Safety reminders
Please can I remind you that all access points for vehicles should remain clear at all times. Please use the footpaths for waiting and entering the grounds. Can I ask that you also keep your children in your supervision at all times for their safety.
The academy is a smoke and phone free area: cigarettes, e-cigarettes, mobile phones (including the visibility of phones when messaging). This is to keep our children safe. You may be challenged if you are seen using these devices.
Water bottles
We ask that all children bring a sustainable bottle to school, however, metal water bottles are not permitted for health and safety reasons. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Message from the Principal
Dear parents and carers,
A huge thank you to everyone for a fantastic first half term. There has been a high level of engagement and communication with positivity and partnership. Thank you for attending the Tea and Talks this half term. There have been more parents this year than previous and the advanced sharing of dates has been supportive of this. Please look at the forthcoming talks to maintain this positive start so that we can support learning at home and provide you with an understanding of our approach in lessons.
The new Reception children and families are settled and with new friendships established. Take a look at EYFS in the spotlight to find out more.
Next term our children are historians as they explore significant events, people and places. Across the academy children develop understanding of cause and consequence of events in time.
Over the coming weeks children will be engaging in Autumnal activities and some families engaging in Trick or Treat or bonfire night celebrations. You may want to talk to your children about the history of these events and why they are celebrated today. Take a look at the video links.
We would love to share a collection of photographs of Autumnal events. If you have carved a pumpkin, created decorations, made firework art, dressed up or attended an event, send in a photograph to Subject: Autumn
Keep an eye out, our ‘Darlings’ are ready to share an explosion of cheer with you soon!!
On Monday 13th November, during our Direction Assembly, we will be showing our respect to those who currently serve our country and in remembrance of those who have in the past. Poppies are now available to purchase on the main gate at drop off and collection time or from the main office.
Over the half term, should your child want to create a Poppy Poem, message or picture please send to Subject: Poppy
To recognise Anti-Bullying Week and World Kindness Day, we will be focused on many of our rainbow words and supporting children in their understanding of bullying and relationships on and offline. We will focus on our collective message of using the word STOP! Several Times On Purpose and Start Telling Over People. On Friday 17th November, children are invited to come to school wearing odd socks with their full school uniform to show their support.
In addition, there is a tea and talk for parents to focus on ‘Online safety’. This shares important information, and we hope that it is well attended.
Also on Friday 17th November, we continue to support Children in Need by adding spotty accessories to our uniform. You can make your donation via your child’s ParentPay account.
Is it too early for me to mention all things Christmas? Details of Christmas events are coming soon!
Have a wonderful half term As always, enjoy your family time together.
Mrs Nicholls
In the spotlight
EYFS in the spotlight
So here we are at the end of our first half-term in EYFS. Our Nursery children, that joined Reception after the Summer, have settled well into their new daily routines. Likewise, their new friends to the Academy have settled well too. Nursery have welcomed many new faces and we are all enjoying getting to know each other in the Rockpool Garden. The children are forming new friendships and are thoroughly enjoying investigating and exploring new activities and zones that are on offer throughout the day. We hope that you have a wonderful half-term holiday and look forward to our new learning adventures on our return.
Clubs in the spotlight
This term, we have been fortunate enough to add a number of new clubs to our extra-curricular club offering, with the majority being run by the staff in their own free time. These range from skipping to chess club; creative writing to dodgeball; gardening to art club. Lots of wonderful opportunities for our children to experience and we are grateful to our staff.
Clubs will recommence the first week back after half term. Children who currently attend a club will hold their place until Christmas, when a new timetable will be released and bookings will be reopened.
RE in the Spotlight
In Year 2, we have thoroughly enjoyed having a visitor called Reverend Hanli Bouwer visit from Leigh Road Baptist church. She spoke to the children about what she does for the church and spoke around Christianity and how God shares his love. During the session, Hanli completed an experiment all about love where she poured liquid into a jar on top of hearts to show that God loves everyone. It was very exciting! The children were engaged throughout the visit and particularly enjoyed the experiment.
Sports Committee
Kirsty Fitzgibbon, our area School Sports Organiser (SGO) came to meet with our sports committee this week for a Q&A session. For some of the new members of the committee, this was their first time meeting Kirsty and they were all very excited. The committee asked Kirsty various questions on how they can help her in her role as SGO as well as asking for advice on how we can encourage more children to walk, scooter or cycle to school. At the end of the meeting, Kirsty told us how blown away she was by our children’s enthusiasm and dedication to the committee and how she would be calling in on them from time to time to get their advice on all things sport and PE related.
Year 5 trip to Hadleigh Castle
Smiling faces and excitement this week as Year 5 took a trip to Hadleigh Castle and Hadleigh Country Park. After a short coach journey, the children braced themselves for the windy weather, whilst walking through areas of the mountain bike track towards the castle itself. The children were tickled by the inquisitive cows watching them pass by their cow pats and the various buildings that gave them clues about life in the past. Why was there a bunker? Who might have used it and when?
Once at the castle, pupils explored the area in their small teams and discovered new information. What did the castle originally look like? Why was it built there and by whom? What were the drawbacks of building a castle on that land?
After reading about the history of the castle, pupils took some quiet time to sit and observe their surroundings, sketching parts of the ruins and the estuary beyond.
They just about held on to their pieces of paper and were even lucky enough to enjoy some sunshine.
After lunch pupils took a long trek deeper into some woods, looking out for animals in their natural habitat. The children were very surprised at how much bramble there was and wondered which birds might enjoy the blackberries.
Over 12000 steps later, Year 5 were well and truly exhausted but said it was a really fun trip and the best day! Back at school, they were able to recall events of the day and several facts relating to Hadleigh Castle, expressing their opinions of how good a castle they think it may have been and its strategic position.
Show Racism the Red Card
Today, it has been wonderful to listen to the children talking to each other about tolerance and mutual respect while taking part in ‘show racism the red card’. We started off the day proudly displaying our red wrist bands which got everyone talking! A perfect start.
Throughout the day, the children have had an opportunity to understand what racism means and the impact that it can have on others and themselves. Our pupils were shocked and sadden to hear that this can still be and issue today and wrote thought provoking poems which demonstrate the importance of the British Values tolerance and respect.
Children shared their rainbow words of kindness and empathy including using the expression of poetry:
Racism out
Empathy – you haven’t walked a mile in their shoes
Support people that experience discrimination
Prejudice shall be gone not spread
Equality shall always be shown
Community values should be followed at all times
Tolerance of faith and colour
Racism is unacceptable and we should all be kind to one another
Everybody should unite and be equal
Support those that don’t have a voice
People is what we all are so stop discrimination
Everyone should be accepted for who they are
Cooperation is key as we must work together
Teamwork makes the dreamwork so let’s show racism the red card
Children have also listened to inspiring stories about significant individuals who challenged stereotypes and racism to succeeded in whatever they wanted to achieve. This provoked courageous conversations where some children shared their experiences of discrimination.
“Before I came to this school sometimes, I was teased about the colour of my skin and because my hair is different. At Darlinghurst, they don’t see difference.”
“I was told I’m not allowed to like girl’s things. I am allowed to be what I want to be at Darlinghurst.”
Walking around the academy, the sense of belonging was evident wherever you were.
Please encourage your child to complete their Timetable Rockstars this half term, there are lots of battles for them to take part in so they can earn their Rock Star status!
Halloween at Darlinghurst
Over the half term break, why not take part in our PTA Scarecrow Trail? Follow the map, collect the letters and see what spooky word it spells out! Email your answer to with your child’s name and class.
On Saturday 28th October 10am – 12pm, join us at the Academy for our Halloween-Harvest trail. Sessions are available to book via your child’s ParentPay account. Come along in your ghooooooulish fancy dress and take part in fun Halloween themed games and activities!
Both of these activities will be raising funds to make improvements to outdoor learning pond area.
500 Words competition
Calling all our budding writers to submit an entry to the BBC 500 Words competition. Write a story you would love to read. Click on the link to find out more.
Year 6 – Secondary School Admissions 2024/2025
Please be reminded that the deadline for submitting your child's secondary school application is the 31st October 2023. For Southend residents, applications can be submitted via your online portal
Alternatively, if you live outside of the Southend area, you must apply to the local authority where you pay your council tax. Should you have any queries, please contact the admissions team on
Flu Immunisation
The Immunisation team will be visiting the Academy on Tuesday 14th November to administer the annual flu spray. You must complete the online form to say if you give your consent or not for your child to have the spray administered. If a form is not submitted your child will not receive the immunisation.
Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am
Monday 6th November – Back to school
Wednesday 8th November – Pre-loved sale – Main Hall 3.10pm
Tuesday 14th November – Reception phonics Tea & Talk: 8.50am
Tuesday 14th November – School nurses – Flu spray for Reception – Year 6
Wednesday 15th November – Online Safety Tea & Talk: 8.50am
Friday 17th November – Children in Need and Anti Bullying Day
Friday 24th November – Key Stage 2 French Tea & Talk: 8.50am
Friday 24th November – Individual and Sibling photographs
Wednesday 20th December – last day of term – 1.30pm finish