SHIFT - Ukraine response A transformational humanitarian response programme funded by the DEC, led by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy and delivered by Save the Children, the Innovation Bubble, Alameda, ACAPS, and partners.

The war in Ukraine: impact on the civilian population​

Since February 2022, the situation for children in Ukraine is staying unsafe, with a high need of humanitarian aid and protection. ​

The impact is compounded by the fact that many of the children in the east have already lived through years of conflict since 2014.​


Sustainable Humanitarian Innovation For Transformation

Launched in March 2022, the funding raised by the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal was unprecedented and offered a unique opportunity to implement a two-level humanitarian response. ​Formerly known as Engine 2, SHIFT programme focuses on capacity strengthening and embraces a whole-society approach - delivering learning on how to share power and exploring relationships between all actors helps to achieve system-wide impact.

Gareth Owen, Humanitarian Director, Save the Children UK.
"Ukraine will accelerate necessary change in aid. Everyone's saying the old ways don't work anymore. We're going to create a different way of being: it's about accelerating change." - Gareth Owen

SHIFT - Ukraine response

The HLA’s Eastern Europe Regional Centre based in Poland started operating in March 2022 to strengthen local leadership and civil society organisations, and support technical expertise.

The Regional Centre is driving the shift of the power of handling crises to those most affected and best placed to respond. ​

Warsaw, Poland: Pawel Mania, Kamila Wujec and Katarzyna Bryczkowska workshopping Eastern Europe Regional Centre activities.
Together with our partners in the region, we've delivered 108 live trainings for 2,415 humanitarians and NGO staff since the start of the response. The HLA team has led 72 live trainings with 1,228 participants.

In 2023, the HLA Eastern Europe Regional Centre became the Sphere Standards focal point in Poland. We delivered 5 Sphere trainings, including a 3-day workshop and a Sphere Training of Trainers (ToT), with 80 participants in total. Three more Sphere trainings are planned in November in Poland. We plan to continue spreading knowledge about humanitarian standards in more countries of the region with the support of Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions.

Technical Expertise

We provide contextualised and translated face-to-face and online technical capacity strengthening training to individuals and organisations working to respond to the crisis. This includes training in the areas of Child Protection in Emergencies, Education in Emergencies, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, and more. We provide support to local leaders through training, coaching and mentoring. ​ ​

Education in Emergencies (EiE)

The delivery of the EiE Programme in Ukraine started with the Reflection and Learning workshop: Education in Emergencies in Ukraine in August 2023. Participants who attended the have now completed the Module 1 online learning and have participated in online learning sessions facilitated by the local EiE consultant. In December 2023, they joined the four-day in-person Training of Trainers.

Reflection and Learning workshop: Education in Emergencies in Ukraine, August 2023

We contextualised and translated in Ukrainian 'Foundational Concepts & Frameworks of EiE' online module (4 courses) and Conflict Sensitive Education in Emergencies online course.

Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE):

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) Kaya portal was launched, providing online courses in Ukrainian and Polish. Together with the Alliance, we are planning CPiE trainings in Poland and CPiE Training of Trainers (ToT) in Ukraine.

"The training was revealing for us, introducing new concepts and approaches.​ Your training showed us the weak spots, the moments of risk and allowed us to increase our attention. We realised how important it is to pay attention to details that seem unimportant."​​ - Safeguarding training participant from a Ukrainian school in Poland​.

In February 2023, we ran a three-day training workshop on Sphere Standards in Warsaw, drawing Polish and Ukrainian participants from Save the Children International and representatives from humanitarian NGOs.

Sphere Standards training. Video credit: Sphere Standards, produced by FIHM.

HLA and Plan International supported the development of a Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub for the Ukraine Response, to support aid sector organisations to strengthen their safeguarding policy and practice against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment.

Public Health in Emergencies (PHiE) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

  • We started 'Programme Management for WASH Providers' course.
  • Management of Paediatric Blast Injuries – webinar series page and first self-directed module to launch by end of 2023.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)

We supported the development of MHPSS Collaborative course on Kaya in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, and Hungarian.

Local leadership​

We're working to create a pool of local trainers and mentors and coaches to deliver capacity strengthening programmes in the region, in local languages. We delivered the Humanitarian Operations Programme Training of Trainers, preparing 6 local coaches, who now continue to facilitate delivery of these trainings in Polish for local humanitarians.

Providing vital knowledge and uniting humanitarians – HOP training in Poland

Humanitarian Operations Programme (HOP) Core training in Warsaw, March 2023

In 2024, we plan to launch FIELD Management training programme in Ukraine and Poland.

