
It has been another fantastic year for girls' football with lots of games being played for the Year 8s and 9s. There has been fantastic attendance at KS3 football each week, and we have continued to see the numbers rise. Our Langley Lionesses are truly inspiring! Thank you to our coaches for KS3 football, Alice S and Claudia D, who are excellent and are fantastic role models to our younger students. They have been brilliant all year round and the students have loved having them as their coaches! Bring on next season!

Under 13s Football

The U13s had lots of games this year in both the Kent competitions and the Bromley Cup. This meant lots of opportunities to build on last years performances, and also the opportunity to play with the Year 9s.

In the U13s competitions, they were narrowly beaten by Maidstone Grammar in the Under 13 Alessia Russo Trophy (KSFA) and by Bullers Wood (Bromley Cup). This team have continued to develop throughout the whole season are looking forward to going again for trophies next season! Thank you to all those who have represented the school this year, legends!

Under 14s Football

The U14s have competed in both the ESFA and KSFA competitions this term, and despite the results, their performances have been fantastic and have shown great cohesion developing amongst them. In the KSFA competition, they were beaten by Darrick Wood, which proved to be a tough fixture against a well organised side and unfortunately saw them bow out of the KSFA competition. They came up against Darrick Wood again in the Bromley Cup, which saw a much tighter game and a narrow defeat in the end. In the ESFA competition, they came up against Surbiton High, which unfortunately ended in defeat. This team continue to grow and are looking forward to even more football next season and the opportunity to play with the current Year 8s again. Thank you to all those who have represented the school this year, fantastic as always!

Year 10/11 Football

It’s been an impressive year for our U16 footballers, led by our dependable captain, Holly D Unfortunately, we fell short in all 3 competitions getting knocked out by strong opponents. In the Kent Cup we were beaten by finalists Bullers Wood, and in the English Schools cup, we were knocked out of round 5 by Herne Bay High School, who also made the Kent Cup final. Finally, we also got narrowly knocked out by Darrick Wood in the quarter finals of the Bromley Cup. Best performance of the season came from Ruby. G who didn’t put a foot wrong in our game against Herne Bay. Evie K also deserved recognition for her 5 penalty saves across 2 games which kept us in the competition. Best team players were undoubtedly Hannah C, Beth R and Claudia D who failed to miss a game and worked tirelessly in every match, despite specialising in different sports. Overall, it’s been a great season for the team. Fortunately, we still have friendlies to come, along with some potential 5 a-side tournaments.

Year 9/10 Football

The U15s had a great season reaching the quarter finals of the Kent Cup, eventually getting beaten by winners of the competition, Bullers Wood. Captain Lissy G had an outstanding season, finishing top goal scorer with some vital goals. One of which was a last minute equaliser against Darrick Wood, a game we eventually won on penalties. Tallulah A joined the team later on in the competition, but proved to be a great addition with her positivity and aggression. Nisa M showed how skilful and brave she was, continuing to take on players with success, despite being constantly fouled.

Sixth Form Boys

The U17s had a commendable season despite struggling to win a game. Success is key for our team but having fun is paramount. The boys put their all in games and are to be even praised as many of them stepped out of their comfort zones. Various members had little to no sporting experience or even played in other sports such as basketball but were willing to give football a try due to a shortage of players. We must not overlook the talented players we had, with all of them stepping up in the big games such as Chiza, Paul, Leo and Alameen due to their high footballing IQ and good control of the ball in tight spaces. Jeremiah was the head coach, finding the balance between a tactical overload and enjoyment. Despite the losses, players and viewers of the game all enjoyed it.


The whole school has just celebrated Reading Week with a mix of fun events, competitions and a 'Get Caught Reading' raffle.

Assemblies had a reading theme and launched our READ WELLbeing inter-House Reading Competition. This will run until July and the winning House will be awarded the CELEBRATING READING CUP. It’s easy to enter, students just need to post a review for an inspirational story on the Firefly page, which earns a Point for them and a Point for their house – double Points if they review a story from our Lit in Colour selection.

