The Women's International Network of Utility Professionals 2024 Spring Connection spring - a lovely reminder that change is beautiful


The Women's International Network of Utility Professionals is an organization providing a link for developing and recognizing professionals involved with utility business trends, issues, products, and services.


  • Opportunities for professional development of members.
  • Network and mentoring among members.
  • Recognition and visibility for members and business partners.


  • Well-connected members
  • Inclusion, equity and diversity
  • Networking
  • Uplifting
  • Philanthropic

Message From The President

Laura Hatcher Havis - 2024 WiNUP International President

Howdy, Members!

The new year is off and running! Lots of work has been done already to refine our guidelines to continue managing to our current membership needs. Our International Committees have also kicked off and have started working on their annual goals and continued offerings to benefit our WiNUP members such as leadership opportunities, professional development, communications, mentoring, historical legacy and conference planning. I am very excited to be working with our Executive Committee and International Board on strategic planning this year which will help us focus on our outreach, growth and retention efforts for this year and the years to come. I ask our membership to please work with your International Board Reps this spring on providing input to help our strategic planning session at the summer board meeting. Be thinking of areas to focus on to continue strengthening the WiNUP organization!

Additionally, I would like to thank our Chapters and International Committees for taking off with such enthusiasm and energy! I continue to reference the H.O.M.E. acronym I shared at the 2023 conference and want to focus on the “H” (which stands for Helping) this quarter. The overwhelming proactivity and initiative across our membership has been incredible. Thanks to all our members for your continued efforts to “HELP” the WiNUP organization be successful! #takeithome

Laura Hatcher Havis, 2024 WiNUP President & CEO

“Great things are done by a series of small things”. – Vincent Van Gough

Vice President's Professional Development Corner

How to Thrive as a Woman in STEM

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields are often seen as male-dominated and challenging for women to pursue and succeed in. However, women have made significant contributions to STEM throughout history and continue to do so today. Women in STEM face unique challenges and opportunities that require specific strategies and skills to navigate, advance, and flourish in their careers. In this article, I will share some tips and advice on how to thrive as a woman in STEM, based on the latest research and best practices.

Find Your Passion and Purpose

One of the most important factors for success and satisfaction in any career is finding your passion and purpose. Passion is what drives you to pursue your interests and goals, while purpose is what gives meaning and direction to your work. Passion and purpose can help you overcome obstacles, cope with stress, and stay motivated and engaged in your field.

To find your passion and purpose, you need to explore your strengths, values, and interests, and align them with the needs and opportunities in your field. You can also seek inspiration from role models, mentors, and peers who share your passion and purpose. You can ask yourself questions such as:

  • What are the problems or issues that I care about and want to solve in my field?
  • What are the skills or talents that I enjoy using and want to develop further in my field?
  • What are the values or principles that guide my decisions and actions in my field?
  • What are the goals or outcomes that I want to achieve or contribute to in my field?
  • How can I make a positive difference or impact in my field and beyond?

Build Your Confidence and Competence

Another key factor for success and satisfaction in any career is building your confidence and competence. Confidence is the belief in your abilities and potential, while competence is the demonstration of your knowledge and skills. Confidence and competence can help you overcome self-doubt, impostor syndrome, and stereotypes, and increase your performance and recognition in your field.

To build your confidence and competence, you need to challenge yourself, learn from feedback, and celebrate your achievements. You can also seek support from mentors, sponsors, and allies who can help you grow and advocate for you. You can ask yourself questions such as:

  • What are the areas or skills that I need to improve or learn in my field?
  • How can I seek constructive feedback and use it to improve my performance and learning in my field?
  • How can I track and document my progress and accomplishments in my field?
  • How can I showcase and communicate my value and impact in my field?
  • How can I find and leverage mentors, sponsors, and allies who can help me advance and succeed in my field?

Create Your Network and Community

A third key factor for success and satisfaction in any career is creating your network and community. Network is the group of people who can help you access information, resources, and opportunities in your field, while community is the group of people who can provide you with support, belonging, and inspiration in your field. Network and community can help you overcome isolation, discrimination, and burnout, and increase your collaboration and innovation in your field.

To create your network and community, you need to connect, engage, and contribute with diverse and relevant people in your field and beyond. You can also seek opportunities to join or create groups, events, and platforms that foster networking and community building. You can ask yourself questions such as:

  • Who are the people who can help me learn, grow, and achieve my goals in my field?
  • How can I reach out, build rapport, and maintain relationships with them in my field and beyond?
  • How can I add value and offer help to them in my field and beyond?
  • What are the groups, events, and platforms that can help me connect and engage with other women and allies in my field and beyond?
  • How can I join or create such groups, events, and platforms to foster networking and community building in my field and beyond?


Women in STEM have the potential and power to make a difference in their fields and the world. However, they also face unique challenges and opportunities that require specific strategies and skills to thrive in their careers. By finding your passion and purpose, building your confidence and competence, and creating your network and community, you can overcome the barriers and leverage the benefits of being a woman in STEM. You can also inspire and empower other women and girls to pursue and succeed in STEM careers. Remember, you are not alone, and you are not the problem. You are part of the solution, and you are the future of STEM.

WiNUP is an organization that will allow you to achieve all of these and thrive!

Note: created with the help of and modified by author.

Submitted by: Trishia Swayne, WiNUP Vice President

WiNUP 2024 Annual Conference - Add to Your Calendar NOW!

Celebrate our Power and Strength in Charleston

The 2024 Annual Conference Planning Committee invites you to Charleston, South Carolina for this year’s Annual Conference.

As many of you may know, this year’s conference was actually supposed to take place in 2021. When conference planning first started in 2020, we were all home with the pandemic affecting our daily lives. Back then, our planning committee felt it only natural that the theme of the 2021 conference incorporate some aspect of this unprecedented time we were living in. “Power, Strength and Resilience” was chosen as the theme for the 2021 conference. Because of the pandemic, in-person conferences were put on hold in 2020 AND 2021, which necessitated moving what was supposed to be the 2020 conference to 2022 and the 2021 conference to 2024.

We feel the theme we selected in 2021 is still relevant today as we finalize our planning for the 2024 conference. As a WiNUP organization, we got through that time by relying on our “Power and Strength” because we are a “Resilient” group of professionals!

The Annual Conference will be held overlooking the Ashley River at the Charleston Marriott on the Charleston Peninsula from Sept. 23-25. Your planning committee is working hard to bring in some of the best local speakers to present on important present-day topics. Stay tuned for the agenda and registration details!

Charleston's history is rich and diverse, dating back to its founding in 1670. It played a pivotal role in the American Revolution and Civil War, leaving behind a tapestry of historic sites and stories that continue to captivate visitors from around the world. From the cobblestone streets of the historic district to the majestic plantations that dot the surrounding landscape, Charleston is a living museum of our nation's past.

But Charleston is not just about its past; it's a city that embraces the present and looks to the future with a vibrant spirit. The city's renowned cuisine is a testament to its culinary innovation, offering a delightful blend of Southern flavors and modern gastronomy. The people of Charleston are known for their friendliness and charm, making every visitor feel like a part of the community.

And let's not forget about the natural beauty that surrounds Charleston. The city's lush parks and gardens, such as Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, offer a serene escape into nature's embrace.

Charleston seamlessly weaves together its historical significance, culinary delights, warm hospitality, and natural beauty. It's a place where the past and present coexist harmoniously, and where every corner holds a story waiting to be discovered.

We need your help with the planning efforts! We cannot have a successful conference without the support of our internal and external partners. Sponsorship information is available on the WiNUP website. Please reach out to your employers, contractors, consultants, and friends with our sponsorship opportunities.

See you all in Charleston!


WiNUP celebrates a quarter of a century after its 100th anniversary!

Feeling some post-celebratory letdown now that WiNUP’s 100th anniversary is over? No need for the celebration to end. There’s another significant event to acknowledge.

In January 1999, 25 years ago, the Electric Women’s Round Table, Inc. (EWRT) officially became the Women’s International Network of Utility Professionals. With the new name, the organization’s membership base could expand beyond the electrical industry to all facets of the utility industry and its allied fields. The word “International” in the name represented the group’s intention to continually grow the organization beyond our country’s borders.

The new name, along with a revised mission statement and objectives, was conceived in a two-day strategic planning session in February 1998 facilitated by Bluegrass Chapter member Margaret Jeffiers. The changes discussed, debated and formulated during the two days set the stage for a new era in the organization.

Part of that discussion and debate focused on whether “women” should be part of the new name. So, when the board brought the name change issue to the members for a vote, members were asked for their opinion. Seventy-four voted to include “women,” 63 voted against, and 19 voted “neither.” The results of the vote were announced at the 1998 EWRT National Conference.

Below are a few other fun facts you may not know about how EWRT became WiNUP.

• It wasn’t always going to be WiNUP. The original name selected at the planning session was International Women’s Network of Utility Professionals. But the board eventually realized by transposing “International” and “Women’s” an acronym was created: “WIN.”

• The organization’s first logo, designed by Indiana Chapter member Jill Bunning Amstutz, included just the letters “WiN.” The “i” in the logo was lowercase with a drawing of a globe dotting that “i.” Because of that logo, we originally referred to the organization as “WIN,” not “WiNUP.” However, since the “Utility Professionals” portion of our name was key to who we were, we clarified how we would refer to ourselves at an early board meeting in 1999: we would be known as WiNUP — with a lowercase “i” to mimic the “i” in the logo.

• Along with the new name, the organization’s fiscal year changed from mid-year to mid-year to January-December. That also meant that the officer installation, which was previously held at the summer board meeting would be held at the annual conference. With this change in our fiscal year, 1998 EWRT National President served an 18-month term — from the June 1997 summer board meeting to December 1998. (Local officer terms also transitioned to January-December.) WiNUP’s first president, Emily Schilling, was installed at the 1998 EWRT National Conference. That conference included a celebration of EWRT’s 75th anniversary.

• EWRT legally became WiNUP on Feb. 21, 1999, when New York Chapter and International Board Member Seema Goldstein filed documents with New York’s secretary of state to amend EWRT’s certificate of incorporation to reflect the organization’s new name.


