
Dodding Theatre Award Update

It is a delight to report that the inaugural Dodding Theatre Award winners successfully completed their summer travel experience to the Czech Republic. Theatre majors Vir Gupta ('24) and Riley Shanahan ('25) both traveled to be a part of the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, a large theatre-centric experience that focuses on new forms of scenography, media, and designed spaces.

Vir and Riley, both members of the Anthony Aston Players and both integral members of the WFU theatre community, attended the Quadrennial during the month of June, with the goal to create new connections and be immersed in future directions of theatre staging and forms. Upon returning to Wake Forest for the start of the Fall semester, they gave an account of their time in Prague complete with photos and memories of their time at the event. In addition, Vir produced a wonderful documentary film of his experience (see below). It expertly communicates the value of the trip to these two Deacons and is well-worth a watch!

We take a moment to salute Vir and Riley for pioneering this new theatre award experience. Thanks to the two of you for your passion to learn and grow as theatre professionals. Likewise, we take a moment to thank all of the WFU faculty, staff, and alumni who contributed to and continue to donate to this evergreen endowment.

The Dodding Theatre Award is designed to reward and inspire Wake Forest students with an interest in theatre toward their future endeavors. It attempts to capture the energy, drive, and excellence of our beloved former teacher, James Dodding. Now that the first year of the Dodding is complete, we look forward to announcing the annual winners of this prestigious new accolade every Spring!