On World Book Day the Library hosted a lunchtime party and students tried for a prize by guessing Which Book Are You In?, working out the sneaky Turn Around Titles and recommending their favourite stories.

Many congratulations to these World Book Day competition winners:

Which Book Are You In? - 7GA Sophie P - 7GB Olivia GD - Phoebe I - 7LE Rose B

Turn Around Titles - 10SG Al A - 9SG Imogen C - 8GA Anya T - 7GA Sandra W - 7GB Thea W Summer M Molly C

Needless to say, our love of reading continues with students from Y8 Y9 and Y10 shadowing the Carnegie Book Awards and our regular LIT IN COLOUR BOOK CLUB.

Mrs Hall - Librarian


Over the last two years the Visual Arts Faculty and the Performing Arts Faculty have been working hard on their commitment to Artsmark. In making the recent final impact statement we struggled to keep to the specific word count permitted as there is just so much going on across the two faculties over the course of an academic year.

Over the two years there have been some fantastic, inspiring Dance productions, Drama productions, Music concerts and Visual Arts made. Below is just a fraction of what we have been able to achieve through hard work, dedication, commitment and collaborative work between students and staff:

  • Hairspray
  • Addams Family
  • Mamma Mia
  • Winter Concert
  • Paris Music Tour
  • Artist Hugh Henderson and Life Drawing
  • The Hawes Down Mural Project
  • The ongoing BFI Film making project with LPPS

There is always just so much happening across these two dynamic and proactive faculties that seek to broaden our curriculum offer at LPGS and enable our students to express themselves creatively and develop their knowledge, skills and experiences.

A huge congratulations to all involved!!

Spanish Exchange 2024

Our Year 9 and 10 students have just returned from the Spanish Exchange to Tenerife. LPGS have partnered with Colegio Cisneros Alter for over 20 years! During the week our students took part in a Canarian cooking course, hiked the Teide Volcano, went whale and dolphin watching and spent the day in the Spanish school to experience school life. At the weekend, they took part in activities with their host families. We are so proud of our students for challenging themselves and stepping outside of their comfort zone to fully immerse themselves in Spanish life.


Langley Park School for Girls celebrated British Science Week 2024 from 11th to 15th March. This year’s theme was “Time”; and this formed the topic of our Science Week lecture for students and staff: “Relativity and Time Dilation”; expertly explained by our very own Mrs Edey. Students from Year 8 visited the Stem Festival at Middlesex University: thanks to the Maths department for their help with this cross-subject trip. There were daily science workshops at lunchtime with wide ranging activities from the science of photography and fossil making to “Know your heart” and timeline of the universe. The highlight of the week was our Science Festival, during which LPGS students from Year 9 and 10 delivered practical lessons they had planned themselves to Year 6 students from our partner primary schools: Clare House, Hawes Down and Langley Park Primary. We had around 180 primary school students on site, and while they were enjoying their practical lessons, our own science classes were being educated and entertained by our visiting speaker, Dr Szydlo, who presented an exciting whistle stop tour of some of the more spectacular applications of the science we learn in our curriculum. Thanks to the science team, and in particular our wonderful science technicians who were critical in ensuring all these wonderful activities could go ahead.

Y13 A Level Art and Design trip to Saatchi Gallery & Tate Britain

On 17th January, A Level Art and Design students enjoyed a day of gallery visits. Starting at the Saatchi gallery in Sloane square, students viewed the exhibition ‘The way of all flesh’. The range of work within this exhibition was vast and varied. The students really engaged with the work, taking time to analyse and read into the meaning behind the Art work. It was great to hear from students how some of the work viewed, had given them ideas on how to develop aspects of their current ‘Decay and destruct’ coursework unit.

The group then moved onto Tate Britain in the afternoon, where they viewed the galleries permanent exhibition, and were delighted to actually view some of the Art work explored within their research unit.

Students created lots of sketches and gathered lots of resources throughout the day, some of which will hopefully inspire their current exam unit entitled ‘Observe, seek and challenge’.

