Thank You - parents, for taking the time to meet with me during conferences. It was nice sharing your child’s academic progress with you and thank you for your support!
Our first intro to Biology is our study of fish. A fish is a Vertebrate that lives in water. The parts of the fish puzzle were presented. The direct aim of this work is to identify and learn vocabulary related to a specific concept.
Fish are able to filter oxygen out of the water through their gills. Many fish have nostrils to detect smells underwater. Fish are covered with scales. Fish have several different kinds of fins. The fins help the fish move in different directions and to keep its balance. Fish lay small soft eggs.
We did an experiment to show how a fish uses it gills to extract the oxygen out of the water. The coffee filter represents the gills and the coffee grounds represent oxygen.
Peyton is performing the experiment.
Having fun painting fish scales using a stalk of celery as the stamper.
The children were introduced to the Land and Water Forms. This material allows the children to have the hands-on experience of filling the models with water, giving a concrete understanding of geographical formations.
Vocabulary: Island – land with water all around it.
Archipelago - a group of islands. Japan is an archipelago. The children have fun pronouncing this word.
Finnegan demonstrates the many steps that is involved with this work.
Our older friends have started working with the decimal system / place value with the Golden bead materials.
A special Thank You to Thea’s mother. After Thea’s celebration she gifted our classroom with Chinese Water Writing Calligraphy paper and brushes. We appreciate you for demonstrating it. It is really fun!
Montessori Week:
We honored Maria Montessori by reading the book Our Peaceful Classroom by Aline D. Wolf. Montessori children from around the world drew the artwork for the book. Our children shared with us what their favorite Montessori work is. We also, sang a couple of songs about Peace. Here are the partial lyrics to one.
Light a candle for Peace
By Shelley Murley
Light a candle for Peace
Light a candle for love
Light a candle that shines
all away around the world
Light a candle for me
Light a candle for you
That our wish for world peace
Will one day come true
Additional Peace related activities.
Using Paint Dabber Markers:
Push pinning a Peace sign.
Moore next time!
Mrs. Moore
Created with images by Kenishirotie - "People around world" • Kolevski.V - "Set of tropical saltwater fishes on black background"