A message from Miss Quarmby
We've had another fantastic week here at Whitkirk, filled with so many wonderful examples of exceptional learning! We've received the photographs from last week's photographer visit, and they are absolutely stunning. So many happy faces, capturing the spirit of Whitkirk in all its shapes, forms, and smiles. Over the coming weeks and months, we'll be updating our school website with these photos, so keep an eye out for them! A quick reminder to save the date for our Harvest Festival at St. Mary's Church. Reception and KS1 will perform at 9:45am, followed by KS2 at 10:45am. We've been singing "conkers" in our sleep already! Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday.
Our Whitkirk Road re-opens on Monday! Next week, on Monday and Tuesday, Y1LBR can bring their scooters into school, Wednesday and Thursday, Y1JL and on Friday, YRJS. Please remember to bring helmets and take your child's scooter and helmet to our scooter drop-off point on the Small Playground.
PTA updateS
Just to remind parents and carers that the Whitkirk Primary 'Communi-Tea' takes place every Friday from 2pm. Everyone is welcome and we would love to see you for a chat and a cup of tea.
Jen Beckett, one of the school's parent governors, will be attending our Communi-tea on 11th October. Jen would welcome your thoughts and is keen to listen to your views to ensure these are reflected in the governor meetings.
A huge thank you to all that attended the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon on Friday 27th September. Your contributions and donations raised over £200 - Thank you so much
This week, finishing in first place with 99.44% are 2KD. In second place are 5/6AR, with 98.61% and in third place are 5KD, with 98.51%.
A shout out also goes to 1LR, 2CH, 1JL, RJS, RLE, 4AS and 6NT, who have also finished the week above our school target of 96.5%
The whole school attendance this week is 97.22%: can we beat this next week? The only way to do that is if we all come to school as often as we can.
Please remember to look at the NHS guide Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
This week in Reception, the children started their Mastery in Number sessions. They learned the skill of subitising (recognising an amount straight away, without counting). The children then learned that 1, 2 and 3 can look very different in different images. The children blew the EYFS staff away this week with their mathematical understanding of the variety of ways they represented each amount from mark making, using counters, and logs outside to cakes in the roleplay bakery!
Key Stage 1
The highlight of this week for Year 1 definitely has to be welcoming our grown ups into our classrooms for 'Stay & Learn'! We absolutely loved sharing our Maths learning with you all. In our English learning, we were surprised to receive a letter from Paddington telling us a recount of his adventures in London! We can't wait to reply, telling him all about Leeds.
We have had another brilliant week in Year 2! In English, we have been exploring different sentence types. Also, we have sketched fruit bowls inspired by Maya Kopitseva; created animations to ‘Head, shoulders, knees, and toes’ in computing and started to learn our Harvest songs. Well done year 2!
Lower Key Stage 2
We have had a super week in Year 3. In English, we have published our wonderful character descriptions of the Iron Man. We have started creating our success criteria to write instructions on how to build the Iron Man and we have learned to use imperative verbs and adverbs to help us! In Science, we have built upon our knowledge of skeletons by looking at vertebrates and invertebrates.
This week, Year 4 have been loving learning about Roman numerals! Using lollipop sticks, the class were seeing how many Roman Numerals they could make and then had to become codebreakers to crack a code! As well as being superstars at Roman numerals, the Year 4s have been showing their impressive times table knowledge with their times table rhymes. Soon they will be saying them in their sleep!
Upper Key Stage 2
In Year 5 in English, we have been designing a new form of space travel. The children's imaginations have amazed us! We have space pods that are powered by chocolate to ensure they are eco-friendly and multi-storey space shuttles to add some luxury to our designs. Next week, we are writing persuasive letters to Mr Sadler, persuading him to use our designs when he travels into space. We can't wait to read the children's persuasive techniques and find out which one Mr Sadler chooses.
Year 6
Year 6 have had the most fantastic week! We had the opportunity to meet our Reception buddies! Throughout the year, we will be doing lots of exciting things with them and we know that we are going to be fantastic role models and make their first year of school really special. Well done Year 6 for being true Whitkirk Role Models!