Ms Keeble

International Women’s Day at LPGS

On 8th March students and staff were invited to wear a purple accessory and make a donation to Women for Women, to help women facing conflict in Gaza. We celebrated at lunch time in the Hall with music, stickers and a feminist bake off, where the cakes were sold to raise money. As a school we raised £504.96! Feminist Society delivered assemblies that week to raise awareness and students shared their messages of positivity on our empowerment wall, which we hope will inspire our students as they walk past.

That week, Year 8 and 9 students took part in an empowerment workshop to explore what it means to be a woman, how to take up space and how to celebrate our differences. At the end students made badges with messages of empowerment.

The Feminist Workshop was so much fun! The leaders were engaging and interesting, helping and guiding us during discussions and explaining various concepts which we weren't familiar with. They were also really inspiring and I felt really comfortable talking with them about views I had. Overall it was a great learning experience!

Anna T

In the workshop we discussed what it means to be female, gender stereotypes and biases and how we can be empowered to take up space and make room for others. I found it a welcoming environment as everyone's opinions were listened to and I felt safe to share my views. It was very interesting to hear others' perspectives and it was nice to have a female-centric space for discussion.

Lucio K


Spring is the busiest time for us as a department as we help exam students complete their final performance and composition coursework and take part in the Langley Music Festival.

The festival consists of two Gala concerts at LPSB (featuring our unique combined schools Orchestra), the Impact Piano Evening, our Spring term Year 7 scheme concert and our Spring Cabaret. As two of those are still to take place next week, here are just a few snippets from the students involved in this week’s events:

Mia H in Year 13 describes her experience as a member of the MAT Orchestra below…

It was my first time taking part in the Langley Philharmonic (previously known as MAT orchestra), and what an experience it was. Over the course of six months or so under the expertise of Mr Sizer, musicians from both the girls' school and boys' school have worked together on three diverse pieces (Moon River, a Lord of the Rings medley and Lord of the Dance). We then performed them at the music gala concerts held at LPSB this week. Overall, the pieces were challenging, and each required varying musical skills, but they were all great fun to play and it felt amazing to be part of such a dynamic group!

And Emily W in Year 7 shares some thoughts on her participation in the Impact Piano Evening…

On Wednesday night, I took part in the IMPACT Trust piano evening along with five other students that got chosen to represent LPGS. All of the performers were incredible and it was a really enjoyable event. I played ‘Ballade’ by Burgmuller which I have been preparing for two months with my piano teacher Mr Oztek. There were students from seven different schools that belong to the trust and ages ranged from 9 to 17. We were all nervous to play to the large audience but everyone did brilliantly. I hope I get in again next year!

Coming up next term and beyond…

Our Music tour to Austria has sold out for next year and we are taking 49 members of our extra-curricular groups to see ‘Hamilton’ in the first week back after Easter. We cannot wait for our Annie! band to start learning their parts after Easter when Wednesdays become our musical production rehearsal night again. More on all those to follow!

For regular updates and notices, follow us on Instagram @LPGSMusicDept

Visual Arts trip to St Ives

On the Visual Arts trip to St Ives in the February half term holiday GCSE and A Level students completed a range of creative tasks including a Photographic walking tour where students learnt about how to use a DSLR in manual mode. We also used the camera on their phones to take long exposure shots of waves and how to achieve a shallow depth of field on some ‘Rogue’ photography. Additionally, there were drawing and Art workshops aimed at honing the students' art skills and giving them an experience of work with and out in nature.

