Before we get on to the pirate stuff, a very quick update on the caterpillars. Look, they have become chrysalises!
There has been a flurry of pirate flags, treasure hunting and children whizzing past shouting 'Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!'. We are in full flow exploration of pirates, mermaids and everything fantasy related to the seaside.
You might have noticed it has been hot this week. We've been developing our physical strength outside through play and when possible seeking shade. Please remember to apply sunscreen to your child in the morning. Working our fine motor muscles by threading cheerios on to string in the cool of the shelter has been popular.
We are proud to be displaying our artwork in a gallery in the hall next week. The children have taken great pride in creating their art.
A huge thank you to Mrs King for inviting us to the science fair in school this week. We explored a range of scientific investigations in a hands on manner, it was fantastic!