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Above: Edmond Assamoi directs the choir at the then newly opened United Methodist church in Gouabo, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2018. 

After members of the West African Côte d’Ivoire Conference voted to leave The United Methodist Church, UM News looks back at our shared ministry and mission.
A young girl holds up her chalkboard at The United Methodist Church's Adjame Primary School outside Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2008. At that time, the denomination was educating some 18,000 students in the country.
Students applaud during a lesson at The United Methodist Church's Adjame Primary School in 2008.
Members of the choir, under the direction of Martin Edi Ori (center) welcome visitors to Macedonia United Methodist Church in Yapo-Kpa, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2018.
Therese Akichi of the United Methodist Church in Dabou, Cote d'Ivoire, welcomes participants to a dedication service for the distribution of some 1 million insecticide-treated mosquito nets through the Nothing But Nets campaign against malaria in 2008. The service was held at the United Methodist Hospital of Dabou.
United Methodist Bishops Janice Riggle Huie of Texas (left) and Benjamin Boni of Côte d'Ivoire lead a worship service to help kick off a health campaign at the Methodist Hospital of Dabou, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2008. The friendship between Boni and Huie has led to a partnership aimed at transforming lives in their two countries.
Bernard Beugre unloads insecticide-treated mosquito nets for distribution from the United Methodist water taxi in Lahou-Plage in 2008. The boat is named "Noah's Ark."
Ivoirian volunteer Siriki Lacinan carries a child as he demonstrates the proper way to use an insecticide-treated mosquito net during a distribution campaign in Dadiekro, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2008, during the early days of the denomination's anti-malaria campaign.
Marie Akissi Arriko and her daughter Mireille Gbedi Gbissa receive an insecticide-treated mosquito net from the Rev. Pam Jackson (right) of John Wesley United Methodist Church in Houston during a distribution at the public health clinic in Agboville in 2008.
Marie Akissi Arriko holds her daughter Mireille Gbedi Gbissa while she receives a de-worming treatment at the public health clinic in Agboville in 2008.
Pauline Nguessan takes her seat on "Noah's Ark," the United Methodist water taxi outside the United Methodist Church in Groguida, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2008. The remote village is inaccessible by road. The water taxi in the background is named "Love Your Neighbor."
United Methodist Bishop Harald Rückert of Germany (right) joins traditional dancers from Nazareth United Methodist Church in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, during a cultural celebration at Canaan United Methodist Church in Abidjan. The celebration was part of Sabbath activities for members of the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters meeting in Abidjan in 2018.
Bishop Benjamin Boni of Côte d'Ivoire leads a procession of United Methodist bishops at Canaan United Methodist Church in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2018. Behind him is Bishop Gregory Palmer of the West Ohio Conference.
A choir lines the sidewalk following worship at Temple Bethel United Methodist Church in Abobo-Baoule in 2015.
Jourdain Temple United Methodist Church sits just yards from the beach in Lahou-Plage in 2008.
Children dance during Sunday school at Temple Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Man, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2015.
Premature baby Coulibaly Yah Eugenie lies in an incubator at Dabou Methodist Hospital in Dabou, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2015. The hospital is the hub of the church's health care system in this West African nation. The World Health Organization had recently issued guidelines to improve the immediate care of premature babies in the context of an Ebola outbreak.
Cecile Ahimin Aya (left) has an HIV test during a public health screening at the Jerusalem Parish United Methodist Church in Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2008. The health workers, from the Biblical Alliance of Côte d'Ivoire, wear vests that say, in French, "We mobilize against AIDS."
The Rev. Jay Williams (center) joins in dancing after a dinner at the home of United Methodist Bishop Benjamin Boni in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2018. Boni hosted members and guests of the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters.
Lionel Sahuie broadcasts from The United Methodist Church's Voice of Hope radio station in Abidjan in 2015.
Lydie Acquah, director of The United Methodist Church's Voice of Hope radio station in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, leads a devotional service for station staff in 2015.
Eugenie Sowan Erse N’Ghessan sews clothes to earning a living for herself and her seven children in Abidjan in 2015. She is one of 48 women who received a micro-loan to start her own business from the United Methodist Women’s Côte d’Ivoire Conference.
Children listen to a vocabulary lesson at the Bethlehem Day Care center in Youhoulil, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2018. The United Methodist women’s organization in the Dabou District started the program in 2016 to help provide nutrition and education for the children of local farmers.
Henry Jöel Koman, 8, recites his lesson at The United Methodist Church's primary school in Kounouko, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2015. The village chief praised the church's success in raising the literacy rate.
The choir sings during worship at Nazareth United Methodist Church in Abidjan in 2018.