Have you been wondering what happened with the anniversary quilt? The blessed (and lucky) Trena Riffle won the raffle! How appropriate this is as she did a great deal of the research for WiNUP's 100 Year Anniversary Conference, as well as the fact that she serves as our sole dedicated historian. Trena, never stopping, was also responsible for arranging to get our time capsule buried at Association Island. Below is a picture of the ecstatic Trena with the incredible quilt, followed by some words from the winner.

I have to say, conference week was a top ten for me. After five years in the making, the WiNUP 2023 conference was held in Niagara Falls. As conference co-chair, I'm thrilled it was so well received. The Facebook posts for 100 days 100 years kept me busy and was a conference countdown. I made seven poster boards, one for each of our founders to display at the conference and people seemed to learn from them. I created my first Spotify playlist for the reception and breaks which was songs featuring the states WiNUP has a presence and it received compliments and requests for it. I sponsored one of the seven red oak trees that was planted at Niagara Falls State Park and dedicated to our founders before the conference. The Seneca Niagara Resort and Casino was the perfect venue. The women's restroom has 35 stalls (I counted!), which is greatly needed for a conference with 180 women.

Public speaking is not for me so I did have a few "goofs" but nothing serious. The speakers received good reviews. I enjoyed Western New York fare: Buffalo wings and pizza logs at the Anchor Bar. Not to mention that I ate dinner three times at Savor, a prix fixe fine dining restaurant run by students of the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute. The best by far was the surf-n-turf meal during our Roarin' '20s themed awards banquet. It was divine! With 95% of the attendees dressed in 20s attire, you never saw so much fringe and sequins in your life!

I was pleasantly surprised to receive the organization's highest award, the Honorary Life Award, and also the first-place newsletter award, as editor for West Virginia Chapter. Also winning the anniversary quilt raffle was a shock and many people feel that it's appropriate that it went to the WiNUP historian. I'll treasure it. Among the silent auctions was a necklace that I had wanted for years but could never find in stores. I swear it spoke to me! I made sure to be the highest bidder and proceeds went to the Girl's Circle Program at Community Missions of Niagara Frontier.

After the conference, when most people drove home or did some sight-seeing, I took a time capsule to the place our founders met in 1923, Association Island. After the capsule was buried, to be opened in 50 years, I donated our organization's history book, "From Acorns to Oaks" to the island's manager and also to the local historical society. On the way home, I spotted a bald eagle at the Ohio River and when I arrived home, I saw a Monarch butterfly just from its chrysalis. Eight others joined it during the weekend, which I enjoyed sharing with Jared, Warren and Valerie. It was the first time the boys and I had been all together since Christmas and longer than that for the four of us. With the fine weather, I don't know how it could have been better.

Past Presidents Frame Sale

The Past Presidents Council typically provides a grant for one WiNUP member (sometimes two) to cover costs to attend the annual conference. To raise funds to do so, the Council is selling picture frames with the 100th anniversary logo. The frames are $10 each and can be purchased through your chapter chair or by contacting Janet Hewitt (, Teri Berliner (, or Lila Munsey ( To pay by credit card, please use this link . (There is a $0.50 processing fee for credit card payments.)

Frame does not include this awesome photo!

This is a must keepsake for all members to commemorate our 100th anniversary. Chapters should consider purchasing these for speaker gifts.

The frames are 6” x 6” with the picture area being 4” x 6”.

International Fundraisers

Bangle Bracelets and WiNUP Charms

The WiNUP International Ways and Means Committee is selling bangle bracelets with a WiNUP charm for $20 (includes shipping). The bangles are made of stainless steel and include a nickel-plated charm. If you already purchased a bracelet or necklace and want to purchase just the charms, the charms can be purchased for $10 (includes shipping). To purchase the bracelet with charm or just the charm, click here.

Chapter Fundraisers

Purchase Gift Cards through the WiNUP Indiana Chapter

Purchase e-gift or physical gift cards for your family, friends, and even yourself! If you have any questions or need assistance, email Shelby Leisz at

For all fundraiser details and ordering, visit the WiNUP website here: FUNDRAISER!


All application forms should be retrieved from the Members Section of the WiNUP website to ensure most current form is used.


(deadlines in parentheses)

Power, Oak, Honorary Life Applications (May 1)

WiNUP international has three awards that recognize individual members’ achievements and contributions: the OAK Award, POWER Award and International Honorary Life Award.

• The POWER Award will honor a WiNUP member who has supported the objectives of the organization locally and internationally for at least two (2) years and no more than five (5) years.

• The OAK award will honor an established WiNUP member who has exhibited exceptional leadership and service within WiNUP/EWRT for at least ten (10) years.

• The Honorary Life Member Award will honor an established WiNUP member who has exhibited exceptional leadership and service within WiNUP/EWRT for at least fifteen (15) years.

International Board Rep Chapter Report (May 31)

IB Rep submits a report on the chapter prior to summer meeting

Chapter Professional Development Grant (August 15)

WiNUP supports the professional development of its members and has created a Professional Development Program Grant to assist in providing programs or services that meet this part of the organization’s mission. The funds must be used to enhance or provide a professional development program, event or opportunity for your chapter and all WiNUP members.

Chapter Event Grant (August 15)

The program must meet one or more of the WiNUP objectives to support networking and mentoring among members, recognition and visibility for members and business partners.

Chapter Achievement Award (August 15)

The Chapter Achievement Award will be given each year in recognition for outstanding chapter participation.

Linda Johnson Newsletter Award (August 15)

The Linda Johnson Newsletter Award will be given each year in recognition for outstanding Chapter Newsletter Communications. This may include paper and electronic newsletters.

Chapter Officer Election Results (September 10)

Officers shall be elected annually, except for the international board member, by the chapter membership. Chapter officer elections should take place prior to the fall International Conference. The new officers shall take office January 1. This election should take place on or before the 10th of September, prior to the annual conference, to allow new officers to attend the designated meetings.

Chapter Year End Report (December 15)

Chapter chair (in conjunction with IB Rep) submit a report on chapter.

Chapter Year End Financial Reports (January 31)

Complete and submit a Chapter financial report for the prior calendar year to the executive office annually by January 31 to reflect cash and account balances at the beginning of the year, all revenues received during the year, all expenses made by the chapter during the year, and all cash and account balances on hand at year end.


(deadlines in parentheses)

Individual Membership Renewal (February 1)

Any member not paying the annual dues on or before February 1 shall be considered delinquent, and a $10 reinstatement fee will be assessed.

Julia Kiene, Lyle Mamer, and Louisan Mamer Scholarship (May 1)

Application (through ScholarsApp)

WiNUP currently has three scholarships available annually to women pursuing advanced degrees (beyond a bachelor’s degree), which will lead to careers in the utility industry or allied fields.

Conference Grant Sponsored by the Past Presidents (TBD)

The WiNUP Past Presidents Council (PPC) sponsors the Conference Grant program to provide reimbursement funding for up to $600 of travel expenses to qualified and deserving members who otherwise would not have the financial means to attend the conference. Travel expenses include hotel and travel costs, but do not include conference fees, meals and drinks.

WiNUP Member Professional Development Scholarship (August 15)

The scholarships are designed for degree or non-degree study. Non-degree study would include professional development programs and workshops that have associated participation costs such as public speaking, PMP, graphic design, accounting/excel courses. Applicants must be actively taking classes when making application or enrolled in an upcoming session to be considered for the award.


Editor’s Note: As part of International President Laura Havis’ commitment to recognizing and honoring the contributions of EWRT/WiNUP’s past national/international presidents, this year’s newsletters will feature a look back at the 59 women who have led the organization since 1948, when EWRT formally became a national organization.

In this issue, we’ll spotlight presidents from 1948-75. Our next issue will focus on presidents from 1975-94. Presidents in the years 1994-2009 will be highlighted in the third issue. Finally, we’ll talk about those who served from 2010-23 in the final issue of the year.

Out of the thousands of women who have been members of Electrical Women’s Round Table Inc./Women’s International Network of Utility Professionals through the years, only 60 have experienced the organization from the president’s chair. Each of those leaders has left her own mark on the organization and played a significant role in its growth and success.

Though EWRT was formed in 1923, it didn’t become a national organization until September 1948. (Previously, it was a New York-only group.) Home economics consultant Ruth Gaffney, chair of the parent chapter in New York at the time, automatically became EWRT’s first national president. But Frances Armin, also of the New York Chapter, was the first elected president and she served for two years, from 1949-51. Armin worked for the National Adequate Wiring Bureau, an information agency for the nation’s electrical industry. Gaffney and Armin — along with New York-based attorney John Lang — were responsible for drafting EWRT’s bylaws.

Julia Kiene (pronounced Key-Nee), who is perhaps most recognized now for the fellowship WiNUP awards to a graduate student each year, was EWRT’S third president, serving from 1951-52. Kiene, also from the New York Chapter, was a home editor for “Capper’s Farmer” and later director of the Westinghouse Home Economics Institute.

EWRT’s fourth president, Adelaide Fellows, was the first to come from outside of New York. She was from the Philadelphia Chapter, the first group to be chartered when EWRT’s bylaws were revised. Fellows, who served from 1952-54, was a former home economics instructor whose career also included giving cooking demonstrations for Malleable Iron Range Company; working as assistant director of the consumers institute of General Electric in Bridgeport, Connecticut; and serving as director of home economics for Philco Corporation in Philadelphia.

The sixth president, Judith O’Flaherty, was also from the Philadelphia Chapter. She served from 1956-58. O’Flaherty was home service director at the Philadelphia Electric Company and also chairman of the home service committee for the Edison Electric Institute.

Between those two terms, Edith Ramsay Merrill from the New York Chapter headed the organization. Merrill was equipment editor at American Home Magazine and in the early 1960s worked on a microwave oven cookbook.

EWRT’s seventh national president (1958-60), Marion Ryan, was assistant director of home service for Detroit Edison’s Home Service Bureau. She was known throughout the Detroit area for hosting a weekly cooking show, “Kitchen Carnival,” on WWJ-TV.

Anne Lyng, who served as president from 1960-62, hailed from the Cincinnati-Dayton chapter. She worked for Procter & Gamble Company as associate director of home economics.

The ninth president, Ethel Lord (1962-64), was director of home service for Jersey Central Power and Light and New Jersey Power and Light. During World War II, she served in the American Red Cross for 30 months in the South Pacific and Europe. She was the first woman appointed field director of camp services in the Pacific Theater and she made four trips to the European Theaters to help return war brides of American servicemen.

