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College of Social Sciences San José State University

Commencement Program

Thursday, May 23, 2024, 9:30 a.m. Provident Credit Union Event Center — at San José State University

  • Psychology
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Interdisciplinary Social Sciences


Student Banner Bearers

  • Mia Fagan, ‘24 MS Psychology
  • Aniyah Nichols, ‘24 Psychology, African American Studies

Announcement of the Commencement

Susana Gallardo, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

National Anthem

Rachel Nelson


Anne Marie Todd, Dean, College of Social Sciences


Cynthia Teniente-Matson, President

Congratulations from the SJSU Alumni Association

Janikke Klem, President, Alumni Association Board of Directors

Honorary Degree

The Honorable Kenneth Noel, ’66 BA, ’68 MA, Sociology

Presentation of Candidates

  • Marc D’Alarcao, Dean, College of Graduate Programs
  • Anne Marie Todd, Dean, College of Social Sciences

Conferring of Degrees

Cynthia Teniente-Matson, President

Alma Mater

Rachel Nelson

“Hail, Spartans, Hail”


The Honorable Kenneth Noel, ’66 BA, ’68 MA, Sociology

Kenneth Noel graduated from San José State University in 1966 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. He also earned a master of arts in sociology in 1968. He received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of California in 1980. Dr. Kenneth (Ken) Eugene Noel co-founded the United Black Students for Action (UBSA) at San José State University along with Dr. Harry Edwards, ’64 Sociology, ’16 Honorary Doctorate. The UBSA was formed to address housing segregation, unequal and racist treatment of student-athletes and limited educational opportunities for students of color. Dr. Noel also worked with the College Commitment Program (CCP), which helped recruit students to San Jose State who otherwise may not have had a pathway to college. He was one of the founding members of the Olympic Committee for Human Rights, the organizing body that later formed the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR).


Commencement exercises like today’s ceremony date from the Middle Ages and the traditions of Europe’s first universities. Our graduates and members of the platform party are wearing regalia — robes, hoods and caps — that are likely adapted from the clothing of medieval priests or friars. Spot the differences in the gowns:

  • Presidential gown is adorned with four bars, representing the Office of the President.
  • Doctoral gown has velvet panels down the front and three velvet bars on each of the bell-shaped sleeves. The color of the velvet may indicate the academic discipline.
  • Master’s gown may be worn open and has long sleeves with slits above the elbow.
  • Bachelor’s gown has a closed front and long, pointed sleeves.

Draped over the shoulders, the hood evolved from a priest’s cowl and was often used to carry items — the first backpack, perhaps. The lining colors signify the college or university granting the degree. At San José State, the hood is gold, blue and white. The monk’s skullcap became the mortarboard cap or tam. Black is the accepted cap color in the United States, but many foreign universities have colorful headdresses.

Tassels vary in use and color. At SJSU, the color of tassels for bachelor’s degree candidates represent each college. The colors for the College of Social Sciences is cream.

The Ceremonial Mace

An ornamental staff or scepter, the mace is carried by officials as part of formal parliamentary or academic ceremonies. A gift from the Tower Foundation of SJSU, the university’s ceremonial mace was designed and created by Art and Art History Lecturer Yvonne Escalante, ’13 MFA Spatial Arts . She found inspiration for the design in both SJSU history and the paths students take to reach graduation.

Hail, Spartans, Hail!

Hail, Spartans, Hail! — Hail, gold, blue and white!
We pledge our hearts and hands to keep thy colors ever bright.
Forward we go! We will not fail!
Sing to our Alma Mater,
Hail! Hail! Hail!