The Across Organisational Mentoring Programme (AOMP) harnesses the expertise of the team at Coach Mentoring Ltd together with Save the Children UK and the HLA. The AOMP is connecting individuals across participating humanitarian and development organisations in the region, drawing on experience across the sector to support professional development through mentoring.

With our support and funding the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership (CHL) delivered three Crisis Leadership Programme courses in Poland by local trainers. This resulted in 59 graduates from the region.

Magdalena Joanna Sielska​, Crisis Leadership Programme (CLP) participant.​ President of the Foundation for Integration and Development of Foreigners in Poland.
"In mid-December 2022, I completed the 3-month Crisis Leadership Program (CLP ). I met amazing people working on a daily basis in Poland, but above all in Ukraine, leaders, modest, hardworking and determined to help children, adults, victims of the war in Ukraine. It is a great privilege to meet seemingly ordinary people doing extraordinary things for others."​ - Magdalena Joanna Sielska

We're implementing a radical new leadership approach: Eco Mutualism

We're working in partnership with the Eco-Leadership Institute to support and pilot the delivery of a high impact leadership development process for leaders that includes co-creating ecosystems of development, connecting and sharing best practices, knowledge, and lessons learnt in communities of practice.

In October 2022, the HLA team travelled to Poland with Dr Simon Western from the Eco-Leadership Institute for a scoping exercise to inform the design of a leadership ecosystem, which will provide developmental opportunities and on-demand support to leaders on the ground in Ukraine and across the region.

The team shared insightful discussions with local NGOs and organisations in Krakow and Warsaw and had the opportunity to visit a Save the Children International-funded project - a Krakow school set up by the Unbreakable Ukraine Foundation which provides uninterrupted schooling for Ukrainian children who had to leave their homes due to the war.

Main photo: Dr Simon Western with the HLA team on a scoping visit to Poland. The group is pictured at a Ukrainian school which is run by Save the Children partner Unbreakable Ukraine in Krakow. Pictured above: Visit to Salam Lab which provides aid-intervention, educational activities and media coverage.

In November 2023, together with The Eco-Leadership Institute and Save the Children, the Humanitarian Leadership Academy organised an experiential learning event ‘The Leadership Game’. We gathered 60 humanitarian sector and civil society leaders from Eastern Europe to develop personal leadership mastery, and team effectiveness with the help of experienced consultants, expert analysis, feedback and coaching.

The Leadership Game - experiential learning event, Warsaw, November 2023

Strengthening Civil Society

We've established relationships with 81 NGOs, governmental entities, and volunteer groups to build a strong network responding to the crisis.

We co-chair the Capacity Strengthening Task Force in partnership with RedR, International Medical Corps, and Plan International. This Task Force aims to map and share learning opportunities, monitor learning needs, and provide learning and development support to individuals and organisations in Poland.

We're also setting up a Capacity Strengthening Fund in Ukraine to provide grants to local actors to enable them to improve their effectiveness, efficiency and/or resilience and sustainability.

Listen to our podcast episode 'Civil Society Strengthening in Eastern Europe' with Olga Nikolska, the Program Director of Culture of Philanthropy Development at Civil Society Organisation Ednannia, and Pawel Mania, the Deputy Director for Transformational Response at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy.

Response Learning Hub

We've developed the Response Learning Hub, which is an online catalogue linking to virtual and face-to-face capacity strengthening resources in multiple languages.

The Response Learning Hub provides free tailored learning resources for humanitarian workers and volunteers involved in the Ukraine response

Since the start of the escalation of the crisis we've translated almost 150 courses. Resources cover a range of topics including Humanitarian Essentials, Cash and Voucher Assistance, and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support.

We're continuously adding new resources and translating content into Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, French and Spanish.

Ukraine and Poland are remaining in top-10 countries with 3,884 users (7,394 views) from Ukraine and 613 users (2,191 views) from Poland.

Olga Vaskovets, Information Management Officer, Food Security Cluster, Kyiv, Ukraine.
"When I was working at the International Rescue Committee, I took various trainings on the Kaya platform. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a LinkedIn notification that the courses I was going to take are now available in Ukrainian. I think this supports the Ukrainian humanitarian response sector, which is so important nowadays. I plan to take the MEAL and Education in Emergency courses, as it is related to my next project." - Olga Vaskovets
Since the start of the onset of the crisis, 15,644 learners from the region have successfully completed courses on our digital learning platform Kaya ( Ukraine ( 4799), Poland (2011), Romania (1383), Moldova (1606), Lithuania (1121), Hungary (1189), Czechia (1225), Slovakia (1199), Slovenia (1111).