EWRT’s 10th president, Margaret DeAtley — who served from 1964-66 — had been chair of the Members-at-Large Chapter upon its founding in 1956. She later joined the Chicago Chapter. Her career included positions including appliance testing supervisor for Avco Manufacturing Corporation’s Crosley division and manager of the home economics department of the Whirlpool Corporation Research Laboratories. She also worked at Dayton Power and Light.

Helen Kirtland was the second EWRT president to come from the Cincinnati-Dayton Chapter. A Buffalo, New York, native, she was a demonstrator for Buffalo General Electric and manager of the Hotpoint Institute. She retired as director of the Consumer’s Institute of General Electric Company.

EWRT’s 12th president, Winnie Berry, whose term followed Kirtland’s, was another Chicago Chapter member. She had a successful career as the home services director for the Sunbeam Appliance Company. In her later years, she was an Indiana Chapter member.

Wathena Shine of the Pittsburgh Chapter served as EWRT’s 13th president from 1970-72. Shine was a Westinghouse employee during her term but later worked at the Home Economics Institute’s Research and Development Center in Pittsburgh.

New York’s Rita Marie Schneider served from 1972-74. She was editorial director of “What’s New in Home Economics,” a national trade magazine, and also served as a General Electric home economist.

Judith Moore of the National Capital Chapter was EWRT’s 15th president. She served from 1974-75. A former home management teacher at the University of Rhode Island, Moore was manager of consumer services at the Porcelain Enamel Institute Inc. during her term in office. (Thank you to WiNUP International Historian Trena Riffle for her research assistance.)

Committee Corner


The STEM Committee will continue to provide direction to local chapters for opportunities to develop STEM activities and volunteer opportunities with local area organizations. The development of these opportunities not only uplifts the young ladies participating but allows them to see greater possibilities for careers in the future. The WINUP members are also inspired by the participants. The committee will continue to meet quarterly with the chapter leaders and local STEM chairs to share ideas and success stories.


  • International Chair, Teresa Turner, ONCOR
  • Secretary, Maureen Carroll, NISOURCE
  • Co- Outreach Chair, Megan Keen, TVA
  • Vice International Chair, April Julkes, NISOURCE
  • Co-Outreach Chair, Amanda Martin, PJM
  • Communication Chair, Jaylon Walker, ONCOR
  • Conference Chair, Kelsey McKinney, DHEC
  • Jasmine Gilbert, AEP
  • Alice Y Cogburn, AEP
  • Crystal D Billings, AEP


The Mentoring Program is ramping up for another successful program year! Are you interested in being a mentee? Someone who wants to receive input, advise and feedback from experienced leaders? Or, are you someone interested in developing others and want to offer some insight from your experience? Maybe being a mentor is right for you! Be on the lookout for upcoming emails on how to apply. We are planning an exciting year and cannot wait for you to join us!


The Professional Development Committee had its first meeting Jan 26. We reviewed guidelines and goals and discussed possible events for 2024. Committee members are reaching out to various industry leaders to obtain commitments for this year’s events. Some of the topics we discussed were rural broadband, coaching, a panel of experts from different utilities, offshore wind, and others.

The Professional Development WiNUP Book Club kicked off the year on Jan. 10. The club is reading Valerie Burton’s "Successful Women Think Differently – 9 Habits to Make You, Happier, Healthier, & More Resilient." The club plans to meet once a month for nine months. Hopefully, the club members will all be able to attend the conference this year and meet up in person.

Professional Development Committee notes and resources can be found on the WiNUP website under the Professional Development Committee folder.


The international historian committee is a committee of one, Trena Riffle. Her current focus as historian is to scan the printed records that have been stored in several boxes and totes so that they are in digital format. Trena tells us that "these totes contain a variety of items. There are minutes from annual business meetings, executive committee meetings and board of directors’ meetings. There are programs from past conferences. There are financial reports and various versions of our bylaws, guidelines and resources such as membership drive materials. There are some photos with names written on the back. What a treasure! This is because a membership directory used to be printed and distributed and some photos did not get returned to the owners. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen very many newsletters but maybe they are waiting in a tote I haven’t opened yet.

Scanned documents are given a file name that begins with a year-first format followed by the subject. A review of the scanned image verifies that all pages are there and as legible as possible. Both of these processes are very time-consuming but I am chipping away and hope to make significant progress this year. Many items are stapled together so I need to carefully remove the staples, scan the pages and staple them back together. Some items were typed on a typewriter using very thin paper that resembles tissue paper (thin, limp and see-through!) with sheets of carbon paper in between in order to make copies. These “flimsies” need to be placed in the scanner one at a time rather than using the feeder. Back in the day, our organizational leaders used letterhead that listed the officers and their contact information across the top and the board of directors down the left-hand side. Sometimes there are copies of letters both as sent and received so it can be interesting to read the whole conversation and to see how many days passed before the sender received a response. I’ve seen references to air mail and telegrams, too. Printing and postage were significant expenses with letterhead, newsletters, minutes and ballots all being sent to members via the postal system. We communicate very differently today!"


