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March 2024 @BVNLibrary Madness @bvn library! finstas, campaigning, presenting, and more! check it out!

World Geography - South America Finsta Project

Students researched places in South America and planned a vacation. They used the 5 themes of geography and learned more about different areas in South America. With Canva as their instagram template, they were able to design their trip and personalize it as if they really went there!

HELA 10 - Utopian Government

HELA 10 students researched different types of governments and attempted utopian societies. Afterward they were tasked with creating their own. We showed them how to best use the databases and then a super convenient citation tool thanks to Google!

America Decides - Campaign Ads

Students in Mr. Smajda's America Decides class made campaign ads for presidential candidates. They researched information for their target demographic and then created a video specifically for their intended audience. Click here to view great student work!

Girls Garage

Working with Mr. Mixon, Engineering Industrial Technology teacher, students made their own pen with a lathe. They got to choose a shape and used tools to turn it. They also sanded and stained their pens before assembling them!

Club members practiced using power tools such as screw guns and a palm nailer.

The pen lathe was fun to use because the girls could slowly see their designs come to life. They turned blocks of wood into beautifully turned wooden pens.

Girls Garage members also worked on benches that were built by the woodshop classes for our prairie. School clubs adopted benches and National Art Honor Society members painted them. Girls garage members helped prep the benches for paint. The benches will debut in the classroom area of the BVN Prairie next fall!

AP Spanish - Presentations

Students in Sr. Novas' AP Spanish classes gave presentations on famous architecture in the Spanish-speaking countries. These presentations were done in a TedTalk style and covered a wide range of countries and time periods.