PEDro: a guide to using the physiotherapy evidence database

PEDro is a free database of randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.

Simple search

Simple Search

Use the simple search to find information on topics that have only a few concepts

For example if you want to find research on the use of physiotherapy in whiplash, simply type the term whiplash into the search box and search. There is no need to add in the term 'physiotherapy' as all of the content is related to physiotherapy.

simple search example
Advanced Search

Advanced search

The Advanced search allows you combine several elements in a search using different fields - you do not need to choose them all.

For example you can choose the body part the intervention is for from the drop down list and combine with a therapy from the therapy field.

advanced search example

Then limit by date and choose to combine the terms in the different fields with AND/OR Boolean operators as appropriate.

search parameters

If the fields do not have appropriate terms for your search, you can enter terms into the Abstract & Title field

  • The database will search for the records that contain all of the terms you enter into the Abstract & Title field.
  • Note: you cannot use the Boolean operator OR in this field - it will use the OR as a search term.
advanced search terms
  • PEDro will search for the terms as if they are combined with AND - i.e. hip AND surgery AND pre-operative AND care

Boolean Operators

If you need more support with using Boolean operators see the Structured searching for health students (using CINAHL and other databases) guide.

Viewing the results

Viewing the results

Click on a title to view the details of that record.

To see if you can access the full text via Teesside University, copy the title and paste it into Discovery.

Discovery search