Byron Breeze tERM 2 | wEEK 10 2024


Byron Bay High School delivers a collaborative learning environment where students achieve excellence through our connection with community and land, creating holistic leaders of the future.

Dates for your diary


Term 2

  • Fri 5 Jul | Last day of Term 2 I MINIMAL SUPERVISION

Term 3

  • Mon 22 Jul | Staff Development Day | PUPIL FREE
  • Tue 23 Jul | First day back for all students (timetable DAY 1)
  • Wed 24 Jul | Term 3 Wednesday Sport begins
  • Fri 26 Jul | Year 7 Geography Broken Head Excursion | RESCHEDULED DATE
  • Sun 28 Jul to Thu 8 Aug - Japanese Students visit BBHS
  • Tue 30 Jul | Northern Rivers Careers Expo | Lismore
  • Tue 30 Jul | 15s Girls FNC Netball Gala Day


  • Thu 1 Aug | North Coast Athletics Championships | Cudgen
  • Thu 1 Aug | Rugby NSW 7's Competition | Evans Head
  • Thu 1 Aug | Year 11 Biology Field Study | Flat Rock
  • Thu 1 Aug | P&C Parent Information Evening 6.30 pm
  • Mon 5 Aug to Fri 16 Aug | Year 12 Trial HSC Exams
  • Tue 6 Aug | Year 10 into Year 11 Subject Information Night | 6 pm
  • Thu 8 Aug | Byron Bay Writers Festival Secondary Schools Day | Bangalow
  • Sun 11 Aug to Fri 16 Aug | Year 11 Annual Snow Trip | Thredbo
  • Fri 16 Aug | Year 10 into Year 11 Subject Selection Interviews
  • Tue 20 Aug | P&C Meeting | Library | 7 pm

Payments Due

  • Year 11 Snow Trip - final instalment due 4 July
  • North Coast Athletics Championships - due 4 July
  • Year 7 Geography Broken Head Excursion - due 23 July
  • Rugby NSW 7's Competition - due 24 July
  • Northern Rivers Careers Expo - due 26 July

A message from Ms Marcus

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Thank you to all families for another amazing term at Byron Bay High School! Our teachers and support staff have created many varied opportunities inside and outside of the classroom for students to extend their learning, demonstrate excellence and feel successful.

To ensure we continue as a learning community to set and maintain high expectations for our students' learning and wellbeing please work over the holidays on:

  • Ensuring your child has a full school uniform to wear from day one next term - Our jumper, pants, shorts and skorts are navy blue. Jeans are not part of the uniform. Short skirts are not part of the uniform. Shoes must be totally enclosed footwear, no crocs or sandals.
  • Checking your child's workbooks and pencil case - Please buy some new workbooks if their workbooks are full, or repair any workbooks that need repairing. Also make sure your child has a full pencil case of pens and a calculator. Start fresh!
  • Only 50% of our subject school fees have been paid in 2024 - This does not include the voluntary contribution. Please pay your child's subject fees as the funds go straight to teaching and learning supplies for our students now.

Have a fantastic break from the school routines. I look forward to seeing everyone back next term for more opportunities to work towards excellence.

Yours Sincerely

Ms Janine Marcus - Principal

Our winners visit the ASX!

The Presentation Ceremony in Sydney for our Sharemarket Game winners

Mr Lee, Clay, Oscar and Mr Stevenson

History was made in the ASX Schools Sharemarket Game when Byron Bay High School students won all of the national prizes for the top three places, as well as the prize for first in NSW. Our school's results were impressive - 4 students in the top 5 traders, 6 in the top ten, 20 in top 100 overall and 31 in the top 100 in NSW.

History was also made when Byron Bay High School received its very own awards presentation at the Stock Exchange Centre in Sydney.

Clay (National 1st Place prize winner) and Oscar (National 2nd Place prize winner), as well as Mr Stevenson and Mr Lee attended the ceremony in Sydney. The group was greeted at the ASX by the Byron Bay High School name and logo on the big screens, alongside the other market data.