(Chapters who submit content are featured in alphabetic order.)


Atlanta Chapter on the Rise!

In 2023 the Atlanta Chapter met our chapter growth goal by doubling our membership to 14. Existing members were able to recruit others from within our own organizations and we also obtained new members from other organizations, enabling us to diversify.

The chapter held quarterly meetings over lunch at various locations across the metro area. In addition, a group participated in a tour of Plant Vogtle outside of Augusta. It started off with a Nuclear 101 Overview and then we hit the site walking through Unit 4 still under construction. Our group was able to tour inside the containment building, the turbine building, drive by the FLEX dome, the river intake area, spent fuel storage, and cooling towers. It was a long day with a lot of steps logged, and very hot, but it was fantastic!

The 2023 Conference was an opportunity for some of our chapter members to get involved as part of the team managing the Whova App. It was a great learning experience. The Atlanta Chapter is one of the co-planners of the 2024 Conference in Charleston, South Carolina, and we look forward to welcoming our fellow WiNUP members with a little Southern hospitality!

2024 has started off well with a kick-off meeting at a local restaurant where we also included our remote members via Teams. Future meetings will be a combination of virtual and in-person. Plans will be made for another field trip as well as our participation in STEM activities in the area. The Atlanta Chapter is expecting another great year with our WiNUP members!


The Corpus Christi Chapter Charter was presented to Gricelda Calzada at conference on September 26, 2023, in Niagara Falls. On January 31, 2024, the Corpus Christi Chapter kicked off its first meeting as a chapter with 15 registered members. The chapter introduced its chapter leadership as well as discussed 2024 goals including recruitment, volunteering, and fundraising.

The chapter’s social media links have been established and listed below.


Facebook: Facebook

Corpus Christi is looking forward to what 2024 holds for us and all the wonderful things we can do as a chapter!


The Indiana Chapter started the year off being visionaries as their first workshop was focused on what they hope to see in 2024.

They had the pleasure of having direction by Sayward Fry of Indiana Electric Cooperatives. She sent some things to think about before the workshop so that members came prepared. Each person had to pick three or four categories to focus on this year from a list of 12 that included Career, Relationships, Affirmations and more. They then were given a challenge to help provide context to your vision board, by crafting a six-word story about your goals, dreams and/or plans for 2024. Examples of what that story could be: ‘I will strengthen my family ties.’ Or ‘Try to balance work and life.’

The inspired women were to collect magazine clippings, scrapbook paper and letters, photos, and other supplies to use on their vision boards. Everyone came prepared with more than enough stickers, markers, fancy tape and other items to make their vision boards their own.

It was a great time for everyone to focus just on what they wanted to see this year become and a great time to catch up with friends.

In attendance & in pictures: Rebecca Ashack, Sarah Gordon, Shelby Leisz, Emily Schilling, Holly Huffman, Melanie Lynch, Sara Toepper, B.J. Myers, Pam Wilkerson, Silpa Varanasi, Karen Tanner


Kentucky chapter members go red for heart health!

Kentucky Chapter Shows Community Support


Member Spotlight! Featuring Metro Chicago Member, Iyanna Mack. She is a Senior Operations Analyst at NIPSCO and currently resides in Hobart.

Iyanna joined Metro Chicago nearly two years ago, with the goal of stepping out of her comfort zone and networking with like-minded individuals in her industry.

Iyanna values her WiNUP membership because it has enabled her to establish important connections.

“I’ve met people from all over the country, from various energy groups and even international members. Women work extremely hard, often with little recognition. I love that this organization praises and rewards women for their hard work and diligent contributions to energy.”

Work aside, Iyanna enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends, drawing/painting, watching movies and listening to all kinds of music (especially country and R&B) and spending time with her five dogs (Prince “FatBoy” Jewels, Princess Diamond, Jade, Ruby and Pearl).

Fun fact about Iyanna is that during the pandemic, she began learning American Sign Language.

“I would love to be able to preach to those who are deaf or hearing impaired. To me, there is nothing more rewarding than communicating with the deaf.”

If you, or someone you know, is on the fence about joining WiNUP, Iyanna has some words of wisdom to share.

“I would like to encourage anyone contemplating becoming a member, that this organization is for you. They make you feel welcome, create lasting connections and help you professionally develop beautifully.”


On Saturday, Feb 11, Nashville Chapter members volunteered at the Adventure Science Center in Nashville. This is a STEM event sponsored each year and is open to high school girls. There are always amazing demonstrations and trainings in every area of STEM and opportunities for the girls to participate in hands-on training activities during the event.


Staci Spencer of the North Texas Chapter won Buyer of the Year at the Women’s Business Council Southwest Parade of Stars on February 3, 2024. Congratulations to Staci for this honor!


The North Texas WiNUP chapter hosted their 2024 kickoff event for both members and non-members at one of Oncor Electric Delivery's Distribution Operations Center (DOC.) During the meeting, they hosted many guests, both in person and via WebEx. There was plenty of time to network, enjoy yummy snacks, and learn more about WiNUP. Everyone had a chance to review the benefits of becoming a WiNUP member with printouts and a generous amount of sharing from members with varying years of membership. Round table included sharing personal and professional goals for 2024 and beyond! After the meeting adjourned, there was a tour and chat with one of the DOC managers before breaking for lunch and more networking time.