The Innovation Hive is finding, testing, and scaling innovations that create impact for children

Save the Children's Innovation Hive (formerly the Innovation Bubble) accelerates future-focused experiments which deliver scalable impact for children, and sustainable new income streams.

The Innovation Hive uses Save the Children UK's (SCUK) connections, networks, influence and expertise, in collaboration with the global Save the Children movement and external partners, to challenge the status quo and deliver transformational change for children.

Max Baiden,​ Senior Innovation Manager​, Innovation Bubble.
"Indigenous entrepreneurs have the ability to radically re-build Ukraine towards a sustainable future. The work of the Innovation Bubble, and its partners in Ukraine, is to invest in and innovate alongside these entrepreneurs to unlock their untapped potential." - Max Baiden
Save the Children’s Enterprise Studio - together with core partner CIVIC - is supporting impact-driven entrepreneurs by helping them to adapt, respond, pivot and grow their business towards having more social impact.

Through the Enterprise Studio, the Innovation Hive is providing cash grants and business support.

Save the Children’s Enterprise Studio work re-imagines humanitarian response by providing grants, financial investments and other bespoke non-financial support, including professional advice and services, to impact-driven entrepreneurs.

The HLA is delivering evidence in the area of capacity strengthening and localisation

The HLA is identifying the evidence gaps and key research questions on the transformational aspects of the response to the Ukraine crisis. ​​

The HLA will continue to build and strengthen our networks in the region to deliver evidence on how to include and meaningfully support local organisations in Eastern Europe responding to the Ukraine crisis. ​

Together with Save the Children, we commissioned the report by the LSE Department of International Development 'Transformational Humanitarian Response: The Example of Poland'. It is now available in Polish and English.

Read the Expert Opinion article, discussing the key findings of the report:

Expert opinion: Transformational Humanitarian Response to the Ukraine refugee crisis in Poland - Humanitarian Leadership Academy

Alameda is producing locally-led research to influence and contribute to international policy

Alameda, hosted by Save the Children UK, is a new strategic research institute. It will analyse the role of popular mobilisations in the transformation of civil society in post-Soviet republics, exploring the implications for humanitarian action in the country today. It will also address challenges for humanitarian reform and localisation in the context of the war in Ukraine.

Alameda’s core activity consists of the selection, supervision, and promotion of research projects aligned with its proposition. This provides the basis for the efforts to influence the strategy of activists and organisers, as well as policy-makers.

Alameda connects individuals and organisations within its network, promoting collaboration that can contribute to a collective understanding of large-scale social transformations and their implications for political strategy.

Alameda published a dossier ‘The War in Ukraine and the Question of Internationalism’

Juliano Fiori, Director, Alameda.
"In a time of transition, confirmed by the war in Ukraine, Alameda will contribute to a deeper understanding of the circumstances conditioning aid. As such, it will complement the other Engine 2 activities aimed at improving humanitarian practice today and in the future." - Juliano Fiori

ACAPS is providing independent and locally sourced analysis to improve decision-making in the humanitarian response

Save the Children is funding ACAPS, an independent information provider that specialise in humanitarian needs analysis and assessment. ​

ACAPS is producing regular datasets and thematic reports to increase an understanding of the severity of the crisis, scale of humanitarian needs, access situation, displacement, and coordination between international and local response to ensure humanitarian responders and organisations can access and utilise the published data and thematic products in support of the planning and implementation of their humanitarian response.

ACAPS provides technical support and capacity strengthening to local and international organisations in data and analysis related topics.

Samantha Davis, Deputy Director - Learning and Programmes
"I see Engine 2 as being an enabler, giving us the opportunity and permission to be much more forward-looking, really focusing on strategic and innovative solutions to support locally-led humanitarian action." - Samantha Davis

Further information

For enquiries related to SHIFT programme, please get in touch with the HLA Programme Management team:

Deputy Director - Impact & Influence

Pawel Mania

Programme Team Lead (Impact & Influence)

Amr Kamel

Programme Advisor

Chiman Amin

Research & Evaluation Specialist

Elisa Sandri

Communications Officer

Oksana Dobrovolska

This story pack was produced by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy in March 2023. Last updated: 13 March 2024

Engine 2 is funded by DEC/UK Aid, led by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy and delivered by Save the Children, Alameda, the Innovation Bubble, ACAPs, and partners.