Careers News

Futures Fair:

On 2nd February, we held our annual Futures Fair. This was attended by students all students in years 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 (with Year 7 having the option to attend at break time or after school). This was the biggest fair the school has run with 63 colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and employers attending in the main hall. All year 12 students, on a rotation, attended sessions with:

1. UES Education, a company who specialise in applying to study abroad

2. University of Kent – Writing a successful personal statement

3. Latham and Watkins LLP – Networking and personal branding

4. LPGS Alumni - Annabelle Heritage running a session on Taking a gap year, and Ife Alabi and Nancy Cirillo on “Becoming LinkedIn Warriors” and finding virtual work

5. University of Cambridge – Applying to Oxbridge and the most competitive universities.

National Apprenticeship Week: (5-9th Feb 2024)

LPGS held morning sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday hearing from current apprentices about their apprenticeships, the reason they chose this route, where they found the apprenticeship, the application and selection process and gaining valuable work experience. We heard from apprentices at EY, Morgan Stanley, Bloomberg and Potter Raper Engineering.

World of Work Wednesday:

World of Work Wednesday continues at LPGS. Since the start of last term, we have spoken to a hypnotherapist, accountant, HR consultant, environmental practitioner, a real estate agent and an actor.

Work Experience:

We continue to be so impressed by the number of students taking part in work experience and volunteering in their spare time and holidays. This really will pay dividends when their CV becomes the standout CV when they apply for positions in the future as it shows employers that they have gone above and beyond to gain valuable experience in their chosen field.

This year, years 10 and 12 will be doing work experience on the following dates. It is important that the students enter their placements on the “Placements Tool” on UNIFROG as a matter of urgency as we need to run all of the necessary checks on all of the employers.

Year 10 - 20th -24th May 2024

Year 12 - 15th – 19th July 2024


We are encouraging all sixth form students to create a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where professionals can connect. With a high percentage of jobs found through networking, our Careers Team are passionate about ensuring our students are equipped with the ability and knowledge to network effectively. Please follow the Langley Park School For Girls LinkedIn Page to keep updated.

Other News:

The Trust Careers Team has also successfully applied for funding from the Impact Fund to contribute towards the Future Frontiers programme. The programme works with less privileged students in years 10 and year 11 to raise aspirations and achievement. We look forward to commencing this during the Spring and Summer terms.

Can you help the LPGS Careers Academy?

If you, or someone you know, would like to support our careers provision, this could be offering work experience, apprenticeships, job opportunities or careers talks, please contact the Careers Team on: wex@lpgs.bromley.sch.uk

English Department News

Links with The British Library

We have been lucky enough to make several trips to the British Library recently. A group of year 8 students visited for the first time, taking part in two fantastic workshops: The Realms of Fantasy and a Malorie Blackman workshop. Led by learning facilitators at the library, both were hugely successful with students who all engaged and behaved impeccably – with several comments from Library staff and members of the public about how well behaved our students were.

Year 12 visited for the British Library’s Windrush Voices workshop and Exploring Black British Literature exhibition and workshop. We have taken part in these workshops on several occasions now and they are always so informative and thought provoking for our students.

Students from our Lit in Colour Book Club and Creative Writing Club were rewarded for their dedication with a special invitation to hear Malorie Blackman speak in public to a small selection of students. We spent the afternoon in the British Library’s Learning Centre listening to Malorie Blackman talk about her inspiration, her work, her rejection letters, and the importance of perseverance, amongst other things. The school was then gifted a special Folio Society edition of Noughts and Crosses to keep in our library.

Staff and students alike were thrilled with the book and came away from the trip feeling inspired by Malorie’s tenacity and determination.

AIM High Poetry Workshop

A group of students travelled to Bishop Challoner school to attend a day of poetry led by published poet Neal Zetter, back in February.

Students had a full day workshop which led them from brainstorming ideas for poems, debunking people’s misconceptions about poetry, writing exercises, drafting poems, editing their work and finally, some students were brave enough to share their poems aloud with the group.

We had an enjoyable and informative day which gave students some fantastic new skills and ideas to take back to school. The confidence shown by students at the end of the session was amazing.

Get Competitive…

There are two equally exciting competitions running at the moment; The Orwell Youth Prize and the Bloomsbury Lit in Colour Student Scene Writing Competition.

The Orwell Youth Prize is focused on the theme of ‘Home’ this year, with submissions of any kind accepted. Drama, prose, journalism, a play, stories… the choice is yours. There is also a chance to submit a first draft which will be marked by professionals and then returned to students to edit, before submitting by the final deadline in May.

