
Forden School 17th november 2023

Christmas Fayre

Thank you for all donations received so far. Please send donations for the bottle stall, Christmas stall or raffle into school.


Congratulations to Lucy D, Jobitha, Joslin, Neive and Ethan for completing a level on Lexia. Da iawn.

Criw Cymraeg

Heddiw, mae siaradwyr yr wythnos yn dosbarth Bedwen ydy Eloise, yn Collen ydy Letti ac yn dosbarth Ysgawen ydy Evie. Da iawn pawb.

Online Safety

Follow the links below - information for parents to keep children safe online.

ALN - parent drop-in sessions

The Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Inclusion Team are trialling Virtual Parent Drop Ins. These will be run by members of the Early Years and School’s ALN Teams. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss any ALN questions you may have and meet the team. The first session will take place on Thursday 30th November 12-2pm. Please click the link below to access the session.

Governor Vacancies

We have two vacancies on our governing body for Community Governors. These can be any member of the community and do not need to have a connection to the school. If you know of someone in Forden who has the skills or experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school, and would like this opportunity to help direct the strategic direction of the school, please contact Mrs Fowler.


Dates for your diary

Next week: 20-24th November

  • Wednesday Collen outdoor learning session (Please bring coat & wellies)
  • Wednesday 3:15-3:30 Open School - come in and see your child's work
  • Wednesday 3:15-3:30 Uniform swap in school library
  • Thursday Collen swimming (4/6)
  • Thursday Christmas Fayre 6-8pm,- all welcome
  • Friday Collen & Bedwen outdoor learning session (Please bring coat and wellies)

Friday 1st December Bring and Buy sale

Thursday 7th December Christmas dinner

Thursday 14th December Whole school Christmas play (1:30pm & 6pm)

Wednesday 20th December Whole school visit to Theatre Severn - pantomime

Thursday 21st December Christmas parties / last day of term

Friday 22nd December - Monday 8th January Christmas Holidays

Tuesday 9th January 2024 Return to school