
4th October 2024

Save the date

Every Thursday in term time – Tiny Tiddlers - 8.50am – 10.30am

Thursday 10th October – Tea & Talk: Nursery & Reception – meet the parents 8.50am

Thursday 10th October – Hello Yellow

Thursday 10th October – Open Evening for prospective parents

Friday 11th October – School Nursing team: Flu Immunisation (Reception – Year 6)

Thursday 17th October – Tea & Talk: Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2

Thursday 17th October – Year 3 parents 3.30pm

Thursday 17th October –Year 4 parents 4.15pm

Thursday 24th October – Preloved uniform sale – 3.10pm in the main hall

Friday 25th October – Half term – Collection at 3.10pm

Thursday 31st October – Pumpkin Trail – 11am – 2pm

Monday 11th November – Return to academy

Wednesday 27th November – Individual and sibling photographs


Dear parents and carers,

This week, I am celebrating writing and reading for enjoyment. We love how much children love to immerse themselves in stories and to be creative, mindful and social writers.

Writing for enjoyment – national poetry day

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of joining Mrs Stevens and class in a writing lesson for National Poetry Day. They were part of a Guinness World Record! We were all very excited and joined schools across the UK and beyond to create a poem that would really count! I was witness to the largest poetry lesson across multiple venues. A judicator launched the event and the poet, Laura Mucha co-write a poem with over 200, 000 7 – 12 year olds. The children’s ideas were collated and considered for the final poem with a draft for the lesson ready after 22 edits. The final poem was produced.

Reading for enjoyment

Today was a special day in our journey of reading. As you know we have been on an ongoing journey to ensure that a love of reading is part of academy life. We have created special places to read in classrooms and around the academy. Lending libraries and our main library have been renovated and decorated to create special places to read, share and lend books.

As a reading first school we have always prioritised the teaching of reading from early years to year 6 however to develop life-long readers we have promoted reading for enjoyment.

Donated books were also well received and pre-loved book sales carried out to circulate books from school and home. Staff, including myself, would travel around to collect books within the community and even armchairs for the library. This venture has literally been a project of love amongst the community. Our library walls were painted by the father-in-law of a staff member and the external wall murals painted by a parent. Our library project has been a labour of love and commitment. We engaged in wider projects and work with local libraries, Juniper Library services and the World of stories through the National Literacy Trust and today we celebrated together the library opening.

Mrs Richards will share our journey

It started with the theme of ‘read to grow’ and the sunflower emblem was used to represent the growth of the children as they engage with reading and indulge in worlds unknown. The sunflower emblem linked perfectly with our school logo too – the sun is the guiding light.

We revamped our classroom reading areas, introduced reading for enjoyment lessons and appointed reading ambassadors. We had an academy wide vision. Let’s get children talking about books, let’s show them the wonder of reading!

We were fortunate to be accepted onto the World of Stories training programme. This programme enabled us to look in detail at our provision, our community and the needs and wants of our pupils. With online and face to face training, we were able to understand the importance of pupil choice, engaging book talk and most importantly how having a variety of diverse books that represented our academy community can impact our pupils views on reading. As part of the programme, we had to complete some initial pupil surveys – these showed us that children wanted more up to date books, regular access to the library and to take a range of books home to read. With the 400 new books we received as part of the initiative and the help of Hazel and her colleagues at Juniper Education, we were able to meet the needs of our students.

We are proud of the library environment we have created. The murals, painted by Stacey, a parent of one of our pupils, has given the library life. The pictures of well-known book characters makes your mind wander. The simple, yet effective organisation of the books means the library can be kept tidy and inviting – part of the reading ambassador’s roles.

So where do go next? visits to the library for reading for pleasure sessions, opportunities to lend and share books. Planned links with our local library too. Entries will be made to KIT by our reading ambassadors, sharing their recommended reads and I am sure there will be more. Our love of reading and our journey will continue … watch this space!

National Smile Day

This week in Tiny Tiddlers we celebrated National PJ day (a week early) and National Smile day. All the children and some of the grown ups too came dressed in their comfy pjs ready for a session of fun. During the session, the children explored the large teeth and practised brushing their teeth, someone even suggested using the theme to postman pat to help little ones brush all their teeth for the right amount of time. We even had playdough dirty teeth to clean too. We are always encouraging the children to try and eat new snack and this week we has breadsticks, dips and veg which everyone enjoyed and encouraged healthy snacks to maintain healthy teeth and healthy smiles.

If you would like to come along on a Thursday after morning drop off, please email Please note there is no session on Thursday 10th October as Miss Wise will be hosting the Nursery and Reception new parents Tea and Talk but will resume the following week Thursday 17th October.

National Teacher Day

We also spent time in celebration assembly, celebrating our teachers. This Sunday is National Teacher Appreciation Day. Our staff come to school with commitment and care, every day. They not only teach our children the knowledge and skills they need but so much more. They support them every day, knowing their needs and interests. They have fun together and build relationships. They are also a close-knit team who care about each other. They are a super team, and I am thankful for them every day!

