Panel Presentation Guidelines

Panel presentations

The major components of a panel presentation include the following. All of these should connect to the conference themes.

  • Research question - What, exactly, do you want to know about your topic? Why is this question important? How is it related to the conference themes?
  • Research methods - What sources did you use to find the answer to the research question? In what way(s) is your use or analysis of sources innovative?
  • Conclusion - What is the answer to the research question? What do you want your audience to take away from your project?

At the conference, these presentations will be organized into panels of 2-3 presenters and a panel moderator. The moderator will introduce each presenter, keep time for the panel, and moderate the question-and-answer period. After all presenters have finished, all attendees, including the panel participants, may ask questions about any of the presentations.

Panel Presentation Guidelines