In January, WiNUP Ohio hosted a 2024 Kick-off event for both members and non-members to network, learn more about WiNUP and the Ohio chapter committees and get involved! The WiNUP Ohio Chair, Andora Marshall, presented her 2024 strategy along with the theme of the year: Conceive, Believe, Achieve. Each committee was then given the opportunity to present an elevator speech sharing what their committee does and encouraging attendees to get involved. After the formal presentation was complete, attendees were able to catch-up, make new friends and sign-up for a committee that sparked their interest.


The Texhoma chapter met at the AEP North Central Energy Facilities in Northwestern Oklahoma in October 2023 . Representative Mike Dobrinski, Vice Chair of the Utilities Committee spoke about the economic impact that the wind industry had brought to the area. We were welcomed into the operations center at the Maverick Wind Farm by Regional Wind Farm Mgr., Brian Goodwin. He spoke about systems, operations, distribution, environmental impact and shared lessons learned, challenges, and successes with these projects. He also led the group on a tour of internal components of a Wind Turbine. The installation of 2024 Officers capped off the afternoon.

January 27, 2024, Chapter members braved the freezing temperatures to support the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma and the annual Girl Scout Cookie distributions. Troop leaders drove through and picked up over 970,000 boxes of cookies!

Texhoma received a free membership due to Chapter growth. Increasing our membership has been a goal for this small but mighty chapter. 2024 looks very promising year as a new chapter scholarship grant for successful member fundraisers is implemented.

“WiNUP Wednesday” on social media has been quite successful as we introduce members and celebrate holidays, events and highlight and encourage all women.

STEM Committee Article

Microaggressions, Interrupted: The Experience and Effects of Gender Microaggressions for Women in STEM

Jennifer Y. Kim1 · Alyson Meister2: Received: 5 January 2022 / Accepted: 25 June 2022 / Published online: 5 August 2022: © The Author(s) 2022


Women continue to remain underrepresented in STEM, and this gender disparity is particularly pronounced in leadership positions. Through in-depth, qualitative interviews of 39 women leaders in STEM, we identify common gender microaggressions they experience, and explore how these microaggressions affect their leadership experience and outcomes in the workplace. Our findings highlight five types of gender microaggressions women most often encounter, and how and when these microaggressions occur. We explore the negative impact that microaggressions can have on women’s work identities and how they can trigger a cycle of rumination and self-doubt that may ultimately result in women choosing to leave STEM. Importantly, we surface the interventional and empowering role that allies play in triggering a redemptive sense-making process that can support women leaders to build resilience and counter the negative effects of microaggressions.

To read the full text, please visit the Springer Link to the Journal of Business Ethics article.


Government $$ Coming

The electric vehicle (EV) market is growing rapidly with the percentage of passenger EVs increasing from currently 3% to 28% by 2030 and 58% by 2040.

In order to support whole-of-government approach to a circular economy and enhance the domestic EV battery supply chain, the US Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced one funding opportunity (DE-FOA-0003303) with up to $30 million new award available to fund 10-15 projects. Those projects are expected to deliver innovative solutions and technologies concerning the following four categories.

  1. Category A seeks innovations in battery cell materials, designs, regeneration methods, and corresponding manufacturing techniques to prolong battery service life.
  2. Category B focuses on battery pack designs, materials, and reversible manufacturing methods as well as fast and safe disassembly techniques to recover manufacturing value of cells and pack components.
  3. Category C prioritizes innovations in cell-level sensing, data analytics, and battery intelligence systems to ensure safety, extend the service life, and manage end-of-life of batteries.
  4. Category D aims to develop technoeconomic, lifecycle, and circularity analysis tools capable of quantifying the impact of the program’s advancements to both justify the adoption of these technologies and inform new business models and opportunities.

Deadline for concept paper submission is 3/12/2024.

Spring Forward and Review Your Safety Checklist

Time to Change the Clocks

Daylight Saving Time begins every year on the second Sunday in March. We "lose" an hour when the clocks are set forward (except in Hawaii and most of Arizona), and for many, that means a tired couple of days as our bodies adjust. The consequences of fatigue can be serious, so plan accordingly.

Daylight Saving Time, which in 2024 begins Sunday, March 10, means it's also a good time to review your spring safety checklist.

Smoke Alarms

Three out of every five home fire deaths result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Test your smoke alarms every month and replace the battery at least once every 10 years. If the alarm makes a "chirping" sound, replace the battery immediately.

Smoke alarms should be in every bedroom and in the common areas on each floor of a home. Mount them at least 10 feet from the stove to reduce false alarms, less than 12 inches from the ceiling and away from windows, doors and ducts.

Smoke alarms can be interconnected wirelessly. That means, when one sounds, they all sound. A Consumer Product Safety Commission survey found this is the best way to notify everyone in a home if there is a fire. Be sure to purchase smoke alarms with the label of a reputable testing agency, like Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Anything that burns fuel can potentially become a source of carbon monoxide, an invisible, odorless gas that can kill. CO alarms should be installed in a central location outside each bedroom and on every level of the home. The safety tips found at this link, Carbon Monoxide - National Safety Council ( detectors  mirror those of smoke alarms: change the batteries, test them and interconnect them, if possible. Also, make sure vents for your gas appliances (fireplace, dryer, stove and furnace) are free and clear of snow or debris.

Family Emergency Plan

The National Safety Council recommends every family have an emergency plan in place in the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event. Spring is a great time to review that plan with family members. Have a home and car emergency kit. The Federal Emergency Management Agency says an emergency kit should include one gallon of water per day for each person, at least a three-day supply of food, flashlight and batteries, first aid kit, filter mask, plastic sheeting and duct tape, and medicines. Visit the FEMA website for a complete list. The emergency plan also should include:

  • A communications plan to outline how your family members will contact one another and where to meet if it's safe to go outside
  • A shelter-in-place plan if outside air is contaminated; FEMA recommends sealing windows, doors and air vents with plastic sheeting
  • A getaway plan including various routes and destinations in different directions

Also, make sure your first aid kit is updated.

Get Rid of Unwanted Medicines

NSC recommends you take unwanted or expired medicines to a prescription drop box or take-back event near you. Or, learn how you can use Stericycle Seal & Send envelopes to send your unwanted medication to be safely destroyed.

Getting the Urge to Clean?

With the warm weather comes a desire to shine and polish your home. But when warning labels are ignored or chemicals fall into the wrong hands, disaster can occur. Learn what you can do to keep your family safe around poisons in the home.

Window Safety

With warmer temperatures arriving, it's important to practice window safety – especially in homes with young children. Find more information about window safety.


Pet Safety

Bella is a mini Bernedoodle, shared with us by her mom, Dianne Nuñez.

Also, being the mom of a sweet furry friend, looking after her is one of my high priorities, too. She is training to be a pet therapy animal, so I want to make sure she is as safe as possible in our home!

Spring Health & Wellness

Brain Injury Awareness Month, held in March each year, was developed by the Brain Injury Association of America to let people know that brain injuries are serious - and more common than you think.

Being struck by another person or object is a leading cause of unintentional injury for teens and young adults ages 15 to 24, according to Injury Facts, and sports-related concussions are a significant contributor.

Don't think it's just football players – or boys – who bang their heads. Girls actually suffer a higher percentage of concussions, according to a report by Safe Kids Worldwide that analyzed sports-related emergency room injury data for children ages 6 to 19 in basketball, cheerleading, football, soccer and 11 other sports.

An estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million athletes annually suffer concussion, according to the Brain Injury Research Institute. Often, cases are underreported and undiagnosed. A study by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows the number of sports-related concussions is highest in high school athletes, but they are significant and on the rise in younger athletes.

Most concussions occur during games, not practices. Few result in loss of consciousness. Protect The Brain breaks down sports concussion facts for all age groups:

  • 10% of all contact-sport athletes sustain concussions yearly
  • Football injuries associated with the brain occur at a rate of one in every 5.5 games
  • 5% of soccer players sustain brain injuries
  • The head is involved in more baseball injuries than any other body part; almost half of injuries involve a child's head, face, mouth or eyes
  • An athlete who sustains concussion is 4-6 times more likely to sustain a second concussion

While most concussions happen during a game, most injuries take place at practice (62%), according to the Youth Sports Safety Alliance. One possible explanation: Parents and coaches don't always take the same precautions for practice as they do for games.

The most common injuries involve sprains and strains, repetitive motion injuries such as stress fractures (girls are eight times more likely to suffer knee injuries than boys), and heat-related illnesses.

Many injuries can be prevented by making a few changes. Stretching before and after practices and games, for example, can release tension and prevent muscle tears and sprains.

The CDC suggests more steps to keep kids safer on the playing fields:

  • Require the use of protective gear, including helmets, wrist guards and knee or elbow pads
  • Make sure sports protective equipment is in good condition and worn correctly
  • Teach children skills such as proper tackling techniques in football and soccer
  • Allow kids time to gradually adjust to hot or humid weather and schedule water breaks
  • Model good behavior by following rules and communicating positive safety messages

Information provided by the National Safety Council of America

WiNUP Social Media

Click on the buttons below to join us there!

Been to the WiNUP website lately? We have a team hard at work behind the scenes making some updates and enhancing the user experience. Go check it out to learn about upcoming events and other WiNUP activities.

The Member Section is a great resource to find WiNUP documents. Check out the Lunch-N-Learn recordings that provide a how to on accessing member profiles, making changes to your profile, etc.

The Membership Directory can help you look up someone that you met at the conference, at a professional development event, or perhaps even someone in your chapter that you would like to reach. Make your own opportunities to network! (Also a mention to review and update your contact information, if needed.)

Check out the Calendar of Events!

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*June meetings to be held in person

Executive Officers 2024


Laura Havis

Immediate Past President

Karen Gilmer

Vice President

Trishia Swayne


Jasmine Gilbert


Mechelle Stanton

Executive Director

Lisa Morinini

Spring Connection 2024

Produced by the WiNUP International Member Publication Committee: Melenda Meazle/Staci Spencer (Co-Chairs), Amber Apodaca, Misty Heldreth, Yidan Lu, Dianne Nuñez, Emily Schilling