There were ASX experts on hand to answer all of our questions and to give us a deeper insight into the market’s operations. A formal presentation ceremony was also held, where both Clay and Oscar were presented with their certificates, an ASX official bag and a number of other prizes. Beau, the 3rd prize recipient from our school, was also sent his certificate and prizes. Mr Stevenson and Mr Lee were not forgotten and were given special ASX cups.

One of the most exciting aspects of the presentation was that all of the recipients were given the chance to ring the ASX market bell, an honour only given to a select group of people. In addition, the Byron Bay High School party was provided with a tour of the ASX computer facility, where we marvelled at the technology behind the operation of Australia’s financial markets.

For the students the Sydney ASX Schools Sharemarket Game was the experience of a lifetime and for Mr Stevenson, a long time coach of students in the Game, it was the fulfilment of a 20 year aspiration to have an awards ceremony for his students at the ASX in Sydney.

This ground-breaking achievement has cemented Byron Bay High School as being among the national leaders in providing financial markets literacy for its students.

Mr Dale Stevenson - HSIE teacher and BBHS Sharemarket Game Coach

BBHS Musical 'Curtains'

The final curtain for 'Curtains'!

The amazing cast and crew of our very successful school musical 'Curtains'

Congratulations to the cast and crew of our debut Musical, Curtains!

Last week, our 4 sell-out performances were a huge hit with the the Byron Bay community. On behalf of BBHS I would like to thank all the families, friends and community members who attended and supported our show.

A congratulations and special thanks goes to Director Adrienne Meg Lester and Vocal Coach Felicity Wooltorton for all their hard work and energy this semester. What a fantastic show they created and what a wonderful opportunity it was for our students!

A big thanks also to the BBHS staff and student volunteers who assisted on the evenings to ensure a smooth flow of events.

The show was absolutely sensational, the cast spectacularly talented and the crew committed and professional. We couldn’t be prouder of the result.

I hope all involved enjoys a well-earned rest now and a wonderful holiday break. You deserve it!

Ms Simone Museth - Head Teacher CAPAL and Drama Teacher

Year 8 Rewards excursion to Minyon Falls

Rewarding positive behaviour at BBHS

Monday's Year 8 Positive Rewards excursion to the rainforest and waterfall was an unforgettable experience for our students. Despite the wet and misty conditions, the environment took on a magical quality, with vibrant flowers popping in colour and brightness against the lush greenery.

During the day, we considered the ancient aspects of the forest and the importance of caring for country, deepening our appreciation for this unique and precious environment.

The students' spirits were truly legendary, as they embraced the adventure with enthusiasm and joy.

We took a break for lunch at the base of the falls, where the sound of cascading water added to the serene atmosphere. The Year 8 student's energy and excitement was contagious, making the day a memorable celebration of nature's beauty and the growing resilience of this remarkable group of students.

Mr Drew Minton - Year 8 Year Advisor and HSIE teacher

Sports news

Open Boys Soccer State Knockout game

Byron Bay High School recently played Freshwater High in the Round of 16 in the State Knockout Competition. It was a glorious day for some football on our school oval with the Home crowd enjoying a Mufti Day. Mr Herbert returned to school on crutches to watch the game and Ms Lowe fired up her vocal cords to fire up the spectators... The conditions were just right for an epic battle.

The boys knew that this could possibly be one of the hardest school games they have ever played in. Remembering that we also had our strengths and if we played a perfect game, we might just get a result.

Freshwater showcased their quality from the outset, moving quickly and completing some very nice passes with very few mistakes. Our boys put on a gallant effort, creating a few chances themselves and moving the ball nicely in patches. It was Freshwater who struck first, a scramble in the box, and the ball was slotted away for the opener.

Freshwater then capitalized on an error to take the score to 2-0 at the break. But overall it was a very solid effort from Byron Bay High School in the first half, and unlucky that we had conceded two goals.

Byron Bay still had the belief that we could get something happening in the second half, and bring the game back to life. Unfortunately, it was Freshwater who again who scored a nice goal from a corner kick and took the score to 3-0. Our dreams were crushed! A penalty was awarded late in the half to Freshwater, and Marley made a beautiful save to his left to keep the score from blowing out. Freshwater continued to hold the ball and pass it around beautifully until the end of the game.

