Please note that this meeting will not be live-streamed, but will be recorded for members who are unable to attend.


Join us for a Women's Christmas Party on December 13 at 6:30 PM in the CCY Gathering Area! Put on your favorite Christmas sweater and let's make this Christmas season extra special! Treats, games, and festive fun await you. It's the perfect occasion to celebrate the joy of the season with wonderful company. Spread the word, bring your holiday spirit, and let's create unforgettable memories together!

Ladies Christmas Party

Pancake "Brunch For Lunch" Fundraiser | Sunday, Dec 17th after Service!

Join us for a delicious Pancake Brunch For Lunch Fundraiser in support of CCY Youth! This will be AFTER the Sunday service. Indulge in a feast of flavors with a variety of pancakes, made-to-order omelettes, fluffy scrambled eggs, and fresh-cut fruit! Your generosity makes a difference! All donations will go towards sending our youth to the life-changing Christ In Youth (CIY) conference in 2024. Let's come together as a community to support their journey and growth. Every bite counts, every donation matters! Can't make it? You can still contribute by donating online at Choose the "CIY Christ in Youth" fund in the dropdown menu. Spread the word, bring your friends and family, and let's make this brunch a memorable one!


Join us for a night of carols! Meet at the church for our usual Wednesday night meal at 5:30 pm and afterward, around 6:15 pm, we will split into groups and sing at different locations across the city. Bring your festive spirits and voice, as we spread Christmas cheer throughout town.

Happy Thanksgiving


As we approach the joyous season of Christmas, Christ's Church of Yukon extends a heartfelt invitation to you to join us in celebrating the birth of our Savior on Sunday, December 24th at 10:30 am. Please note that there will be no Sunday classes on this day, allowing us to come together and focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

To make this celebration even more delightful, we invite you to come early and enjoy some delicious donuts and coffee starting at 9:30 am. It's an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow members and share the Christmas spirit

We look forward to having you with us as we rejoice in the gift of Christmas and reflect on the love and hope that this season brings.

Christmas Eve Service at CCY


CCY Participation


  • RightNow Media - Free access to over 20,000 Biblically-based videos including topics like marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, leadership, finances, and much more. GET ACCESS
  • Small Groups - Join a small group!
  • Prayer Wall - Prayer is not a side room of the church, it is the foundation. Let us know how we can pray for you at
  • Facebook Group - Join our Facebook group by clicking here.
  • Online Giving - Give online at
620 W. VANDAMENT AVE YUKON OK 73099 | INFO@CCYOK.COM | 405-354-0245