
28th March 2024

save the date

Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Monday 15th April – Return after Easter break

Wednesday 1st May – Class photos

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Tuesday 7th May – Tea & Talk: Year 1 Phonics Screening 8.50am

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

Happy Easter to you all and I wish you a festive break full of family time and chocolate. It was lovely seeing parents come along to celebrate learning this afternoon and we will be having further opportunity for those who could not make today. Please do check our 'save the dates' section for forthcoming events for the summer term, including sports days, summer fetes, transition, and reporting.

I look forward to welcoming you back for the summer term on Monday 15th April. Summer uniform can be worn for the warmer days. Please label sunhats and sun creams.

Water is encouraged for hydration and must be in a labelled reusable bottle for water. Prime and flavoured water is not part of our healthy school policy. Metal bottles are not to be used. We also continue to promote healthy snack and fruit for break times in reusable containers or their natural skins. This supports both our Healthy school and Eco policy. We are a nut free school. Our priority is to protect those children who have allergies to nuts, please can we ask that you have no nut products in the lunch boxes or brought into the school as snacks. This includes chocolate spread, peanut butter, cereal bars, granola bars.

Uniform is in line with our academy colours with blue upper garments and black lower garments. Grey is not part of the Darlinghurst colours. Please do not wear grey trousers, skirts, or shorts. Summer dresses (blue and white gingham) can be worn during warmer weather. All long-sleeved vests (skins) are not permitted, and jumpers are to be worn as additional layers for warmth. Black joggers for PE can be worn for full leg covering or for summer months shorts can be worn. Leggings are not part of our PE kit or alternative sportswear. No logos are to be worn other than the Darlinghurst Logo.

Only discrete earrings should be worn and removed on PE days or taped. Our expectations are in line with PE safety guidance and children are reminded to ‘Take out or Tape up.’ Shoes and trainers should be plain and black.

Thank you to those parents who continue to park considerately and safely each morning and afternoon. We encourage families to walk to school wherever possible and politely request that parents and visitors to the academy, park in surrounding roads with thought and consideration for the children, other adults and the local community.

The ‘KEEP CLEAR’ markings are not to be used for parking or pulling up for a brief time. They must remain clear in line with road regulations and safety.

I understand that it is a small road and busy at drop off and pick up, however our neighbours have continued to request your cooperation and not to block their driveways or cause unnecessary obstruction to the area. Please park away and walk into the school area to keep our children and community as safe as possible. This includes the area near the Pedestrian Crossing Officer.

Finally, thank you for respecting staff guidance and not entering the grounds to park or pull up at the side car park. The children and parents use this space to assemble in the morning and afternoon and should be traffic free. We have noticed that parents use this space for collection from Little Mariners and some after-school clubs. This is still a staff space only and should not be used at this time. Parents (vehicles) who have permission are known to staff. Thank you for support in this matter.

With all the reminders covered, I would like to share a huge well done to everyone. The Darlinghurst family has grown with our continued sense of belonging. We have a wonderful community that cares - the parents and carers, children, staff, and wider partnerships. Everyone plays their part and together make Darlinghurst what it is.

This week, despite the rain schools came together to play football, giving those a chance who do not always compete to participate in a series of matches. They loved it! Thank you, Mr Blewett.

We also had a special Easter Assembly and events with Leigh Road Baptist Church. It has been a lovely connection and there are some events taking place over Easter that you may be interested in to go along to.

Finally, some Reception children have had their work published in a book called, 'I love my family' with gorgeous words and pictures. How lovely! Thanks Miss Wise.

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

in the spotlight


This half term the KS1 and KS2 choirs have taken part in many musical events within the community, sharing their love for music and performing.

KS1 choir attended the Infant Music Festival, where they had the opportunity to sing alongside three other schools. The children were able to perform songs all linked to the theme ‘Animals’ where they had the chance to use instruments to accompany one of the songs ‘Spring Chicken’. As a choir, the children also got to perform their own individual song to the audience, ‘Animal Fair’, encouraging the parents and other choirs to join in during the second sing through. All the children thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and showed our Darlinghurst Academy value of confidence throughout. We were sent a letter from the organisers of the event praising the children.

KS2 choir took part in the Southend Makes Music event at the Palace Theatre. The choir consisted of children from years 3 - 6, who all have a passion for music and love to perform to family and friends. Their performance on stage consisted of a variety of songs that all share important messages and link to our academy values. The songs they performed included –

'Let love shine through' which spreads the message of how we live in a diverse world and all wish to feel that sense of belonging. It empowers everyone to celebrate their uniqueness and differences and to know we are all special no matter who we are.

'A drop in the ocean' links with our Darlinghurst logo of the little boat, using the ocean to symbolise the wide world and how we are just like a drop of water, one tiny part of something so grand, yet we can make a big difference if we just have determination.

'Power in me' shares the important message of believing in yourself, knowing you have the power to achieve anything you put your mind to. By having the confidence within, you can lead yourself to excellence.

The choir worked extremely hard on learning the songs for their performance. They all thoroughly enjoyed the evening and having the opportunity to go on stage to sing. Well done KS2 choir, you did us all proud!

Easter celebrations

This week, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have enjoyed experiencing what Easter means to Christians. Some of the choir visited Leigh Road Baptist Church to experience a fun Palm Sunday service, walking down the red carpet as special guests, singing on the altar, and learning how to make a cross from a palm. Many of congregation commented how they loved to hear our children sing and have them visit the church. One child said that they would love to now see what happens in a Synagogue and Mosque.

On Monday, Hanli Bouwer, the Childrens and Family Worker, from Leigh Road Baptist Church visited the school and shared what Easter means to Christians. She explained how holy week begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. The children enjoyed watching as plastic eggs were opened to reveal an item that represented Easter to Christians. Our visitor was so impressed with our children, ‘I want to praise you

for the children’s brilliant behaviour, enthusiasm, and involvement during the assemblies. They were a joy to work with!!’

What does Easter mean to Christians? The children learnt that Easter is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar as it shows God’s love for them. Three days after Good Friday Jesus was resurrected. This represents a joyous occasion and celebrates new life. It is also a time for Christians to think about forgiveness and sin.

Leigh Road Baptist church would like to invite you to join us for our Easter Family Fun events. Join them for fun-filled activities, games and more, designed to bring families together and celebrate the miracle of Easter.

Masked Reader

On Tuesday, I took the four Masked Robot Reader winners to Jacqson Diego Story Emporium. As we arrived, we bumped into Thomas Leeds, author of the Jay Ben series. The children’s eye lit up!

Lyla, Noah, Tanesha, and Niamh listened beautifully as Jacqui read two wonderful books about dogs. ‘The Story Dog’ was a rollercoaster of emotions but fortunately it ended happily. The other book made the children laugh as the dog disappeared in the crease then magically appeared at the end of the story.

The children then had the challenging task of choosing their new book. Jacqui had an excellent selection for them to browse through and after much deliberation, they all walked away smiling and confident they had made an excellent choice.

Thank you to all who donated and took part in the competition. We raised £153 which will be used to renew and refresh some of our Whole Class Reading books.



Jellyfish 98%


Shrimp 100%


Dune 100%

proud to be me

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Darlinghurst School

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea



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T. 01702 478379