The final score was 0-3 to Freshwater. A valiant game from our boys who were defeated by an excellent team who deserved their win.

Thanks to Freshwater High for making the long journey to play at our school - it was quite a spectacle watching this quality team operate. We wish them luck in the rest of the knockout competition.

Our Byron Bay High School team gained valuable experience playing at this level of the competition and we congratulate them for finishing as the North Coast Champions and making it to the final 16 schools in the state.

As departing Year 12 students this year, we farewell Jackson (Captain), Tobi, Toby, Etienne, Ty, Luis and Marki and thank them for their contribution to Byron Bay High School Football over their time with us and wish them all the best with their future endeavours.

Mr Harry Humphreys - Year 10 Year Advisor and PDHPE teacher

North Coast Mountain Biking Competition

The North Coast Mountain Biking Championships is a relatively new competition on the NSWCHS calendar. The competition and registration process is run through an external provider.

Students who are interested in participating will need to register through DASH and also the Rocky Trail Academy website to be eligible to compete.

Participating students will also need to make their own way to this competition and be under the supervision of a parent or guardian.

  • Event Name: North Coast Schools Comp - Woolgoolga
  • Date: 16 August 2024
  • Address: Nashs Road & Farm Trail, Woolgoolga NSW 2456

For registration details please refer to Rocky Trails and DASH websites:

Term 3 New Wednesday Sport option

There is still space available in our NEW Term 3 Sport - Taiko Drumming. If your child is interested in participating in this FUN whole-body workout on Wednesday afternoons during school Sport, please contact Mrs Caoyonan to register their interest.

Taiko is the Japanese word for drum, a movement-infused dynamic group drumming, high-energy performance art that combines music, dance, martial arts, whole body workout, and culture.

Mrs Kelley Coayonan - Sports Coordinator

Science news

Term 2 Junior Science Wrap-up

This term has been an exciting one for our junior scientists! Here’s a recap of their incredible achievements and explorations:

Year 7 - Exploring Cells, Forces, and Rocks

Our Year 7 students have delved deep into the fascinating world of cells, the forces that shape our environment, and the formation of rocks. A highlight was the virtual meeting with CSIRO STEM Professional Jessica MacLean, where students from 7U Science had the chance to interview her about her work as a research scientist. They prepared thoughtful questions about cellular diseases and treatments, gaining valuable insights.

In the lab, students engaged in a variety of hands-on activities, from launching balloon rockets and designing paper planes to making toffee to simulate cooling lava. They also experimented with creating crystals and making rocky road treats, honing their laboratory skills in the process.

Year 8 - Chemistry, Resources, and Reconciliation Week

Year 8 Science took a deep dive into chemistry and explored natural resources. During Reconciliation Week, students connected with our Country in meaningful ways. The 8J class led an exploration of local resources by making ochre paints. They linked this activity to the traditional use of ochre by First Nations people, blending cultural learning with scientific exploration.

Here are some excerpts from student-written articles:

Heidi K, 8J Science student

The class of 8J Science were tasked with making their own fossils, first pressing an imprint of an object (such as a shell) into sand or plasticine and then removing it and pouring Plaster Of Paris into the gap that it left to preserve its shape. These steps represent the initial death of an organism, the rapid covering, and the breakdown of the soft tissues and bones, leaving only an impression fossil. After waiting overnight (this represents the long time it takes for a fossil to form), the class excavated their fossils with brushes. They then ventured outdoors, experimenting with the painting of the fossils with ochre, which is a type of rock that can be broken down to create paint.

Erin C, 8J Science student:

During Reconciliation Week, we have been learning about the ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people lived in the past, using the materials around them to create many tools and accessories. One of these is the making of ochre, which Aboriginal people still use regularly as a pigmented paint for binding ceremonies and coroborees. 8J enjoyed making ochre from the rocks around our school, using sunlight and heat to burn carvings into wood, and simply being out in nature, learning, and having fun. It is important to make the most of the beautiful location, the Arakwal land of Bundjalung Nation we are in, and to establish a connection with this land and environment around us.

