Seventh grade students spent a day at Camp Abbey for their annual retreat! They celebrated Mass, played games and enjoyed a day of fellowship with their peers.
Friday, October 4th - Professional Development, 11:25am dismissal (no aftercare and no bus service)
Friday, October 11th - End of 1st Quarter, 11:25am dismissal (Bus service will be available for arrival and dismissal, but there will be NO AFTERCARE.)
Monday, October 14th - NO SCHOOL, Fall Holiday
Congratulations to our September R.O.C.K. Raffle Winners!
1st - 3rd Grade Homework Help and AFTERCARE dismiss from Washington Street (behind the cafeteria).
4th - 7th Grade Homework Help dismisses from The Holy Family 4th & 5th Grade Stairwell near Temperance Street (pavilion carline).