Forden School 5th july 2024

Seren yr Wythnos

Mae seren yr wythnos yn dosbarth Bedwen ydy Morgan, yn Collen ydy Sancia ac yn dosbarth Ysgawen ydy Evie R. Da iawn pawb.


Congratulations to Maggie and Toia for completing a level on Lexia.

Running Club

Well done to Joe, Lucy G and Evan for completing 10 miles. Da iawn.

Area Sports

Pupils from Collen and Ysgawen competed against children from 4 local schools at the Area Sports competition on Tuesday. Out of the 66 competitions, they were placed in 47 events - 19 firsts, 12 seconds and 16 thirds. This was a fantastic achievement - well done to all who took part.

Severn Farm Visit

Pupils in Bedwen enjoyed their visit to Severn Farm on Thursday.

Parent Governor Vacancies

Two of our current parent governors have opted to take up the community governor roles. This leaves two vacancies for parent governors. Nomination letters and information were sent out with last week's newsletter. Please ensure all nominations are in by Friday 12th July. Thank you.

School Reports - Summer Term

Thank you to all parents who acknowledged receipt of their child's school report. If you have requested a meeting with their teacher, you will be contacted next week to arrange a mutually convenient time. If you did not receive your child's report, please contact the school.

Parent Pay

Please log in to clear any outstanding payments before the end of term.


Dates for your diary

Mon 8th - Fri 12th July

Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school every day. PE days may change depending on the weather.

  • Monday Year 6 transition visit to WHS
  • Monday Year 5 'Growing Up' talk
  • Monday pm September starters visit to school
  • Tuesday Year 6 transition visit to WHS
  • Tuesday Singing at WHS Concert 7pm
  • Friday  Year 5&6 multi-sports day @ WHS
  • Friday Closing date for Parent Governor nominations

Future dates:

Mon 15th July Year 6 leavers day @ Llandyssil

Tue 16th July Year 6 trip to Penycoed

Thu 18th July Leavers' Assembly 2pm

Thu 18th July Summer Party 5:30-7:00pm (see details below), all pupils welcome.

Fri 19th July Last day of term

Mon 22nd July - Mon 2nd September Summer Holiday

Tue 3rd Sep Return to school



Community Notices

PCC - Money advice / support

Newtown Police Station - Open Day

Newtown AFC - Summer Camps