Holi Triumph of Good, Blossoming Love, Everything Colorful, Spring & Rejuvenation

Holi, the colorful and playful festival celebrated in spring, holds deep significance in Hindu culture originated and is predominantly celebrated in the Indian subcontinent of India and Nepal. It has also spread to other regions of Asia and parts of the Western world through the Indian diaspora.

The vibrant colors used during Holi represent the joy of life and the diverse hues of nature.

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During Holi, people come together with friends and family to celebrate, regardless of social barriers, as everyone joins in the revelry. The festival is a time for laughter, dancing, and indulging in delicious food and sweets. It fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among people of all ages and backgrounds.

Link to all photos from the Gallery 👉🏽 here

The joy of Holi lies in the freedom it offers to let loose, forget differences, and immerse oneself in the festivities. It's a time to mend relationships, forgive past grievances, and start anew. The playful atmosphere encourages spontaneity and laughter, creating cherished memories for years to come.

Ultimately, Holi is a celebration of joy, love, and togetherness that brings communities closer and spreads happiness far and wide.

The joyous atmosphere and colorful spectacle of Holi often attract people from diverse backgrounds to join in the celebrations. The vibrant energy and sense of unity during Holi are irresistible, drawing in not only Hindus but also people from other cultures and religions who are captivated by the festival's exuberance.

This inclusivity fosters cultural exchange and strengthens bonds within communities as everyone comes together to revel in the spirit of Holi.

The Deputy Sheriffs obliged with a little dash of color

First Holi Celebration in Denver

It's hard to believe, but after over 20 years in Colorado, I finally attended the Holi festival in Denver. This annual celebration was organized by Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of the Rockies. Despite seeing the festival poster at the Indian grocery store year after year, I never took the plunge or had the urge to join in until now.

Something compelled me to make the drive to Denver and experience this vibrant celebration firsthand through my lens. Armed with both of my cameras, I was eager to capture the colorful spectacle of one of India's most prominent festivals in the western setting for the first time.

As a photographer, I initially contented myself with capturing images from a distance, but soon realized that to truly capture the essence of the festival, I needed to get closer. However, I hadn't anticipated the extent to which I'd be “immersed” in the colors myself.

Despite my initial nonchalance about getting colored, I soon found myself sporting bright fuchsia on my distinctive silver-white hair, courtesy of a wayward powder throw as I meandered through the crowd.

Fuchsia Hair

Even with multiple attempts to wash out my colored-hair, the fuchsia (probably synthetic) color stubbornly remained, leaving me feeling somewhat unconventional. I researched and discovered on the internet, the desperation in search for a color reversal is not mine alone. Even after using different shampoos and natural remedies like lemon and lime, the color remained stubborn.

So much for attempting with natural ingredients. I’ll save the remaining for Salsa and a ‘Seven-up’ Lemonade.

Now, as I prepare to attend a conference in Dallas this weekend, I find myself in a humorous dilemma. Whether I choose to don a cowboy hat to complement my boots or embrace my newfound fuchsia-hued hair, one thing's for certain - I'll be turning heads.

I can already envision the amusing labels my friends and peers will affix to me: the "Indian" sporting a cowboy hat or the daring individual with a punk-inspired fuchsia head. Whichever path I choose, I'm bound to stand out in the crowd.

Reflecting on my colorful adventure at Holi, my photographic curiosity has been satiated, and I'm ready to embrace the reactions my unconventional appearance may elicit. After all, why blend in when you can make heads turn - quite literally, in my case!

more photos of Holi celebration

I have captured over four-hundred images of the Holi Celebration in Denver. I have them listed at a nominal sum to download the entire gallery or individual photos, downloadable at a fraction of the typical costs.  👉🏽 Link for all photos at Holi 2024

The official opening day will be sometime in the summer of 2024. All in Good Light Gallery is located at Cross Creek Plaza - 1901 South Main Street, Minturn CO 81645. If you are in town, please visit, it’s partially open!

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For other photo stories, please visit: AllingoodLight.com/essays | Instagram