The Lit in Colour scene writing competition is for English Literature students aged 14-19 and focusses on the theme of ‘Belonging’. The idea is to write a scene for the stage, taking inspiration from Lit in Colour texts such as Refugee Boy and The Empress, but expressing students’ own thoughts and feelings about Belonging.

We are looking forward to seeing some wonderfully creative work.


Y10 Photography students have been practising their experimental lighting techniques on their portraiture project. Students have been using coloured gels and testing out different colour combinations. Students have also been utilising props and costumes to get some really amazing outcomes.


This season with year 7 and 8 hockey some major improvement has taken place. We focused on structuring our attack and defence in a way so that people weren't bunched up and this was evident in all the games for all teams when we played St Dunstan's, Royal Russel, Sevenoaks and Bromley High. With many sessions this season, through rain and shine, the players began to think more about how they should structure their positioning and how to work better as a team. Many leaders began to shine through the team including Emily W, Emily L and Poppy F from year 7 and Ada and Cecilia from year 8. These players supported their team and lead warm ups and drills. With prizes for the winners and laps for the losers (or when they just wouldn't listen) we saw all the teams working hard to stay focused and win. I look forward to working with all of them again next year to improve, and hopefully win the Kent tournament!

Bella T (Yr11) and Lila J (Yr10)


From 14th to 20th February 2024, a group of our adventurous students embarked on an unforgettable ski trip to the picturesque town of Gstaad in Switzerland. The journey commenced with an early meet-up at school, followed by a flight from Gatwick to Geneva, and a scenic coach ride to our cozy abode at Lovell Mountain Lodge.

The first day on the slopes was met with enthusiasm and incredible progress. Advanced groups wasted no time, tackling the challenging terrains straight up the mountain. Due to the unusually warm weather, suncream became an essential accessory for our budding skiers giving a slightly unusual first experience on the mountains for some. The après-ski activities were just as thrilling, featuring sledging, quizzes, and a chance for some retail therapy in the charming town of Gstaad.

As the days passed, all groups ascended to the main mountain, experiencing the joy of chair lifts and, as affectionately named by Rosie L, the 'gonalo' (or gondola to the rest of us). By the fourth day, our students were confidently navigating the mountain, showcasing remarkable skiing prowess, parallel turns, skiing backwards and even some jumps.

A standout moment for everyone was the visit to Glacier 3000. Amidst breathtaking scenery, students enjoyed a husky sled ride, ventured across the peak to peak bridge, and felt the exhilarating effects of being at an altitude of 3000 feet. Some even skied in some of the most spectacular conditions and scenery I have ever witnessed. The memories created during this expedition will undoubtedly be cherished for a lifetime.

Our students were not only skilled skiers but also displayed exceptional behaviour throughout the trip. Their conduct was a true testament to the values instilled by our school, a source of pride for their families, and a reflection of their own character. Instructors were full of praise, noting that our students were the best they'd had in a long time.

The trip was nothing short of spectacular, filled with snowy slopes, laughter, and unforgettable experiences. As we reflect on this incredible journey, it's important to acknowledge and express our gratitude to the amazing individuals who played pivotal roles in making this adventure truly special.

A massive thank you goes to the team of staff that accompanied the trip, each one playing a vital role. From organising logistics to providing support on the slopes, their commitment and collaboration was truly commendable. It is the combined effort of this remarkable team that transformed the vision of our snowy adventure into a reality:

- Mrs. Hayden for her expertly crafted Instagram Reels, capturing and immortalizing the highlights of our trip. Your creative touch brought the joy and excitement of our ski escapades to life for everyone back home.

- Mr. Acomb, your dedication to ensuring our students improved their spatial awareness and your speed records did not go unnoticed. Your guidance and encouragement on the slopes were instrumental in their progress and enjoyment.

