St. Peter Principal's Weekly Newsletter october 2, 2024

Seventh grade students spent a day at Camp Abbey for their annual retreat! They celebrated Mass, played games and enjoyed a day of fellowship with their peers.

Friday, October 4th - Professional Development, 11:25am dismissal (no aftercare and no bus service)

Friday, October 11th - End of 1st Quarter, 11:25am dismissal (Bus service will be available for arrival and dismissal, but there will be NO AFTERCARE.)

Monday, October 14th - NO SCHOOL, Fall Holiday

Mrs. Schaefer's 4th grade ELA students just finished reading their IPICK Book for the 1st Quarter. They each created a project to depict important events from the book they read.

Congratulations to our September R.O.C.K. Raffle Winners!

Order your photos here ( be sure to use student name, not parent name when ordering):
Mrs. Harris’s 2nd grade class takes a brain break to dance around!
Mrs. Sigler's Kindergarten students learned about the HOLY TRINITY by putting together their own three scoop ice cream cone!
Mrs. Nastasi's 5th grade math students created food truck projects. Each student had to create a theme, decorate their food truck and make a menu with 5 food items that included decimals. Students then completed math problems based on their menu items.
Congratulations to our 7th grade Flag Football Team on their win over Mary Queen of Peace.
Mrs. Boudreaux's Kindergarten class celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day with apples, apple juice, apple sauce, apple jelly and apple cereal!
Ms. Aucoin's Key Cottage class easel painted the Earth for letter E!
Check your status here:
Congratulations to all of our Cross Country runners!
Click here to order your jacket:
Last week, Mrs. Guinot's Key Cottage 2 day class enjoyed visiting our school chapel. What an awesome experience for our little ones!

1st - 3rd Grade Homework Help and AFTERCARE dismiss from Washington Street (behind the cafeteria).

4th - 7th Grade Homework Help dismisses from The Holy Family 4th & 5th Grade Stairwell near Temperance Street (pavilion carline).

Do you have a student interested in developmental FLAG FOOTBALL for 3rd & 4th grade boys? Do you have 5th - 7th grade boys and girls BASKETBALL or SOCCER?

Winter Sports Interest for Basketball, Soccer, and Developmental Flag Football:
Mrs. Sigler's Pre-K Religion classes celebrated the feast day of St. Therese!
A great time was had by the St. Peter Moms' Club! Mark your calendar for their next event on December 5th!

Reflections from Mrs. Pazos’s Journalism Class

The St. Peter Girls' Club participated in a blind and silent obstacle course to learn how to be better led by the Holy Spirit, who speaks in a whisper.
Order your 2023-2024 (last year) yearbook today:
Our students love to visit the prayer garden. Be sure to stop by to see our new Guardian Angel statue that our Grandparents' Club recently purchased.

St. Peter Catholic School Calendar: