Reading Girls' School newsletter - 8 decEMber 2023

Principal's message:

The Year 11 Parents' Evening proved to be very fruitful with the majority of parents attending. It was good to see the students being so attentive to their teachers' comments on what went well in their mock exams and what they needed to do to ensure they fulfil their true potential. I wish to thank all the parents for coming and supporting their children. It is now important that all Year 11s work on a revision timetable, so they know what they need to revise over the coming months and what time they will set aside daily to focus their minds on revision. The PLCs (Pupil Learning Checklists) that they receive from their subject teachers should guide their revision. Of course, they will need to ensure that they spend some time over the holiday season to relax and prepare themselves for what lays ahead when we get back in January.

As part of our review of the school, we would ask all parents to complete the following parental questionnaire. If this could be done by Friday 15 December, we would be very grateful.

We have now installed our ‘turn left’ banner just by the exit gates. This is to ensure that we are able to keep students safe but also so that cars are able to leave the car park swiftly. As you can all appreciate with the growth in student numbers, the number of cars now coming into the car park has increased. If you believe it is not possible for you to turn left, then please do consider parking on a nearby side road and dropping your child there and then asking them to meet you there at the end of the day. We thank you for your support in this matter.

As we draw closer towards the end of the term, I also wish to draw your attention to the events taking place next week:

  • Thursday 14th December: Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day (this should be worn over school uniform)
  • Thursday 14th December: Christmas Concert 6.00pm
  • Tuesday 19th December: 12.00pm closure

I wish you all a restful weekend.

Marika Farrugia, Principal


Year 7 Football

Congratulations to our Year 7 Football Team who have qualified as one of the first four teams in a league of 16 schools to go through to finals. The finals will take place next Tuesday, 12th December, at Denefield School.

Inter-house Benchball

  • Year 11 - Tuesday 12th December lesson 2. For most of you, this is during your PE lesson. Bring your kit as usual and change as you would for PE.
  • Year 8 and Year 10 - Thursday 14th December, Y10 lesson 1 and 2, Year 8 lessons 4 and 5.

You need to wear your full PE kit to school; sky blue polo top, navy tracksuit trousers or navy leggings and sports trainers. No skorts or shorts. If you are wearing a Christmas jumper to school, you will need to remove this for Benchball.

Inter-house Benchball results so far:

Year7: All the students showed great team spirit, resilience and did their houses proud. Well done to the house Sports Captains for organising their teams. The results are as follows:

  • 1st - Sherpa
  • 2nd - Kirby
  • 3rd - Lovelace
  • 4th - Parks
  • 5th - Malala
  • 6th - Angelou

Year 9: This was a very hard fought campaign and was very close in the end. Again, a good job by the House Sports captains. Final results were:

  • 1st - Parks
  • 2nd - Angelou
  • 3rd - Malala
  • 4th - Lovelace
  • 5th - Kirby
  • 6th - Sherpa

Netball Club on Monday: The last one will be on Monday 11th December. There is no club on the 18th December.

Netball Club on Tuesday: There will be no club on Tuesday 12th December due to PE staff being at the Y7 football finals.

Holiday Clubs: To find out more about the clubs running in the Christmas holiday please visit Reading Directory | Listings in Holiday Clubs

Children's Centres Activities: Visit or for up to date activities Brighter Futures for Children BFfC ~ Children's Centres

For further details of all activities available: Visit Activities in Reading over the Christmas Holiday 2023

Our preferred method of communication is via Edulink, please use this link to login.

If you experience any difficulties please email



All meals are provided by Chartwells - a school meal consists of a main meal and a dessert for £2.78 a variety of snacks and drinks are also available.

Chartwells operate a cashless till system, operated by biometrics. The accounts are topped up online using a secure website called ParentPay, if your daughter is eligible for free meals, £2.78 is credited to her account each day. Your daughter will be provided with her ParentPay login details on her first day at Reading Girls' School. You can find more information about ParentPay on their website The school office is also happy to help with any enquiries.

Follow the link for details of the school menu.