- To Mr. Bonsels, our hats off to you for your cool head, expert skiing on the slalom run, and your adept leadership roles. Your calm and collected approach was a reassuring presence, and your prowess on the slopes was truly inspiring.

- A special mention to Miss McGovern for her outstanding pastoral support and seamless communication with parents. Your efforts behind the scenes contributed immensely to the smooth flow of our trip.

- Mr. Stewart, your musical touch added a unique rhythm to our adventure, and we are all in no doubt that you 'left no crumbs'.

- A round of applause for Miss Findley, who, despite being a beginner with our girls, modelled resilience and determination. Your positive spirit and dance moves brought an extra layer of fun to our snowy escapade.

Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to all the parents for entrusting us with your children on this exhilarating journey. Your support and encouragement from afar played a crucial role in the success of the trip. It is individuals like you who make these adventures possible, and your commitment to our students and the overall success of the trip is genuinely appreciated.

To all the staff and students who made this trip a success. It's heartening to witness the resilience, camaraderie, and positive spirit that our students bring to every adventure.

Until the next thrilling journey!


This term the Visual Arts faculty has teamed up with Langley Primary School on a CSL project based around developing film making, sound recording and editing skills in year 5 students. This project is part of a global film making project run by The British Film Institute, now in its 20th year, and this year very much focusing on the theme of documentary.

For our work we chose to look at the garden space that exists between our two schools and to focus on, not only documenting the garden changing and developing over a five month period, but also capturing the community efforts put into such a project with members of the Eco Club working closely with Science staff. Our aim is to capture events live on camera and then edit these together with sound recordings made of the natural environment and interviews with stakeholders about their interests in gardening and the wellbeing factors connected with the environment and matters of ecology.

Approx 20 year five students will work over the course of five months or so to put together a final 10 minute documentary film celebrating the power of the garden and gardening which will be show along with other school entries at a prestigious cinema in central London. All those taking part in the project will be invited along for the screening!!

Many thanks to all involved in the project to date and especially to Ms Parry, Head of Science at LPGS, for her excellent lessons in animal habitats and the secrets of the garden!! Much more to come, watch this space!!

Success in Intermediate Maths Challenge!

On Wednesday 31st January some of our students from Y9, 10 & 11 sat the Intermediate Maths Challenge.

The Intermediate Mathematical Challenge is a 60-minute, multiple-choice Challenge run by the University of Leeds.

It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems.

The problems on the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge are designed to make students think and are quite challenging!

Here is a question from the paper which they sat!

Out of the 129 students who sat the challenge, 79 received a certificate. There were 9 Gold, 19 Silver and 51 Bronze.

GOLD winners: Laura S, Amy R, Helena W, Aleen M, Amber-Lyna T, Lois S, Ayla M, Rihanna D, Emily M

SILVER winners: Nehara F, Alisia C, Uva D, Isabella T, Amelie C, Gabi L, Iris L, Emily R, Gracie D, Anneke L, Alex T, Ingrid B, Anna D, Clara N, Dhaani P, Tallulah F, Poppy W, Poppy M, Madison B

BRONZE winners: Abigail L, Holly Eldridge, Anshika D, Polina P, Georgia E, Avy K, Chantelle M, Amelia S, Isla V, Delilah H, Yana P, Leila P, Aimee S, Chloe T, Dani N, Erin R, Lyla U, Emilie L, Jasmine N, Ellen V, Freya M, Larisa V, Evy C, Mai P, Capucine T, Isla V, Kayla S, Rachael G, Svara P, Khushi P, Daisy W, Evelyn D, Lily A, Ameera E, Sanugiya R, Orla S, Lily B, Poppy F, Ceyda H, Saalihah M, Cerys W, Hannah G, Lydia S, Vanessa T, Emma A, Orla O, Ella C, Imogen C, Shreeya V, Lana C, Grace L

Well done to all certificate winners and to everyone who took part!

