Digital Champions AKA Digital Dinos

Croeso i digital champions, Ysgol Santes Fair. Welcome to digital champions, St Mary's Brymbo.

What do the Digital dinos do?

We are a group of pupils from Year 3 to 6. That meet once a week. Our aim is to help support our peers and staff in the use of digital technology to improve teaching and learning

Meet the team

Mrs Dixon & Mrs Gorbert - Digital leads

Digital Dinos - Rio, Evie, Will, Evie, Leo & Jacob

What have we done so far?

As a school, over the past few years, we have invested a lot of money into Chrome books so that every child in KS2 has their own device to work on. This has meant that lessons can be interactive and all pupils within the classroom can get involved.

We have purchased a number of IPads so that all classes are allocated a set amount with a good selection of apps.

Coding robots

We have Beebots, Micro bits, Sphero and Lego Spike. During the Digital Dino sessions, we learn how to use the software and apps, then feed this knowledge back into the classrooms to help our friends and staff.

Digital Dinos have been in to classes to show the children from Reception up to Year 6 how to use Sphero. We adapted their sessions to the suitability of the pupils ages.

Our next steps are to go in to classes and show the pupils how to use Lego Spike.