Dear Cougar Students and Parents,
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2023 is coming to a close and the end of 1st Semester is just around the corner. Thank you for staying connected to your student's progress in class via Canvas and continue to encourage them to stay focused through the final weeks of the semester.
Our administrative team is continuing our work to improve student attendance. We know that students are most successful when they are in class, on time and engaged from bell to bell. To reinforce consistent attendance as a priority, we will be reaching out to parents of students with excessive tardies to discuss how we can partner together in this effort. We will also require students to maintain less than 20 tardies (as of Nov 6) and an 80% attendance rate as a prerequisite for purchasing tickets to our next school dance, Winter Formal, held on Jan 20th. Current attendance rates can be reviewed in ParentVue & StudentVUE. Students between 70-79% rate will have an opportunity to submit an appeal for review/approval.
Finally, the 2024-2025 BLS Choice Options Lottery & Priority ACR Window is coming up in January. In addition to neighborhood schools, Bend-La Pine Schools offers multiple options to meet the individual needs of its students. Choice enrollment is choosing a school other than your neighborhood school. The deadlines for next year are as follows:
- January 2, 2024: Choice lottery enrollment application opens in ParentVUE
- January 19, 2024: Choice lottery application closes for grades 1-12
- January 19, 2024: Choice application closes for Priority ACR
Learn more about our choice options and review details about the ACR process here. Cambio de plazos para lotería, ACR.
Please continue reading below for other happenings on campus. Go Cougars!
Michael Hicks, Principal
Recent Student Highlights
- MV Theater had their first show, 2 one-act plays, under new theater teacher Amy James. The cast worked extremely hard and had a great run.
- Band, Choir and Orchestra all held winter concerts that gave our student musicians and vocalists an opportunity to shine!
- Cougar Football made it all the way to the state championship game. They fought hard and represented MVHS well. We are so proud of these students and coaches for all of their hard work.
- Congratulations to Lauren Chaiet (trumpet, junior) and Jack Witts (euphonium, senior) for representing MV at the Western International Band Clinic this year!
- MV Cadets participated in a ceremony held at Bend High honoring one of the last remaining Pearl Harbor survivors.
All About Seniors - Class of 2024
The Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony will be held on campus at MVHS Jack Harris Stadium located at 2755 NE 27th Street on Saturday, June 8 at 2:00pm. Stay informed about everything happening for your senior this year by bookmarking the Senior Information page of the MVHS website!
Upcoming Deadlines & Important Reminders:
Dec 1 : Cap & Gown Orders were due, but they are still accepting late orders!! Order online at Miners Grad Services
Jan 5 : Senior Ad Deadline, pricing and submission details located on the Yearbook page of our website
Message From Your MVHS Boosters
We know it's a busy time, but we'd like to do something special for our awesome MVHS staff on Thursday, Dec. 14. Please review the Sign-Up Genius form linked below and consider bringing two dozen cookies, bars, or other treats for the staff to enjoy & take home over break.
- Your MVHS Cougar Boosters
Become part of the Booster email list by emailing them at
Inclement Weather Resources
As we patiently wait for the snow to fall, we wanted to remind families about how the district makes decisions during bad weather and the measures you can take to stay connected to information regarding delays and closures due to inclement weather. BLS will share information the following ways:
- 💻 Visit the BLS website: (an alert banner will be posted to every page in the case of a delay, closure or early release.)
- 📞 Call our hotline, which will be updated with weather delay or closure information: English 541-323-7669 or Spanish 541-355-0044.
- 📱 Subscribe to Mystop to receive push notifications on your mobile device about changes to the school bus. Sign up today here. To install the app, simply visit the Google Play Store (for Android) or the Apple Store (for iOS), and search for "Versatrans My Stop" or log-in via the web at My Stop. Make sure you select Bend-La Pine Schools when prompted.
- 📲 Visit our social media pages: Facebook English: @BendLaPineSchools, Spanish: @EscuelasdeBendLaPine, Twitter: @BLPSchools
- 💬 Sign up for BLConnect, an emergency alert text messaging system. Register at this link:
- 📺 Tune it to local media
- Read more details here
Supports For Families
Bend-La Pine schools also partners with Care Solace to support the well-being of our community. If you or your family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of the circumstance. This is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service provided by Bend-La Pine schools. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a mental health care provider:
- Call 888-515-0595. Support is available 24/7/365 in over 200 languages.
- Visit and either search on your own or click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
- December 11-15 : Winter Spirit Week
- December 14-15 : Book Flood, free books to read or gift in the Library
- December 15 : Assembly Bell Schedule
- December 18-Jan 1 : NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Check out our weekly MVHS Announcement webpage for continued school announcements.
Be sure to visit the MVHS website and like/follow us on Facebook to keep up to date on what is happening around campus. Go Cougs!