Ms Hine


(Answer C)


Year 8 Netball

The Year 8 netball team have performed exceptionally well this season, demonstrating excellent teamwork and skill on the court. They won multiple games throughout the season, allowing them to qualify for the top 4 finals. At the finals, everyone was buzzing and eager to play. Langley started with an unfortunate loss, narrowly losing 5-3 to Newstead Woods. However, they did not let that affect them and came back with a great 12-7 win against a strong Farrington’s team. It was a fantastic tournament, and everyone played really well. Furthermore, a big well done to everyone that turned up to the finals and showed great commitment to training, which helped the girls finish 2nd overall in the tournament.

Sophie. G

Y9 Netball B team

The year 9 netball B team has made a huge improvement from last year, playing five teams so far this season and only losing one game with a one point difference in between the score. One of our most improved players this season is Anisse W who has made amazing shots this year. Another shooter Imogen B who has made an improvement by making many lovely clean shots has gotten player of the match. During this season, we have added a new teammate Layla U who has made an excellent wing attack. Our highest score in a match was 22/14 against Bishop Justus, our biggest difference in a match score is 16/6 with a ten-point score difference against Bishop Challoner. Our most named player of the match has been Lillie. H this season playing as goal attack and Macy H playing as centre at most times. This season the team competed in the top 4 school final with them successfully placing 2nd in their division, winning two of their three matches. Everyone in the team has performed great this season and are all proud of one another.

Year 9 Netball A Team

The U14 A & B netball teams have had a few matches this season and have produced some amazing and hard-earned results. Some of the victories to note are U14a vs Eden Park 35- 9 and an 8-6 win for our U14b against Knights Academy. We recently played in the top 4 tournament and both the a & b teams were worthy runners up in the final. Well done to everyone who has played this season!


In the Spring term the Visual Arts Faculty were once again asked to present The Guernica Project, (last used in the Autumn term at Clare House Primary) at Hawes Down Primary School. The project formed part of year 6 students' research into war and especially aspects of the second world war.

Through the project the children learnt about the town of Guernica, explored Picasso's image of Guernica, made drawings based on the image and developed work towards aspects of printmaking. The students' final square images came together as one large final piece of art work

The project expanded this time round with an addition of language through key words in Spanish and a soundscape workshop delivered by CSL, Mr Gunning, Head of Drama at Hayes School, in which the children acted out the painting.

This has been a great project, not only in terms of teaching the children about aspects of war and the impact it has on civilians but, this collaborative project has enabled us to work across schools within our developing trust of schools and across different departments in different schools.


In an impressive display of oratory skill and passion, Sanugiya R from Langley Park School for Girls recently secured the Runner Up position at the Bromley Regional Final of Jack Petchey's Speak Out Challenge. This prestigious event, part of the largest public speaking programme in England, showcases the talents of year 10 students from across London and Essex, providing them with a platform to amplify their voices and share their ideas.

Sanugiya's speech, titled "Violence Against Girls," called for urgent action and greater awareness regarding sexual assault. Through compelling arguments, Sanugiya highlighted the resilience of survivors and advocated for a societal shift from silence and fear to a movement for justice and support. This powerful message resonated with the audience and judges alike, underscoring the importance of addressing such critical issues in today's society.

The Jack Petchey’s Speak Out Challenge, managed by Speakers Trust and supported by the Jack Petchey Foundation, aims to build confidence, develop communication skills, and empower young people. By participating in this initiative, Sanugiya not only showcased exceptional public speaking abilities but also demonstrated a commitment to social change.

Reflecting on the experience, Sanugiya expressed surprise and newfound confidence, stating, "I am very shocked, but now am confident to speak in public!". This achievement marks a significant milestone in Sanugiya's journey, highlighting the potential to inspire and lead through the power of speech.

As the community celebrates Sanugiya's success, it is clear that this young speaker has not only made Langley Park School for Girls proud but has also contributed to the ongoing conversation about violence against girls, proving that young voices can indeed lead to meaningful social change.

We are incredibly proud of Sanugiya's achievement and look forward to seeing her continue to use her voice to effect positive change in society. Congratulations, Sanugiya!