Weekly Newsletter wEST mEADOWS - 10th May 2024

Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!

It has been wonderful this week to finally have some sunshine in school! The children have really enjoyed playing out and being able to enjoy some of their learning outdoors this week, in particular PE, where there has been a focus on developing cricket skills, throwing, catching and fielding. A reminder that in the warmer weather, children should have sunhats and water bottles in school and have suntan cream applied before school. Hopefully the warmer weather will continue over the next few weeks!

School Uniform:

I would like to remind all parents that we have a school Uniform Policy which can be found on the school’s website. All children should follow this policy unless specific arrangements have been made. We have a number of children wearing black shorts and black cycling shorts, t.shirts and branded hoodies which are not part of our school uniform. Please ensure that you children are in the correct uniform each day.

Endangered Species Theme Day:

On Monday 20th May, all children will be celebrating Endangered Species Awareness Day in school. Children will have the opportunity to spend the day learning about different endangered animals and what we can do to help and support them. We will also be doing a series of special assemblies in the build up to the day, learning about different types of animals. We started this week by looking at a news story about an orangutan who scientists discovered was able to make his own medicine to heal himself in the wild! What an amazing creature.

Year 6 SATS Week:

It is really important that all of our Year 6 children are in school next week so that they can complete their national SATS assessments with their friends and peers. Children in Year 6 can come into school from 8:30am through their classroom door to enjoy breakfast in school with their friends Monday to Thursday next week. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Mental Health Awareness Week:

Mental Health Awareness Week is Monday 13th-Friday 17th May. On Monday 13th May children will be carrying out some work in school focusing on the importance of maintaining a good mental health and also joining in a virtual assembly on mental health in the afternoon.

Staffing Update:

We are sad to announce that Mrs Collier will be leaving us at the end of this half term to take up a new position at a secondary school. We would like to thank Mrs Collier for all of the help and support she has given to our children over the last two years and wish her every luck in her new position.

Mrs Coleman-Street, our school cook and head of kitchen, will also be leaving us at the end of the first week back after half term as she is retiring. Mrs Coleman-Street has been with the school for 35 years and will be missed by all of the children and staff. We would like to wish her the very best of luck in her retirement.

Attendance Matters!

Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.

Last Week's Attendance:

F1 AM (incl 30 hours): 85.8%

F2: 94%

Year 1: 96.8%

Year 2: 89.2%

Year 3: 93.1%

Year 4: 88.4%

Year 5: 92.1%

Year 6: 93.8%

Congratulations to this week's winners, Year 1!

Diary Dates:

13th May - Year 6 SATS week

13th May - Mental Health Awareness Week. Including virtual assembly

20th May - Endangered Species Theme Day

22nd May - Year 4 Drama Workshop (Road Safety)

24th May - Treat Tuck Shop on the playground at end of the school day

24th May - Break up for Spring Bank

3rd June - Return to school

3rd June - Year 6 Red Cross Coping with Challenges Workshop

Wc 3rd June - Year 4 Multiplication Check this week

Wc 10th June - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check this week

17th June - Parent Forum 2pm in Community Room

19th June - Year 6 drama workshop

20th June - Drama Festival Performance – The Academy Theatre

28th June - Year 6 Leavers’ Camping Night!

2nd July - F2 Sports Day (1:30pm)

3rd July - Year 1 / 2 Sports Day (9:30am)

3rd July - Year 3 / 4 Sports Day (1:30pm)

4th July - Year 5 / 6 Sports Day (1:30pm)

5th July - F1 (Nursery) Sports Day (9:30am)

5th July - Summer Fair (2:00pm)

10th July - End of Year Reports to Parents

11th and 12th July - Transition Days in school and Year 6 transition to Kirk Balk

19th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly