Vinelines 14 June 2024

Earlier this year we invited Muddy Stilettos to spend a day at Vinehall. They have now published their review and have painted a wonderful picture of our school.

Here are some tasters ...

“ A nurturing, child-friendly village, behind which stretches out an equally child-friendly paradise of woodland, parkland, sports pitches and breath-taking views.”

“The school has a strong focus on academic innovation.”

“There is very much a family feel running through the veins of this school.”

“Pupils feel valued and respected at Vinehall, and have plenty of opportunities to have their say and get involved. They love the family feel and supportive setup and, unsurprisingly, they also love the open space, the freedom to play and the zip wire.”

“Good for children who love the outdoors and like getting stuck in. They’ll be allowed to be kids, but they won’t be bubble-wrapped.”

“Friendly, family feel of the school, and the focus on carefully thought-through academic innovation.”

“Children … come out as rounded individuals who are equipped for the real world,”

We, the children, staff and parents, know what makes our school so unique as we are immersed in it every day, but hearing it from a seasoned external editor is extra special and makes me feel justly proud of everything we are achieving at Vinehall.


Nursery - Visit from Mallydams

Sarah Wolford - Head of Nursery & Kindergarten

The Little Vines children enjoyed a visit from Mallydams Education Hub today. They listened attentively to the team talking about how to care, take responsibility and develop their understanding of wildlife and the natural world.

There was an opportunity to role play and act out being a vet to develop the children’s understanding of how vets look after animals.


Catherine Garlick - Kindergarten Teacher

This week we have continued our Animal Magic topic and the children were treated to a visit from the RSPCA Mallydams. The children learnt all about how to care for pets and make sure that they are happy, healthy and safe. Many of the children made very insightful comments and they all enjoyed looking after the cuddly toy pets! Back in our classroom some of the children used the interactive whiteboard to find out more about different creatures. We learnt about using the internet and how to click on icons and use drop down menus.


Louisa Bennett - Deputy Head of Pre-Prep

Reception have had a lovely week thinking about how we take care of pets. The children had a surprise visit from the RSPCA who did a workshop about pet care. We then used this to create a pet care poster which led to many discussions about what animals can or should be kept as pets.

The children have also enjoyed exploring money this week and had to 'buy' their snack on Friday using the correct coins.

Year 1

Jacklyn Garwood - Year 1 Teacher

In English, Year 1 enjoyed listening to the beginning of 'The Bog Baby' and they practised re-telling it using drama techniques and actions. Bog Baby then gave a challenge to the children ... He wanted them to make a friend for him to play with. The children invented 'magical creatures' and thought about the habitat in which they could be found. They chose different types of materials and objects to create a companion for Bog Baby. Stay tuned for the many adventure they will have together in the weeks to come!

Year 2

Louise Hawtin - Year 2 Teacher

Year 2 showed great courage this week performing in their first concert. The children played the recorder as well as the harp and sang two songs beautifully. There were also some impressive solos on the piano and tenor horn. What a musical bunch they are!

We were lucky to have a visit from the RSPCA to learn all about pet care. The children knew how to care for their pets and what to do if they found injured wildlife. We also had a visit from the NSPCC who taught us the important message - Speak Out, Stay Safe. What another busy week in Year 2!

Year 3 - Stop Press!

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

A woolly mammoth was seen by Year 3 in the De Beer garden, hiding in the rosemary. Nearby, a sabre toothed tiger crouched in the geraniums and a woolly rhino was lurking by the pond. Hunter-Gatherers in Year 3 also collected berries, nuts and seeds in their Humanities lesson, before describing the roles and why these were so important to a Stone Age tribe.

Year 3 - King of the Sky

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

In English, Year 3 had to consider the relationship between the two characters in this story by Nicola Davies, before role playing their first meeting. They had to imagine how a conversation between them might have evolved.

Year 4 Science

Louise Barrett - Head of Juniors

Today we went to the gully on a bug hunt. The children found a frog! James H was a great source of knowledge and it was lovely hearing him share it with enthusiasm.

Year 4 - Is it wrong to have a favourite son or daughter?

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Year 4 had a lot of strong opinions on this! Then, in small groups, they acted out the story of Jacob and Esau from the Old Testament. Mrs E was delighted that they all managed to collaborate with each other and the drama was kept for the story itself!

French - Plus vite, plus haut, plus fort!

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

Year 5 welcomed a special Olympic visitor to our French lesson this morning.

Sarah Clarke gave a fascinating presentation about her work preparing for the London games in 2012. We have been learning about the Olympics in preparation for the Paris games this summer and the children were very interested. Betsy was chosen to dress as a "games maker"; we learned about some of the work "behind the scenes" for such a huge event, building arenas, planning events, working with sponsors, recruiting volunteers and sourcing equipment. Some of the facts and figures were astonishing - including four skeletons among the archaeological discoveries when building the Olympic site.

The children were able to handle and look at items from the London 2012 Olympic Games, they asked good questions and are all looking forward to watching the events at Paris 2024 next month. Perhaps Vinehall Sports Day will show us some future Olympians!

Year 6 Eastbourne College Public Speaking Competition

Lily Frezel 6G

On Thursday, some Year 6 selected pupils went to Eastbourne to take part in the Eastbourne College Public Speaking competition. We were the first school to arrive, so as soon as we stepped through the door we were allowed to rehearse. When the other schools arrived, we took a break and indulged in some welcome refreshments.

Then it was time to take to the stage and present the speeches we had worked on tirelessly. There were plenty of doubts circling around us, but we all persisted and summoned up enough courage to push through and deliver mind-blowing speeches and excellent performances.

Eventually our heart rates lowered, and we were offered further refreshments while the judges went off to consider their verdict. Everyone was shivering with fear as they listened to the judges give some helpful, constructive feedback, although secretly we were all practically flying out of our seats with nerves - well, I know I was!

In the end, although all the teams performed outstandingly, Vinehall came out on top!


Kevin Higginson - Head of Mathematics

Timetables RockStars Rock Status Competition

As you know, Vinehall subscribes to Timetables RockStars, and recommend a “little and often” approach; three minutes practice a day, four or five times a week, practising timestables.

Every pupil has been working towards improving their 'Rock Status' this year and have achieved certificates. As we approach the end of the year, perhaps your child could have a late push to improve their status before the end of the school year.


Guillaume B tells us more about the Year 5 trip to Scotney Castle – from fairy tale fantasy to ... a very unusual fridge!

Last Friday, Year 5 went on a trip to Scotney Castle, a National Trust property in Lamberhurst. Scotney Castle was originally built in 1137 by Lambert de Scoteni. Just over 200 years later, in 1337, French ships raided the Sussex coast, causing chaos and panic among the population. The castle was then built to guard against future invasions. Sadly, all that is left of the original castle is one ruined tower. Later, in the 18th century, the Hussey family bought Scotney and built a manor house to live in.

When we arrived, we took turns to look around the house. As we stepped into the house, we were greeted with the sight of extraordinary paintings and antique pottery. We then had a tour of the house, which was magnificent. One of the highlights was the library, which was a sight to behold with its dark oak, beautifully carved fireplace. The books shone with the gold letters embossed on their spines.

After our house tour, we went into the gardens and sketched the picturesque ruins. It looked like something right out of a fairy tale book! I could imagine ghosts flying through the air and knights fighting on the ramparts. It must have been amazing to be a child growing up here!

My personal favourite was the fridge. Bear with me – this is not a classic fridge that you might find in your house! You see, the icehouse at Scotney is an underground hut where they used to store food during the Victorian era. Fun fact! There is one at Vinehall, but do you know where?!

Answers on a postcard to Guillaume B, Year 5, please!


Matt McKinnon - Director of Sport & Head of Co-Curricular

The senior boys travelled to St Andrew's for what proved to be a tough afternoon of cricket. Both teams suffered losses. However, the pick of the action was Arlo K's brilliant 5-15 in the 1st XI game. Bowling his speedy leggies, he managed to stem the run rate and pick up vital wickets, which helped reduce the target.