Year 9 - STEM Skills and Earthquake Challenges

Year 9 students showcased their STEM skills with an earthquake design building challenge and a delicious tectonic plate boundary modelling activity. These activities highlighted the importance of modelling in science and allowed students to test their engineering and problem-solving abilities in fun and engaging ways.

Year 10 - Global Systems and Environmental Science

Year 10 students have embarked on a journey to understand global systems, with a focus on environmental issues and the science behind global warming. The 10A class has been busy designing solar ovens to test the impact of trapping and reflecting the sun’s rays in a closed system – and what better way to apply their learning than by cooking s’mores!

It has been a remarkable term filled with hands-on experiments and STEM challenges. We wish everyone a happy break and look forward to more exciting scientific explorations next term!

Miss Aisling Hall - Science teacher

English news

Year 9 and 10 Debating

Braving the cold today on our last day of school, the Byron Bay High School Year 9 and 10 Debating Team completed its 2nd round in the Premier’s Debating Challenge.

Going up against The River School Kadina High, our team took the affirmative position on the topic ‘Women’s health should be prioritised by governments’. Our team, consisting of Hannah C, Banjo K, Coco L and Tee I, ably assisted by guest chairperson Archie D, argued their case powerfully, leading to their second victory for the series!

Congratulations to all of our debating team members for their continued success! We look forward to more debating in Term 3.

Mr Daniel O'Brien - English teacher

Byron Writer's Festival Student Writing Competition

Byron Writers Festival is calling on all Years 9–11 students on the Northern Rivers to enter the Southern Cross University Student Writing Prize!

The brief:

Write an original piece of creative or journalistic writing of up to 500 words on the theme Transforming our World and submit your entry by Friday 12 July.

The winner will receive:

  • $500 cash
  • 2 x Festival Sunday passes
  • Publication in Byron Writers Festival quarterly member magazine, northerly

Two runners-up receive $150 cash each.

For more details, visit

HSC Exam Hub

Week 10 voucher winners

Congratulations to the following students who have completed additional HSC practice and have received vouchers for the HSC Exam Hub in Week 10:

  • Mathematics Accelerated - Max H and Daniela B
  • Physics - Teerth K


Mr Dale Stevenson - HSIE teacher


Great activities at the YAC

Safer Driver Course for Learners

  • Cost - $140 (free course for Concession Card holders)
  • Dates - Saturda 13 July from 10am to 1 pm OR Wednesday 31 July from 4 pm to 7 pm
  • Where - Byron Youth Activity Centre (The YAC) - 1 Gilmore Crescent Byron Bay

To attend the course learner drivers need to:

  • have a valid learner licence
  • be under 25 years of age
  • have completed at least 50 log book hours of on-road driving (excluding any 3 for 1 bonus hours)
  • have included night driving in some of those hours.

​​​​​​​​Register for the Safer Driver Course via the YAC website:

For more information, contact Steffie on 6685 7777 or email

Community news

Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra Concert

Get ready to be captivated by enchanting melodies, powerful rhythms, and awe-inspiring performances as the highly popular Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra takes centre-stage at the Whitebrook Theatre, Southern Cross University, on the 11 July at 6:30 pm. This concert promises an unforgettable evening of musical brilliance, showcasing the wonderful talent of the region's young musicians and some professional mentors from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

  • Where: The Whitebrook Theatre, Southern Cross University
  • When: Thursday, 11 July at 6:30 pm
  • Cost: $5.50 per person.

Friends of Libraries Book Fair

Friends of Libraries Byron Shire are once again holding their huge second hand Book Fair. This year is their 10th anniversary, raising within that time more than $100,000, all of which goes back into supporting Byron Shires 3 regional libraries - Byron Bay, Mullumbimby and Brunswick Heads.

There will be a multitude of books covering many genres, including a good supply of children’s and young adults titles... there will be plenty to browse through.

NAIDOC Week Community Fun Day

​​​​​Circus Arts Term 3 kids and teens classes
