July 2024 Ten Ten Resources Parent Newsletter

The final few weeks of the school year probably bring mixed feelings: the excitement and relief that the holidays are near may, for some, be tinged with a little sadness that the year is coming to an end, particularly for families with children preparing to leave for new challenges ahead.

July’s resources encourage children to think about how they see themselves and others, to pray for children throughout the world, and to look back at the year with gratitude.

This newsletter shares some of the content children will experience in school throughout July and suggests ways for you to engage with them about it. We hope it is a useful resource for your family prayer time.

Great Expectations

The Gospel for the week beginning 8th July tells us that Jesus wasn’t accepted in His hometown. Rather than believing or trusting in Him, they despised Him. This week's assembly considers the idea of first impressions and expectations through a traditional tale about a lion and a mouse. Children are encouraged to invite the Holy Spirit to raise their expectations of themselves and others, have open minds and hearts, and love everyone they meet.

With your child, you might also like to…

  • Talk about how first impressions and/or stereotyping often impact how we see ourselves and others. How can we treat ourselves and others with fairness and kindness?
  • This might be a good opportunity to talk with your child about their talents, hopes and aspirations and discuss how having faith in Jesus and His power can help us to grow in hope and love for God and other people.

God’s Global Family

The last few days of June saw the joint feast day of St Peter and St Paul. These two great Saints continued Jesus’ work and the Church grew. Thanks to people like St Peter and St Paul, the family of God spread far and wide and we have brothers and sisters in Christ, all over the world!

Taking inspiration from the work of the charity ‘Mission Together’, the prayers this week will enable children to celebrate belonging to God’s universal family

Children are encouraged to pray using the Mission Rosary, with each colour representing a different continent of the world. This is a lovely way to join our prayers with Mary as we think about and pray for children in different parts of the world.

With your child, you might like to…

  • Find out about children in the different continents and countries of the world using the interactive Mission Together Map along with other resources from Mission Together.
  • Explore the prayers and mysteries of the Rosary using our special Rosary resource

For All You Give

The theme of the final daily prayers for this school year is thankfulness, with a focus on looking back at the good things that children have been part of during the year.

Children will spend time in a posture of gratitude to God and be invited to respond in prayer to the good things ‘He has showered on us’.

You might like to spend some time looking back over the year with your child, encouraging an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude.

Why not use this short rhyming prayer to conclude your personal or family prayer time…

Heavenly Father,

I’m grateful for all you give…

For food,

For love,

For a place to live.

I’m thankful for my family too

And want to tell

My love for you.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen