- Beginner Classes are listed below!
- We still need $2,000 fundraised to open the school! Donations accepted at our GoFundMe here.
- Visit the Wudang Wiki Index for a list of all current articles available to read (not all are cross-linked yet).
- New website for the new school! New schedule and membership fees begins for February. New sign ups should use the listed times, pricing, and purchasing links on this website going forward.
- Sign Up for Life Nourishing Tai Chi Introductory Course! Feb 17th - March 28th, 2025! Mondays & Wednesdays, 6:00pm - 7:00pm. Full Details Here, or scroll down below the news.
- Sign Up for Wu-Tang Kung Fu Introductory Course! Feb 18th - March 29th, 2025! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:00pm - 7:00pm. Full Details Here, or scroll down below the tai chi info.
- Sign up for Wu-Tang Sword Introductory Course! Feb 17th - March 31st, 2025! 3 Schedules to choose from (M/W 4:50pm, T/R 8:00am, or F/S 7:10pm+8:00am. Full Details Here, or scroll down below the tai chi & kung fu info.
- Sign Up for Bagua Zhang Introductory Course! Feb 18th - March 29th, 2025! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:10am - 11:00am. Full Details Here, or scroll down below the tai chi, kung fu, & sword info.
FEB 17 - MAR 28 (2025)
Intro To Tai Chi (6-Week Course) / Tai Chi For Beginners
- Classes held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi
- 213 E Calder Way, State College, PA 16801
- Two 1-hour classes per week
- Mondays & Wednesdays
- 6:00PM - 7:00PM
- $200 (+ taxes & fees) first 6 weeks; then $100/month after
- Certificate included with successful completion of the first 6-week course.
- Check out our Life Nourishing Tai Chi Path for all the details.
For those joining our tai chi class for the first time, this program will be your first month and a half of practice. This course meets twice a week in the evenings and is intended for adults interested in the wellness aspects of tai chi.
We are focused on developing new understandings of our body mechanics, subconscious coordination, strengthening/healing joints, functional living meditation skills, and so much more. A unique feature about our tai chi is its focus on practical techniques for developing specific benefits, and an understanding of why. You'll notice tai chi in everything you do!
Once completing this course, you are invited to continue with the Level 1 Bi-Weekly practice classes at 6:00PM, or repeat the introductory course for a deeper understanding when available.
- No contracts. No uniforms. No gear purchases. No additional fees. Gear and equipment available for purchase, by request.
- Workout or sweat pants; t-shirt or sweatshirt, & and indoor training shoes recommended. No bare feet please (socks at minimum).
- Class will be held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi, in downtown State College. This location is on East Calder Way, between McAllister Street & Pugh Street. We are located just below The Shandygaff; across the street from the Designer's Den.
DISCLAIMER: This program is intended only for beginners and new comers to tai chi. Those with previous experience in tai chi are asked not to enroll without discussing it with Master Xia first.
FEB 18 - MAR 29 (2025)
Intro To Kung Fu (6-Week Course) / Kung Fu For Beginners
- Classes held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi
- 213 E Calder Way, State College, PA 16801
- Two 1-hour classes per week
- Tuesdays & Thursdays
- 6:00PM - 7:00PM
- $200 (+ taxes & fees) first 6 weeks; then $100/month after
- Certificate included with successful completion of the first 6-week course.
- Check out our Wu-Tang Kung Fu Path for all the details.
For those joining our kung fu classes for the first time, this program will be your first month and a half of practice. This course meets twice a week in the evenings and is intended for adults interested in the martial arts, fitness, and longevity associated with Taoist Kung Fu.
This 6-week intro course includes:
- The primary components to joining our ongoing Kung Fu classes. You will learn our foundational leg stretches and kicking method used for flexibility, leg strength, lower stance, and more full body power development.
- You will learn the basic strikes and footwork for foundational Xingyiquan, along with linking drills and combat theory to understand their unique body mechanics and function in self-defense.
- You will learn our primary warmup and cooldown routines for daily joint and body maintenance.
Once completing this course, you are invited to continue with the Bi-Weekly practice classes at 6:00PM on the same nights with the rest of our kung fu community. You also will be invited to join our Kung Fu Fit & Kick class at 4:50 before the regular Kung Fu class.
- No contracts. No uniforms. No gear purchases. No additional fees. Gear and equipment available for purchase, by request.
- Workout or sweat pants; t-shirt or sweatshirt, & and indoor training shoes recommended. No bare feet (socks at minimum), no shorts above the knee, no tank tops.
- Class will be held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi, in downtown State College. This location is on East Calder Way, between McAllister Street & Pugh Street. We are located just below The Shandygaff; across the street from the Designer's Den.
DISCLAIMER: This program is intended only for beginners and new comers to kung fu. Those with previous experience in Chinese martial arts experience are asked to contact us directly via email prior to enrollment.
FEB 17 - MAR 31 (2025)
Intro To The Wu-Tang Sword (6-Week Course) / Daoist Swordsmanship For Beginners
- Classes held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi
- 213 E Calder Way, State College, PA 16801
- Two 1-hour classes per week, at 3 different time options.
- Mondays & Wednesdays 4:50pm - 5:50pm
- Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00am - 9:00am
- Fridays 7:10pm - 8:30pm & Saturdays 8:00am - 9:00am
- Each week will have 3 lessons, repeated at each time option.
- Come to any of 3 time options, or mix and match.
- $200 (+ taxes & fees) first 6 weeks; then $100/month after
- Certificate included with successful completion of the first 6-week course.
- Check out our Wu-Tang Sword Path for all the details.
Join us for either morning or evening Sword classes throughout the week at the Wudang Swordsmen Academy's new home, at Seven Mountains Tai Chi, in Downtown State College, PA.
These courses will focus on warm up, basic understanding of the jian (straight sword, similar to a side sword in western arms), the body mechanics for all of your techniques, and footwork. We will then work on application theory, and taiji fencing.
Students in our Wudang Sword class do not need to attend our other martial arts to learn our primary system of Taoist Swordsmanship. Classes will include:
- Warmups / Cooldowns
- Stretches specifically for your sword arm and hand
- Linedrills
- Partner-work for timing and distance training
- Formsets (Ancient Choreography passed down for generations in the temples of the Wudang Mountains) development with new techniques as you progress
- Sword Dancing & Flow to develop spontaneous skills and moving meditation
- Taiji Fencing & weapons sparring for connecting your skill to your ability, in a fun and safe way.
Students will be provided with wooden swords for use at class, and then they may purchase their own wooden sword or stick through the school or a third party source.
If you're interested in attending our
- Monday/Wednesday evening 4:50pm - 5:50pm class, or our
- Tuesday/Thursday morning 8:00am - 9:00am class, or our
we will be offering the intro course simultaneously at all 3 time slots to get started. Then each student will develop at their own pace, or stay with their friends if they would prefer.
Teacher & Wudang Daoist Swordsman, Michael Xia Chongyi (Xia), has 35 years of consistent martial arts practice, and carries 3 Wudang Daoist lineages through his Master Wudang Daoist Gate Grandmaster Zhou Xuan Yun. Grandmaster Zhou grew up in the Wudang Mountains and immigrated to the US in 2008, where Xia met him at his first USA workshop. Xia has since dedicated his life to the Wudang arts, and was the first westerner inducted into Wudang Daoism in 2010.
Our teacher was once described as "one of the world's greatest living Wudang sword masters" by Wudang USA Grandmaster Chen. Xia spent 2015 through early 2020 traveling the globe teaching the Wudang arts and swordsmanship. Xia also founded the international sport of Taiji Fencing, a light contact, injury free, wooden sword fencing training method and sport. Xia has two published books on Wudang Swordsmanship & Taiji Fencing, and has been featured on numerous interviews, podcasts, & in magazines.
Xia will now be reopening the Wudang Swordsmen Academy, in partnership with Seven Mountains Tai Chi Wellness Center, to offer authentic Wudang Daoist Swordsmanship, and develop a home-base for the next chapter in Taiji Fencing.
If you would like to be in our 1ST YEAR CLASS, and be there at the beginning of everything we are building here in Centre County, then please go sign up on PayPal, with the ticket link.
- No contracts. No uniforms. No gear purchases. No additional fees. Gear and equipment available for purchase, by request.
- Workout or sweat pants; t-shirt or sweatshirt, & and indoor training shoes recommended. No bare feet please (socks at minimum).
- Class will be held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi, in downtown State College. This location is on East Calder Way, between McAllister Street & Pugh Street. We are located just below The Shandygaff; across the street from the Designer's Den.
DISCLAIMER: This program is intended only for beginners and new comers to Swordsmanship. If you have previous experience in swordsmanship training, please contact Xia first via emial at with details of your experience, before enrolling.
FEB 18 - MAR 29 (2025)
Intro To Baguazhang (6-Week Course) / Bagua For Beginners
- Classes held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi
- 213 E Calder Way, State College, PA 16801
- Two 1-hour classes per week
- Mondays & Wednesdays
- 6:00PM - 7:00PM
- $200 (+ taxes & fees) first 6 weeks; then $100/month after
- Certificate included with successful completion of the first 6-week course.
- Check out our Eight Trigram Kung Fu Path for all the details.
For those joining our baguazhang class for the first time, this program will be your first month and a half of practice. This course meets twice a week in the mornings and is intended for adults interested in the most intricate and complex martial art in the world.
This course will focus on the building blocks of circle walking and bagua dragon & phoenix basics. This class will utilize standing meditation to develop joints, drills to develop coordination, stretching and self-massage for back & joint maintenance, application training to find the correct power structures in the body, and energy intensive forms for develop flow and timing.
Once completing this course, you are invited to continue with the Baguazhang class and begin the additional training progams like kung fu kicking & meditation.
- No contracts. No uniforms. No gear purchases. No additional fees. Gear and equipment available for purchase, by request.
- Workout or sweat pants; t-shirt or sweatshirt, & and indoor training shoes recommended. No bare feet please (socks at minimum).
- Class will be held at Seven Mountains Tai Chi, in downtown State College. This location is on East Calder Way, between McAllister Street & Pugh Street. We are located just below The Shandygaff; across the street from the Designer's Den.
DISCLAIMERS: This program is intended only for people that do not have pre-existing movement injuries, and those with basic fitness. Please contact Xia via email at if you would like to attend, but are unsure due to a health issue. If you are currently enrolled at another martial art school or have any level of certification or rank in Tai Chi or another martial art style, please contact Xia prior to enrolling.
Created with images by Nhan - "Street view local visitor and tourist Wudang shan Mountains." • jatuphot - "Wudang Temple and Wudang Mountaing. The Origin of Chinese Taoist Martial Art called Tai Chi. Travel in Hu Bei, China. in 2014, 16th April." • Andrei Pozharskiy - "China, the Wudang monastery, Fu Zhen temple" • Microgen - "Tai Chi in Nature" • michelangeloop - "Practice of Tai Chi Chuan in outdoor" • Roman Milert - "Ancient Ying-yang coins" • jatuphot - "Wudang Temple and Wudang Mountaing. The Origin of Chinese Taoist Martial Art called Tai Chi. Travel in Hu Bei, China. in 2014, 16th April."