All the staff, across the academy play an important role and make this place special.

As always, enjoy your family time together and I hope it is full of smiles too.

Mrs Nicholls

Senior Prefect Team

This week children across the academy took part in a democratic election process and voted for our Head Prefects. Ten children in year 6 took the plunge and submitted applications, prepared speeches and performed brilliantly in front of their peers. The staff were so proud of them. Each prefect had something unique to offer and they made it really difficult for us to choose. Here is what they had to say in their speeches:

‘Being Head Prefect would be an honour and allow me to take on a role that enables me to lead by example, provide support to my peers and contribute to creating a positive and safe environment for the academy.’ Lucy S

‘The Darlinghurst little boat and song ‘the power in me,’ can be embedded into everyone of us. What is your superpower? Mine is my dyslexia. This power makes me realise that it is our differences that make our school life all the better. We gain greater understanding, compassion and consideration to not only our needs, but those of others also. As Head Prefect I was push for this' Tobias W

‘I have been at Darlinghurst Academy since reception and I really enjoyed my time in the school and having you all as my fellow students in our journey through learning.As some of you will know, I enjoy reading and playing rugby. Being part of a rugby team is showing respect, understand of others and not judging people for what they like or enjoy. I will use this skill as your Head Prefect by showing understanding and respect to all.’ Roxy F

‘I am friendly and caring, so if I see that you are upset I will always try and help you. My favourite subjects are PE and History and I love creative writing. I read everyday and have read lots of books. I managed to reach 800,000 words last year on Accelerated Reader. I enjoy attending Darlinghurst Academy because I think it is an amazing school with great teachers and I would like to help you enjoy your time here too.’ Freddie V

‘I am a caring hardworking student and someone who listens to others. I can’t promise you that I will be the best Head Prefect but I can promise you that I will try my hardest to be one to represent the school at their high standards and be a voice for you and I promise to try my best’ Tara S

‘I would love the opportunity to get your ideas to our wonderful teachers and make our school an even better place. I am a great listener, good at communicating and I have the skills to help you with a problem.’ Rio N

‘I am very friendly and a good role model for everyone. I have taken part in many events and helped at parents evening as a junior governor and a reading ambassador. I have taken part in mini-game, a girls football tournament and visited Admirals Court at Christmas. I was chose to do a theatre workshop at the Palace Theatre which helped me with my confidence.’ Maryiam H

Once the votes were in and counted, we were able to announce and celebrate our Senior Prefect Team.

Congratulations to: Lucy and Freddie (Head Prefects), Roxy and Rio (Vice Prefects) and Tara and Maryam (Senior Prefects).

In the spotlight

Tiny Tiddlers – Macmillan coffee morning

Last week, Miss Wise and our Tiny Tiddlers hosted a Macmillan coffee morning with a ‘Bake off’ theme. Grown ups baked the cakes and our little ones helped with the bakes or enjoyed tasting them. It was a successful morning with lots of chocolate covered faces and the best bit, a total of £97.69 was raised. Well done Tiny Tiddlers!!

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day took place on Thursday 3rd October. The them this year was ‘Counting’ so our children spent their lessons thinking about people they count on and what they think is important.

There were some lovely ideas from all year groups including counting on friends, family, pets and teachers. There were many things that the children wanted to count including counting each day as a gift, the days until Christmas and even the number of marshmallows they can fit in their mouths!

Some of the children in Year 5 took part in a Guiness World Record attempt – watch this space to see if we are officially record breakers!

Hello Yellow

A reminder that next week we will be supporting two charities that support the well being and mindfulness of others, Young Minds and Just One Tree. Children are invited to wear yellow accessories with their uniform to raise awareness and donations can be made via your child’s ParentPay account to support the charities.

Anaphylaxis Week

This week, we raise awareness about anaphylaxis and show our support for those living with or caring for someone with serious allergies. We regularly talk to our children about the importance of not bringing to school products that contain nuts. Recent updates include, anyone with a nut allergy should not consume products that may contain mustard.

We have a number of children and members of staff within the academy who live with this life-threatening condition. Please familiarise yourself food that could be a risk to them.

Tea & Talk Nursery

On Thursday 17th October, parents from year 3 and 4 are invited to join a Tea & Talk for an introduction to lower key stage 2. Year 3 parents at 3.30pm and Year 4 parents at 4.15pm in the main hall.

Pumpkin Trail

Join us on the 31st October 11am – 1pm for lots of spooky fun at our Pumpkin Trail. Slots are available to book via your child’s ParentPay account. Please note that children should be accompanied by an adult at all times.

School photographs

Individual school photographs will be taken during the school day on Wednesday 27th November. Please ensure that your child is in full school uniform on this day. Sibling photographs will be taken in the demountable after school pick up. Please note, that due to limited time available, that sibling photographs will only be those of school age.



Jellyfish 98.8%


Lobster 96.7%


Dune 99%

Proud To Be Me

Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
