KC News Round Up Friday 20th September 2024

Year 7 Camp Out

Our Year 7 students enjoyed a camp out to celebrate the end of their first week at Senior school. It was a great opportunity for team bonding and forging new friendships. The weather was perfect (albeit a little chilly overnight) and everyone had a brilliant time.

Before the camp out, Year 7 parents were invited to a Parent Welcome tea in the Organ Room to meet each other and the staff, and get to know Kent College further.

Team Trials

Year 7 were awake early to join the team trials along with Years 8 and 9 on Saturday. Over 60 students took part with the first match for Year 9 on Thursday, and Years 7 and 8 in a couple of weeks.

The Sport scholars were joined by the rest of the members of the AIMS programme including scholars from Academia, Art, Dance, Drama and Music for a session led by Mrs Hughes and Mrs Quigley to set out expectations for the year. Mrs Hughes also gave the scholars a task ready to help plan their year ahead in order to balance their academic pressures and their extra curricular commitments.

Gymnastics Success

On Sunday 8th September Year 7's Annabelle & Jendayi competed at the Intermediate Kent championships, at the Spires Academy in Canterbury. After a fantastic competition, Annabelle was placed 4th and Jendayi was 7th.

This was their first competition after the summer holidays and was a great start to the new academic year.

For more information on joining the Gym Academy, please contact Mrs Cox on coxj@kentcollege.kent.sch.uk

Remembering Sgt. Leslie Pidd

To commemorate the 84th anniversary of the death of Sgt. Leslie Pidd, the young WWII Hurricane pilot whose aircraft was brought down over the grounds of Kent College during the Battle of Britain, Chaplain Katie held two very poignant services to reflect and remember. One was for boarders, where students heard Leslie's story and the other was for staff and students to pay their respects. Leslie's story is very much a part of Kent College's history and we ensure that his memory is kept alive on the anniversary of his death and Remembrance Day each year.

Boarders' Activities

Following the reflective moments learning about Sgt. Leslie Pidd, boarders then took part in a getting-to-know each other exercise, where the girls all found out about each other's hometown and what they liked or did not like about it - which was really helpful, especially for our new boarders. They also enjoyed a crafting evening making friendship bracelets this week.

Year 8 and Upper Sixth Drama Workshop

This week our Year 8 and Upper Sixth Drama students had the joy of participating in a Frantic Assembly workshop run by one of their practitioners. The energetic workshop explored both physical theatre skills and creative tasks that provided Year 8 students with the opportunity to learn new skills as part of their Trinity College Bronze Arts Award.

I loved the Frantic Assembly workshop, as it was a way of learning new skills that I never would have thought of. Mark was really nice to us all, and I would definitely do one of their workshops again! Marja, Year 8

Peer Mentoring

A group of trained Lower Sixth volunteers are continuing to offer mentoring sessions to students in Year 8. The support sessions range from helping with organisation, managing work to friendships and worries. This is a great way for the younger years to mix with the older girls and builds a great sense of school community.

The peer mentoring scheme involves Sixth Form students pairing up with students from a younger year group, meeting once or twice a week to chat about things they may be worried about or help them with their school work. I have really enjoyed being a mentor and have got lots out of it myself. I love seeing my Year 8 mentee around school and we always give each other a friendly wave. I think the peer mentor programme really embodies the community spirit of KC. Poppy, Upper Sixth

Save the Dates

Senior School Open Morning

Our next Senior School Open Morning is on Saturday 5th October from 9.00am to 12.30pm. If you know anyone who might be interested in joining KC in Year 7 in September 2025 or 2026, please do pass the details on. To book, please click here.

Additionally please note, this is a compulsory event for all students (excluding Year 11 unless requested) to attend. Our students are the best ambassadors for the school and can really showcase all the great things about KC.

Sixth Form Information Evening

The Sixth Form Information Evening will take place on Thursday 8th October from 6.00pm to 8.30pm. We would like to invite all Year 11 students and their families to come along and find out more about the range of A Levels, BTECs and extracurricular opportunities available in the Sixth Form. Further information will be sent from Mrs Gillings, Head of Sixth Form.

The Wellbeing Hub

Click here to watch this webinar.

Have a great weekend!