The Colts A & B teams hosted Marlborough House. In two evenly-contested games, the Colts A did well to win their game by 17 runs. Setting the opposition a 117, the boys bowled well and they were able to restrict MHS to a 100 for 6 in their 20 overs. The Colts B had their best outing of the season and, although they lost, Mr Rippendal was very pleased with their progress.

On Thursday the U8/9s played their first mixed matches of the season. A format that is slowly starting to filter through all Prep schools, they showed great teamwork and support throughout the afternoon.

IAPS National Swimming Championships

On Saturday afternoon Alara K, Honor H, Fleur L and Mia G competed at the IAPS National Swimming Championships at the London Aquatic Centre.

The girls swam brilliantly, with Alara finishing 7th in the U12 50m breaststroke; Honor 9th in the U12 50m backstroke; and the medley relay team 18th overall. A fantastic achievement, considering how many pupils across the country enter the competition.

Junior Sussex Athletic Championships

Laura White

On Monday Vinehall attended the annual Sussex Athletic Championships held at Hurst. Arthur P won the Javelin, setting a new record and he finished 2nd in the Discus. Harry M finished 3rd in both Shot and 200m. There were some other great performances in the squad and some top 10 finishes.

Rugby Stars of the future!

Karen Walker

The children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 worked together collaboratively during the warm-up and drills in Rugby Club on Wednesday. They all had a go at kicking the ball, with some excellent distances achieved. A special mention must go to the Year 2s, who helped the younger children throughout; and well done Freja C who was awarded the player of the week for her continued concentration.


Petra Campbell - Gapper

The boarding house enjoyed a great weekend. On Saturday we were up early as we had a big day ahead at Thorpe Park. Everyone had a great time going on the different rides and enjoying all the activities that Thorpe Park has to offer. A highlight was the human-sized toy dogs that Juan and Nicholas won - they make a great addition to the boarding house.

We enjoyed a slow morning on Sunday after a big first week back. We had a relaxing day at Vinehall, enjoying the sunshine and a bit of down time. In the afternoon we had Wacky Races, where we had a line-up of challenges including piggyback, wheelbarrow and 'orange and spoon' races. It was a lot of fun and many laughs were had.

Vinehall Venturers: Bee and Butterfly "bombs"

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

The Vinehall Venturers decided to give nature a helping hand this week. We made a muddy mix of compost, water, wild flower seeds and a sprinkle of salad leaf seeds. This was divided into egg-box compartments which can be broken off into "bee/butterfly-bombs". The Venturers will plant them in suitable spots to increase bio-diversity and attract insects.

House News

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

Ashton House Captain Alessandra led us out into the grounds for our house meeting on Wednesday, starting the day in our favourite way - with some outdoor games to get everyone moving, working together and ready for another Vinehall Day!

Other news ..

Rhian E in Year 6 plays for the U13 Girls' team at Heathfield Park Cricket Club and last Sunday saw an historic moment for the club - the first hardball Girls' Cricket match the club has ever played since it opened in 1879.


Undercover Fete

British summertime at its best

Despite the weather doing its best to dampen our spirits, the FOV plan on giving everyone a great time tomorrow afternoon, starting with the Gym Display.

Most events & activities will take place inside the main school building.

Cash is King.


Gym Display 12 noon – Sports Hall

Dog Show 1.30pm – Front Lawn

Prizegiving 2.30pm - Drawing Room

Complimentary Tea & Cake served at the same time.


Indoor seating for food & beverages



Lucky Dip

Cake Stall

Plant Sale

Pick a Jar

Ice Cream Stand

Nail & Tattoo Bar

Photo Booth


Petting zoo


Cake competition

Flower competition

Bar (soft drinks & alcoholic)

Tea & Cake free of charge 2.30pm

Prize giving – 2.30pm


Dodgems (proper ones)

Teacups (spinning variety)

Found at the sunken lawn


Dog Show - 1.30pm

Burger Bar

Handmade Sourdough Pizzas

Hot & Cold Drinks

Children’s picnic boxes